Carl Gustav Profile picture
My derring-do allows me to dance the rigadoon around you.
Jul 21, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I feel like I’m at a breaking point with all this. Portland has been basically rioting for over a month while the media still glowingly cheers on their “protest” and is now focused on the federal response to stop it since the city won’t. There is no way to compete with the power the media has and they know it. They repeat the narrative they want to push and have proven they will not be moved off that line. No matter how many times they step on rakes or get caught lying, the narrative doesn’t change.
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
There is no way NASCAR needed the FBI to tell them what the door pull was. The first question would be to the guys that worked there and they would’ve told them what it was.
They. Knew. It. Was. A .Lie. All. Along. #NooseHoax So play out what NASCAR did here. They knew it wasn’t a gd noose, but they didn’t want to be accused of a cover-up, so they let the. FBI make the call. Possibly understandable given their reputation. Here’s where it gets sinister tho...
Jun 18, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
So what’s happening in Atlanta with the #BlueFlu is not a new concept, but one rarely seen. Police officers are not allowed to do it for obvious reasons. Over various pay issues it is talked about, loosely threatened, but doesn’t happen on any large scale. This afternoon when the DA announced MURDER charges were filed, almost an entire shift in a patrol zone drove back to the precinct and said they needed to talk to EAP or weren’t feeling well. Another specialty squad did the same. The overnight shift had multiple sick outs.
Jun 13, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Atlanta Police’s shooting last night gives me thoughts. No PD in America worked harder at community relations over the past decade. All the programs, community meetings, strict policies that are enforced, severe body cam rules with teeth, programs with kids, youth sports, ... APD didn’t just talk the talk, they walked it. When other cities had violent protests, Atlanta didn’t. Their strategy handling protests, crowds, demonstrations was masterful. Bend, don’t break. Other cities came to them for advice all the time. What they did worked.
Jun 6, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes cities never make it all the way back. After this current clown show is over, a lot of people are gonna move out and take their money with them. Then, when the property values start dropping they can protest that. I have watched people at the podium in Atlanta City Council committee meetings blame the problems on racism. While talking to black city councilmembers, black mayor, black police chief, black majority residents. Which one of them in charge was the racist I would wonder?
Jun 4, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I think we are underestimating the damage all of this is doing to personal relationships between people. I’ve had a few things happen the past few days I was keeping to myself, but I think I’ll share them because why not. The other day I saw real tension between my teenage kids.. My son was grilling my daughter about some things she was posting up he said was not true. Racial this, Trump that, etc...She finally showed him where she got her info. From a “ACAB” type account. He was furious, as we have several cops in our extended family...
Mar 22, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
I want journalists that make it their mission in life to question everything and everyone. I want them to distrust anything they hear and fact check all of it. I want them call BS on everyone. Every Republican and every Democrat. Of course, they do all of this to Republicans and don’t even realize it. They think they are being fair, they think they are fighting the system. But all they’re doing is advancing their own political ideology and that of their radical, J-school professor.
Aug 19, 2018 14 tweets 2 min read
Media bias is one of those issues that drives people crazy. You see it with own eyes every day, while those guilty of it deny it happens. Like walking in on your spouse in the arms of another and they tell you nothing's going on, don't be hysterical. This is not new to the Trump era, but with the advancement of social media, is more noticeable than ever. Well-known journalists use their Twitter accounts as flame-throwers, never bothering to make sure what they post is remotely accurate. Spoiler alert: they don't care.
Jun 7, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
Just checked in on one of the Conservative, Inc TL's. You'll be shocked to know it's 100% punching right. Because the only decent and moral thing to do in the Trump era is become a lib because muh principles. 🖕 I mean, I understand smashing down on Trump when need be. But you can't find a single thing critical to say about any Democrat or their minions in the media?
Jun 4, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
We spent 8 yrs watching the left slander GWB without him ever fighting back. That hurt. Then we got 8 yrs of lectures from Obama with the media waving pompoms and calling any disagreement racist. But that wasn't bad enough. Then the media decided that Hillary was who we needed. Never mind that she has the warmth of an ice cube. Their disdain for anyone outside of the progressive mindset shows in everything they do.