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Marine, Combat Vet, Writer @GatewayPundit, Podcast @BadlandsMedia_ Opinions are my own For news tips, email
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Dec 14, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 ActBlue, et al Campaign Money Laundering Thread (the one being investigated by Congress)

Now, lets break some news:

In the past few weeks (and overall, the last year), @RepBryanSteil @RepJamesComer and @Jim_Jordan as well as @marcorubio have been looking into ActBlue, among others, for campaign money laundering using foreign gift cards to launder money to political campaigns.

@PeterBernegger and his team originally discovered this massive money laundering operation. It was reported on by @OKeefeMedia and @JamesOKeefeIII.

They called it "Smurfing"

This thread will disclose some new information Peter broke on our podcast last night, Why We Vote, with @AsheinAmerica and @BadlandsMedia_

**All of this information can be validated yourself by visiting Peter's website (electionwatch info) or going to FEC gov and searching your zip code for people over the age of 65 and either unemployed or retired.

Download the spreadsheet and sort the donations by name to see what's going on in your zip code.

Remember: this is ALL GOV'T SUPPLIED DATA from the FEC!

@jsolomonReports @JustTheNews @gatewaypundit @dbongino @KanekoaTheGreat @BehizyTweets @SeanParnellUSA @TalkMullins @mattgaetz This past week, @JustTheNews published an article about Rep. Steils investigation.

In it, ActBlue claimed that in September, they changed their data capture to require the CVV numbers on credit cards be submitted.

But did that make a difference?? Nope. It was a semantics game.

Here what Peter had to say:
Oct 30, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵. This is the most significant security lapse I’ve seen thus far in our elections.

These people are absolutely disgusting.

CO SOS Jena Griswold is playing semantics here. A definition “pretzel” over her office leaking 600 BIOS passwords for voting systems in all but one county in Colorado.

They didn’t technically publish the VOTING SYSTEM passwords, they leaked the BIOS passwords (arguably worse as BIOS controls things like devices allowable, internet connectivity, etc).

The passwords were NOT partial.

@gatewaypundit published PARTIAL passwords because most of the passwords they published were redacted.

Griswold’s leak was NOT redacted.

However, since they didn’t also leak the operating system password, just the BIOS password, she considers it “partial”.

This is MIND BLOWING how she is deliberately misleading the public to save her own ass.

Tina Peters is in prison for 8.5 years for far less.

H/T @AsheinAmerica

@dbongino @BehizyTweets @patel_patriot @ScottAdamsSays @KanekoaTheGreat Apparently, publishing BIOS passwords but not the operating system passwords is not a threat.

Let’s ask an expert. @ParikhClay what could you do with the BIOS passwords to interfere in the safe operation of an election?

@PatriotMarkCook care to chime in as well?
Sep 30, 2024 29 tweets 10 min read
DeKalb Co GOP chair @MarciMcCarthyUS lays out her argument for a prayer for relief regarding tabulators using a non-verifiable QR code to tabulate votes. This cannot be confirmed as being properly read by the voter.

This hearing today is packed full of information thus far! Will thread it here over the next day or two. Not pertinent to the case, but gotta give a hat tip and a Semper Fi to @ParikhClay for this response!! 😂😂
Jul 17, 2024 161 tweets 27 min read
Live tweeting Day 3 of the swamp NGOs vs the Grassroots.

CO NAACP et al v Shawn Smith et al.

On the stand to start is the CO League of Women Voters Beth Hendricks Cross-examination from Kasun’s counsel:

does the fact Kasun calls herself a cofounder imply she can terminate people? Train people?

I assume so.

Do you know if she asked any voters to confirm their address?

I don’t know.
Jul 16, 2024 175 tweets 24 min read
Day 2 live-tweet of CO NAACP v Shawn Smith et al.

This is a case brought by NAACP to stop core political speech of grassroots activists by enjoining them from being able to canvass voters after an election.

Note: all tweets are (mostly) paraphrased responses. Ashe Epp back on the stand. Defendants counsel questioning.

