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Feb 25, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Sagittarius, Aires and Gemini: you’re purging old habits that might of been keeping you in the same cycles. Your guides are asking you to let certain people or things go, but it’s always a battle of “why” you know why... so many good things are coming to you but You wouldn’t even know unless you let things rest. You might of recently gotten a confirmation of a manifestation you’ve been wanting . You can’t get it unless you let things stay in the past. You’ve recently been faced with a a lot of troubles. Don’t worry it’s only temporary.
Feb 25, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Aquarius, Leo and Virgo.
Some of you are leaving something in the past if that be a job or a person, I’m feeling this could of been a person who didn’t know how to respect boundaries or understand what they were. You’ve been getting messages to let this person go But it’s like you want to stay and try to work things out. I can tell you right now this person doesn’t value you or your relationship . Your guides are upset because they know that you know you deserve better but you’re so stuck on the present. Stop trying to be the meditator
Feb 25, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for: Cancer, Taurus and Libra.
You and someone work chaotically well together, it’s like mixing fire and gasoline but together you two are a dynamic duo, could be twin flames. One of you are currently running from this connection due to fear, and the other one is trying To repair what was lost, I’m feeling you two had a falling out which resulted in some unsaid things that are left in the air. Someone is coming in with a truce or apology of some sort. They miss the connection you two had. They saw you as dependable, smart and funny. They have
Feb 25, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for: Capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio.
You left a mark on someone’s heart, it’s like you’re all they think about. They want to talk it out because they feel like if they talk things out maybe things will go more smoothly. You and this person might of bumped heads in the Past, it’s like they wanted to be free and you wanted them to stay. You eventually let them go and now they realized they messed things up. They want to come in and talk things out but they fear that you’re holding a grudge, some of you might be. If you want things to work out
Feb 23, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Cancer, Taurus, and Sagittarius: you feel like no one understands you and you feel like you might never find love. You want something new and fresh. You’re tired of these harsh lessons that come across you all the time. You’re getting new love, I’m feeling This could be someone new or old but either way this is something so pure and something that will make you believe in love again. I’m feeling you might see yourself as high maintenance, you’re not for the right person. You’re coming in with a soulmate a new one or old one
Feb 23, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Gemini, Leo and Aires.
You guys are dealing with someone who has a hard time opening up, it’s like when they do so, it’s only for a split second. Let them be. They’re learning to trust and it’s taking longer than you expected. Things will get better for This connection. You might be feeling some sort of frustration with this connection and feel lost. Don’t worry things aren’t going to go downhill. This person loves you more than you’ll ever know. They just don’t know how to tell you and they say the wrong things the only thing
Feb 23, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces, Sun,moon,rising and Venus.
Some of you are in this dead end cycle that needs to end, you’re fighting the ending because you feel like so much time was invested, it’s the end and you have to admit that. You’re fighting the universe and You’re not going to win. Give it a rest please. You’re being asked to sit down and take a rest, this connection is tiring you both out. So many good things will come once you let them go. Things aren’t the same and won’t be for a long time. Wake up and smell the roses please.
Feb 23, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius, Sun, moon, rising and Venus.and You might be missing someone who you thought you were done with, you wanted to leave things alone but it’s like you’re drawn to them. You miss them and you beat yourself about it. You can’t help but think About what transpired, I feel like when you and this person were involved you felt like you weren’t compatible anymore and now you look back at it you realize, they were the one. You feel trapped in your own feelings and would rather forget they exist. You would rather
Feb 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for Taurus, Pisces and Aquarius: Someone is asking you to wait for them, but you know that that’s not going to happen, I’m feeling you’re feeling quite conflicted. You know this person is toxic and could possibly not even bother to change. This person can be quite Persuasive, and you know this. Your guides are putting the ball in your court because regardless of what you choice you make they want you to be happy with you make. You’re going to come into some sort of period of turmoil because you feel as if you won’t make the right decision
Feb 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Someone is wondering what is going on with you guys, it’s like you’re scared to open up so you’d rather be in some stagnant ass energy. You’re scared to talk about what makes you happy. You know that this connection is something Divine, the more you run the more the universe is going to put you in the same place. Learn to open up please, this person isn’t going to hurt you. You might have some sort of history with them too. Don’t let old issues determine a new future. Open hour heart up and see
Feb 20, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
💌Cancer, Gemini and Scorpio.
I’m feeling you’re going to be gaining clarity, about something. Someone might of played you out to be the villain in their story with you. When they know that you were nothing but good to them, I’m feeling this person might be confused with you guys It’s like they’re one foot in the door and one foot out. They know what they want and that’s you but they don’t know how to get to it. You might be dreaming of this person or they could be dreaming of you. I’m feeling your guides are holding your hands through this journey,
Feb 18, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
💌Message for: Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus: you guys are tired of the challenges life is giving you. It’s like you’re ready to give up. You can’t right now. Spirit is testing you and you’re passing. You might feel like everything might be blowing up In your face. You need to Trust your guides, some of you might be dealing with some sort of buisness venture and it’s not flowing the way you want. I’m seeing so much abundance coming in April/ May. Let things flow. Some of you might be dealing with some sort of stubborn love interest. They’re teaching
Feb 18, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for: Gemini, Leo and Aires.
I’m feeling you feel lost in so many places in life or in love. It’s like no matter what you do things go left. I’m sending a frustration coming from y’all. When it comes to a job or a connection. Some of you aren’t satisfied with where You’re currently working. Also you’re disappointed because the person you’re thinking about hasn’t called or texted. So many things are going on for you guys. I’m feeling you’re moving soon to maybe change things up, I’m also feeling that you’re going to be having a new
Feb 18, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius.
Someone is just NOW realizing that things are over between you two and they’re not leaving things done without a fight. They realized that you two are connected in some type of way whether that be soulmates or twinflames, I’m feeling They might of been digging into spirituality trying to figure out why things are the way they are. They’ve been looking at your twitter. I’m feeling that they know things might of took a turn but it’s like they won’t give it up. I’m feeling that things haven’t been Finished-
Feb 18, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for: Scorpio , Aquarius and libra. Someone is thinking about the intimate times you guys might of had, they’re thinking about what went wrong. They’re realizing that the issue was vulnerability, and trust. They want to talk about the past but they’re not sure where To start. I’m feeling that you guys might of been each-others first or first time. They realize they have these unaddressed feelings. I’m sensing a hint of regret. You two have some unaddressed tension. I’m feeling that you or them have been wanting to reach out but it’s like
Feb 16, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for: Taurus, libra and Scorpio: Someone is coming back into your life, someone you’re missing. I’m feeling like things are Rocky between you two as of right now. Some unspoken feelings are being held on to strong. You need to let those feelings out. You two still love Eachother, and you’re acting like you’re not. Things will look up once you two hash this out and talk. Some of you might be using other people as distractions. You guys are trying to fill some sort of hole on this person can fill. Stop running. The more you run the more the
Feb 11, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
💌Message for Scorpio, Aires and Capricorn: Some of you are dealing with someone who’s afraid to tell you their feelings, it’s like they rather walk with their head down instead of telling you their feelings. They’ve been watching your social media admiring you. They want to tell You so badly how beautiful you are but it’s like something is holding them back. They’re becoming impatient with themselves because they know that time is ticking especially since Valentine’s Day is coming up. They’re scared that someone might be taking you out this year instead