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Only here for Ukraine.
LabRat 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Profile picture Eyckelenburgher Profile picture ✙ Dymtrus WhatSpecialOperationDoing? ✙ Profile picture Garden of the East Profile picture GoLightly Profile picture 8 subscribed
Jun 29 18 tweets 8 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Ukraine has long been a diverse land of many peoples and cultures. Today, we delve into a lesser-known chapter of Ukrainian history. Rus is often credited as the earliest Norse-Ukrainian link, today we focus on ancient on Gothic Ukraine! 1/17 Image From the early 1st century AD, Ukraine was inhabited by various peoples including the Scythians (I will write about in a later thread), the Sarmatians and even the Celts. By the 3rd century AD, a new Germanic people, known as the Goths came to dominate the Ukrainian Steppe. 2/17Image
Jun 22 20 tweets 10 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! An often repeated russian lie is "Ukraine didn't exist before 1991". Ukraine's state has roots going back to the early Kingdom of Rus in 1253. Today we will discuss the creation of the first modern Ukrainian state(s) in the 20th century! 1/19 Image The foundations of the Ukrainian state were established by the Hromada, formed in Ukraine shortly after the Crimean War. In Hapsburg ruled Ukraine, in 1848 during the Spring of Nations, Ukrainians formed the Supreme Ruthenian Council whose goal was autonomy for Ukraine. 2/19

Mar 24 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! A key component of russian propaganda and slander is that Ukraine is not a real state. Despite being demonstrably false, this lie is used as a means to cover up russia's own stolen history - which is today's topic, Russia's stolen history. 1/16 Image Modern russia is a kleptocracy, not only economically and politically. Every aspect of its history has been stolen, covered up or misappropriated. Even the name "russia" is a 16th century heist of "Rus" which Ukraine is the rightful inheritor 2/16:
Feb 10 26 tweets 11 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today let's talk about the single most misappropriated and manipulated aspect of Ukrainian history by the muscovites. One of the most powerful state in Europe in the 11th century and the predecessor state to Ukraine - KYIVAN RUS! 1/22 Image Not only has russia misappropriated the historic and cultural legacy of Rus, it has stolen the name Rus itself in an attempt to justify its imperial ambitions in Ukraine. Navigating through this stolen history will reveals why muscovy has sought to destroy Ukraine. 2/22 Image
Dec 30, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Well. Its time. The big one. The one you have all been waiting for. The most controversial figure in Ukrainian history. A hero to some. A monster to others - here is part 2 to my thread on Stepan Andriyovych Bandera and the OUN. 1/24 Image Before you continue, please ensure you read Part 1 - the Prologue. There is important historical context and information that you must understand before proceeding. 2/24
Dec 10, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! For much of its history following the fall of Rus, Ukraine was occupied by foreign powers. As a result, Ukrainians became masters at underground resistance and partisan warfare. Which is today's topic - the Ukrainian underground resistance! 1/21 Image For centuries the Ukrainian identity, language and culture was suppressed and illegal. The Ukrainian national movement was conducted through secret societies such as Orthodox Bratsvo, Hromada and even Freemasons like "Palitsynska Akademia" whose goal was a free Ukraine. 2/21 Image
Oct 29, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
🎃FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Its spooky season once again. In the festive spirit I'm adding to my Halloween themed thread from last year. Today we will be talking about some mythological creatures from Ukrainian literature and tradition! 1/13 Image For those who missed it, here is last years post! 2/13
Oct 21, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AHWILE AND LISTEN! Today we will be discussing the Jewish history of Ukraine! To say this topic is complicated is an understatement. But understanding this integral aspect of Ukrainian history is fundamental to our rich country. 1/25 Image Today many Jewish Ukrainians are seeing two of their homelands torn apart by war. Today's thread is dedicated to them - in particular my Jewish brothers and sisters @LernerIsaak @russianjewess and @alchi93. May God grant us peace. 2/25
Sep 30, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Many of you know my passion for history. But I am a lawyer by profession. Today, I want to change it up and discuss the clearest case of genocide since the Holocaust and Rwanda - the current russian genocide in Ukraine. 1/25 Image I dedicate this post to every Ukrainian who has suffered in this war. I promise you, we will have our justice. We will never forgive. We will never forget. We will never stop until those who have committed these crimes will be held accountable. 2/25 Image
Sep 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! I have the day off and instead of resting I did this thread. I want to discuss the importance of understanding history from multiple view points. The origin of a source sometimes is more telling than the content of the source itself. 1/13 The next couple weeks I will be discussing Bandera, UPA and other controversial topics. The goal is not necessarily to convince you they were heroes or villains, but to give you a more complete view which features the largely ignored Ukrainian perspective. 2/13
Sep 3, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today I wanted to dedicate some time debunking russia's most prevalent myth, the "Ukrainian nazi" myth. Without a doubt this is the most widespread, destructive, misleading and hypocritical lie spread by russia. 1/25 Image As stated by Vaad, a Jewish Ukrainian, to the Jerusalem Post in 2016, "It must be clearly understood; there is no kind of 'neo-Nazi Ukrainian militia' now. Azov is a regular military unit". 20/25
Aug 27, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Last week we discussed the history of how Ukraine ruled the seas, now we will discuss how Ukraine dominated the skies. In light of the incoming F-16s, today we discuss the history of the UKRAINIAN AIRFORCE! 1/ Image Today's thread is dedicated to my friend @SaloSavant. A good friend and a massive supporter of Ukraine.