Is it fair to say you never intended to threaten intimidate coerce any voter? Or attempting to vote?

Jul 15, 2024 87 tweets 14 min read
Live tweet (may not be able to post live but notes are live) of a significant Free Speech case in CO with @AsheinAmerica @ShawnSmith1776 and @Cholly

The basis is that they are being sued by a faction of the NAACP for canvassing voters and asking by what method they voted.

This is established constitutionally protected speech.

Ashe is representing herself while Colonel Smith and Holly Kasun have obtained counsel.

Here we go: Col Shawn Smith sworn in as first witness from plaintiff.

Founded Cause of America founding to promote election integrity. Not exactly the same as USEIP (previous co-defendant but dismissed)

Retired from active duty in 2017. Still in inactive reserve status.

Reached O-6 (Colonel) rank.
Jun 3, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵 If you missed Friday's Why We Vote podcast with @AsheinAmerica and special guest @PeterBernegger, here's a recap:

We started out talking about the origins of the campaign donation smurfing scheme that Peter, @immutablechrist and the rest of their team uncovered

Check out Peter's website at

Full podcast here:… When asked why no one is investigating this, Peter told us they got some strongly worded letters from Sen Rubio and an effort to bring the FEC to a hearing by Sen Ron Johnson, which the FEC backed out of...

Why are these Senators writing letters and not bills? Why are they calling them in voluntarily instead of subpoenaing them?

Since when does the bureaucracy dictate to our Legislature?? Oh ya...#DeepState
Mar 26, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ Remember that "Cabal" that "fortified" the 2020 Election, according to TIME Magazine??

You'll wanna read this now that we don't get banned for talking about it! This will be a re-run for many...and I will probably add to this as the days go.

Here we go:

From Breitbart's @mboyle1 today:

"The Tides Foundation’s public filings from 2018 to 2022 show the Soros-funded organization has given more than $12 million to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation over that five-year span. In 2018, the Tides Foundation gave the Chamber’s foundation $450,000. In 2019, Tides gave the Chamber group $1,450,000. It gave another $100,000 in 2020, followed by $10 million in 2021 and another $175,885 in 2022. That totals $12,175,885 in a five-year span."… 2/ So the Tides Foundation gives $10 million to the Chamber of Commerce Foundation just after the 2020 Election, which is more than seven times their 2019 donation and 100 times their 2020 donation?

Does Tides have any other interesting connections?? (of course they do!)
Nov 13, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵 1/ Georgia Election Thread:

John Eastman said this on Jan 6.

I'll explain why that could be so significant to what happened in Georgia, and maybe elsewhere.

This is not just important for election integrity, but also for the indictment of @hw_floyd and @realDonaldTrump 2/ On Oct 26, 2021, almost a year later, the TN Sec. State sent a report to the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) about "an anomaly" during a municipal election on Dominion tabulators.

7 of 18 tabulators *did not match the number of ballots scanned.*…
Sep 13, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/14
Joe Biden is in BIG trouble...hear me out...

Yesterday, @SpeakerMcCarthy announced a unilateral impeachment inquiry w/o a vote...something he ripped on his predecessor for in 2019.

Full disclosure: I disagree with impeaching Joe, however, I had one stipulation to that! On 8/29, @gregkellyusa teased "incontrovertible evidence" of Joe Biden's corruption and said it will be made public sometime before Halloween.

On 9/11, Joe Biden announced he was "unfreezing" $6B in Iranian funds...Great timing, Joe 🙄. 9/11 of all days...No visit to NYC??
Sep 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Fulton Co. deleted evidence, against state and federal law, that would not just exonerate President Trump in Willis’s case, but based on the Cast Vote Record for those deleted files, it would prove Trump won Georgia by >2,000 votes.

Phony Willis’s election Aug 2020 is in question, too.

We’ll bring the Cast Vote Record. Hopefully Fulton can bring the ballot images or physical ballots.

