🪷 She persists - I dissent! Profile picture
#WeAreNotGoingBack #RightMatters #RBG #IStandWithUkraine
Mar 5 4 tweets 1 min read
@HillStarry @michelle_byoung Yup. There are psychological studies showing that, counterintuitively, when people learn facts proving that something they believe isn't true, they become even more firm in their belief that it IS true. Cognitive dissonance causes people to be resistant to changing their beliefs @HillStarry @michelle_byoung based on new facts they've learned, even when that is illogical.

This happens with even very innocuous things, so imagine how much more difficult it is to accept the truth about something major that one has believed strongly in and acted upon. This woman said she's a diehard
Feb 10 14 tweets 4 min read
@Acealmighty13 @joyisgone75 @HainesCaren @JanieChuckles @Walt_Gekko12 @justabadcat @IndictmentTime @sodapop233 @AdrianeZane @KatieNiedz @Wellness4You13 @TundraPlayTime @BaddCompani @BadGarlandTakes @AdrienneC123 @RNDog12 @babsi202 @HarrisonBecker7 Not just "handy", Ace, and I don't think he was fighting a losing battle. I think he set traps for corrupt SCOTUS Justices & Cannon and they walked right into them.

In order to get into the ICC, a threshold jurisdictional issue (not the only jurisdictional hurdle, but an 1/ @Acealmighty13 @joyisgone75 @HainesCaren @JanieChuckles @Walt_Gekko12 @justabadcat @IndictmentTime @sodapop233 @AdrianeZane @KatieNiedz @Wellness4You13 @TundraPlayTime @BaddCompani @BadGarlandTakes @AdrienneC123 @RNDog12 @babsi202 @HarrisonBecker7 important one) is that because the ICC is a court of last resort, it must be proven that the criminals cannot be held accountable in their home countries (or, I guess, in other countries where they committed crimes).

Since Garland appointed Jack Smith as Special Counsel, 2/
Jan 3 15 tweets 3 min read
I have no problem discussing this with you and I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to explain because you misunderstood me - and maybe Danni did too.

I do NOT disagree with anything you have just said. In fact, since Garland appointed Jack as SC, I have always thought 1/ the plan was for him to eventually prosecute Trump and probably others at the ICC. Otherwise, why have him quit his job and come back to the U.S. instead of choosing a different prosecutor? Some people thought it was because Jack had experience prosecuting the former President 2/
Jul 11, 2022 43 tweets 61 min read
@Gorgegirl57 @DeanObeidallah @marygribbin809 @What46HasDone @BidensWins @TheJusticeDept I'm going to give a long response to you because your thinking is wrong in so many respects and I'm not sure you are aware of all of the efforts Biden and his admin are making to help workers.

1. Obama only had a super majority for a few months & did other important things 1/ @Gorgegirl57 @DeanObeidallah @marygribbin809 @What46HasDone @BidensWins @TheJusticeDept during that time - expecting him to do everything in such a short period of time is unrealistic. Also, he had no way of knowing that it was going to be impossible for him to get things done after that brief period.

2. The GOP's agenda in Obama's first term was to ensure he 2/
Jun 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@RickPetree What is the point of giving this warning without telling people what they should do to fight back? Spreading fear and demoralization is a great way to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Please focus on getting out the vote instead. Also, don't forget about everything that's @RickPetree coming out and prosecutions. The J6 hearings aren't just about the public being informed. They are letting the traitors know what DOJ has on them. So more people are going to be seeking deals and meeting with lawyers to figure out what to do about the trouble they are in.