For today's fundraiser, sending my support to my friends at @Ravens_of_Hope, check it out! 2/
Aug 23, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
🪙FELLAS! Well. What another successful Toonie Tuesday (theres still time!) I don't have the official numbers yet, but given the amazing reaction today - I'm sure it was an incredible one. Once again, all of your help truly made a difference today! 1/12 Thank you for making this such a success. All of your contributions - whether it be donations, creative boosts, retweets, comments etc are the reason why Toonie Tuesday is not only an effective fundraiser but a special NAFO tradition. Together we are stronger. 2/12
Aug 19, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! The modern Ukrainian armed forces have a long proud history and linage. One such proud history is found in the seas. Ukrainians ruled the sea through innovation. Today we learn the history of THE UKRAINIAN NAVY!! 1/17 Image Today's thread is dedicated to my dear friend @GoneSailingNow Thank you for your support! You rock fella.

For today's charity, we will be supporting @LibertyUkraineF and @TonyaLevchuk! We have something special, check out my other thread for more details! 2/17 Image
Aug 12, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
🧵STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! I am VERY excited about Today's topic. This is something dear to my heart and to Ukraine. It is iconic, beautiful and exciting. It is an expression of our nature, identity and our unique history. Today we discuss - UKRAINIAN DANCE! 1/20 Image Today's thread is dedicated to my friend @Wendehopes! Big shout out to her and her amazing work with @NAFOArmories! Fellas - support both! They are doing incredible work for Ukraine! 2/20
Aug 7, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Ukraine's history is rich with revolutionaries and heroes fighting for freedom. Today's topic discusses one such brave hero. A man who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. A hero immortalized in Ukrainian folklore - Ustym Karmaliuk. 1/15 Image Today's thread is dedicated to our brave Ukrainian volunteers who day in and day out support our fight for freedom. In particular, I dedicate this to @jana_skhidna and @Oksii33.

Please support Yana's current fundraiser below: 2/15
Jul 23, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today I wan to talk about an incredible city. Beautiful. Strong. Patriotic. A city with the most amazingly wonderful Ukrainians. A city more magnificent than Barcelona - Odessa! 1/17 Image Today's thread is dedicated to @tatyanaodesssa @antoninaodessa @oleg_veretskiy @KateGoesTech and all of the incredible Odesans.

For today's charity, please donate or support any helping Odesa. Tatyana, Antonina and Oleg each do wonderful work for Ukraine. 2/17
Jul 12, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today, lets talk about a topic that the russians absolutely love - nazi collaborators in World War II. Specifically lets talk about one of the most enthusiastic collaborators, the russians. Their modern flag is quite literally a nazi flag. 1/11

Thousands of Hilfswilliger ("those willing") joined the ranks of the nazis. Unlike other units, russian nazis served directly under German commanders. These russian soldiers were predominantly made up of surrendered or deserting troops of the red army. 2/11
Jul 8, 2023 25 tweets 11 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today's thread is dedicated to the most beautiful city in the world. A city rich of history, culture and diversity. A city of many names. The beating heart of Ukrainian patriotism and the jewel in the crown of Ukrainian cities - Lviv. 1/18 This thread is dedicated to my beautiful wife. Born and raised in Lviv. I love you.

For today's charity, please check out @NAFO_Sloski new shop . All proceeds will go to Ukrainian charities: https://t.co/vEjXksYxWw 2/18 https://t.co/eEHJb4Z0Ihsloskithreads.com

Jun 25, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! In the theme of the recent "coup", today I will discuss a true revolution. One that is integral to understanding the current war. A heroic fight to break the chains of corruption - Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity of 2013/14. 1/21 Today's tread is dedicated to my friends at @Ravens_of_Hope. Not only are these two awesome, but they do incredible work in Ukraine. Please send some love and support to these Ukrainian legends! 2/21
Jun 18, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
🧵FELLAS! STAY AWHILE AND LISTEN! Today we will be talking about more recent history in Ukraine. A time when ordinary men and women stood up to evil when no one else could. Today I talk about the heroic Volunteer Battalions of 2014, the original heroes of modern Ukraine. 1/19 Image This thread is dedicated to my fellas. I want to reemphasize how important you all are. Times have been tough as of late, but you all rock.

For today's charity, please assist raising funds for drones in the counter offensive, thank you @Oksii33 2/19