@realLizUSA @KevinMoncla @DavidShafer @hw_floyd @barnes_law @dbongino For some reason, the first post cut out this one (it's the page above the ones listed in the first post): Image
Aug 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ 1960 Election precedent was set when an alternate slate of electors was sent. There was no distinguishing notations of being an “alternate” slate of electors.

The electors in 2020 all publicly stated they were alternates in case of pending litigation. The judge in the 1960 case commended Hawaii for sending the alternate electors know that the contestation wouldn’t be complete by the ECA deadline to send electors.
Jul 26, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Thread 🧵:

1/ The Fulton Count DA, @FaniforDA is reportedly going to indict the 16 Republican Georgia Electors, just like her fellow-Marxist @MIAttyGen Nessel did last week.

As I said earlier: in Lawfare, the State ALWAYS wins. Because the taxpayer foots the bill, not them. 2/ There is absolutely ZERO precedent to bring charges for submitting an alternate slate of electors.

A first year law student with Google could figure this out. Hell, CNN's @VanJones68 and @lessig know there's precedent:…
Jul 24, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read

1/ Mich. House Elections Vice Chair says Nessel “knows” the 16 electors committed no crime.

“The Trump electors were preserving the ability for a…investigation to happen after Dec 15, 2020.”

The public knew what they were doing. They weren’t secretive about it. Image 2/ The Wayne Co canvassing board refused to certify because Detroit was 70% out of balance on the absentee boards and 17% on the Election Day Boards.
Jun 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Crucial Thread: Biden exposed

1/8: This FBI 1023 form info is great and all, but let me serve you up the evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden on a silver platter @RepJamesComer:

Hunter’s emails outline a coordinated “pay for play” between the Biden VP office, Hunter Biden,…… Image 2/8: Pozharskyi (Burisma exec) wants to make sure that he will get “concrete tangible results” and notes that the contract doesn’t contain any names of “top US officials”. He asks if this was done deliberately (which is confirmed that it was in a follow up email): Image
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Any teacher that passes a background check, receives training, and willfully chooses should be armed.

“That’s crazy and dumb!!”

Hear me out:

The gun is placed in a biometric safe in the classrooms of certain personnel. Students do not know who is an armed teacher. 2/ If ANY safe is opened in distress will send an emergency alert to every teacher armed in the school. It will alert the principal, local PD, SRO on duty, local EMS/Fire and give them a precise location of the emergency.
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When you are given facts and have no response, call it "White Privilege" (even though she's Mexican-American) and talk about your personal anecdotes. Then call that facts while denouncing the other argument as lies.

Democrat Playbook 101 The fact is that Wellstar was asking for help since at least April '22. The hospital just a few blocks down the road receives $50-$60 MILLION from Fulton while Wellstar receives zero.

I wonder why?
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨J6 Thread🚨

1/ 22yr vet USCPD officer Tarik Johnson talks about Asst Chief Yogananda Pittman's failures to push down intel to officers. He then mentions that she has "vertically" moved to run Berkley's police dept. at "three times" her USCPD salary.

Funny how that works... 2/ Johnson says attorney's need to look into what USCPD did wrong that day and what they're "hiding".

"Investigations of the Capitol Police leadership needed to happen first."
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ This is the most shocking revelation from the Tucker clips from last night. 11 USCPD officers WATCH the Qanon Shaman, by himself, walk escorted by two officers into, eventually, the Senate Chambers. Image 2/ Perhaps he just stumbled into this corridor with the officers though, right?

No, he was led there by his two escorts. Here you can see one of them walking point ahead of the "Shaman" Image
Jan 28, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ Several folks are saying that the Pelosi back door 5:10am timestamp was because Capitol Police in DC were monitoring it.

For starters, that would make practically zero tactical sense for that feed to be monitored in DC and not local in S.F. 2/ But even if they were monitored in DC, this would suggest that US Capitol Police monitoring the *SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE* and 2ND IN LINE TO THE PRESIDENCY either fell asleep, or no one was watching while DePape spent 6 minutes trying to break in.

Either is a *HUGE* problem.