Joseph Zen Profile picture
Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong
Jun 12, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Che Male C’è a rendere accessibile a tutti la forma straordinaria del rito romano?
Ho letto sui giornali notizie abbastanza preoccupanti su possibili restrizioni alla celebrazione della Messa Tridentina (quella che ora chiamiamo forma straordinaria del rito romano). Voglio dire chiaramente che io non sono considerabile come estremista di questa forma liturgica e che ho lavorato attivamente, come sacerdote e come vescovo, per la riforma liturgica dopo il Vaticano II,
Jun 4, 2021 11 tweets 1 min read
從1989到2021已是32年,我那年57歲,一位年輕的老人;而今年57歲、60歲的年輕老人,那年還只是二十多歲的青年,我想他們對那年5月35日發生的事會有一個深刻的,回憶;但今年二十多歲的青年祇能聽別人講述那即將被歷史冲淡的往事。 今晚90、60和30歲以下的兄弟姊妹卻共聚在這裡參與這台彌撒聖祭,因為我們屬於同一個家庭、香港人的家庭、香港天主教教友的家庭,亦是中國人民的大家庭,人類的大家庭。
Apr 16, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
That’s too much. Somebody owes us an apology!
Incredible things keep happening today in the world; incredible things are being said and written, but should we just let everything go, as if all this was normal? I read on page 12 of Sunday Examiner 28 March 2021: “Many of us still remember how depressed we all were during the last days of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.
Apr 16, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
奇怪的事太多了,奇怪的言論也日日傳播,但我們可以習以為常,不必理會嗎?#公教報 #公教文明 #ucan 在三月廿八日的 Sunday Examiner(英文公教報),12頁,有一篇文章這樣開始:「我們很多人記得在教宗聖若望保祿二世在任時及教宗本篤退休前那些日子,我們怎樣生活在壓迫下。那兩位教宗束縛教會,嚴厲禁止言論自由並阻止實行梵二大公會議的某些決議。」
Mar 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Open Letter to Cardinal Sarah

To His Eminence
Card. Robert Sarah
Dear Eminence,
Pain and indignation invade my heart to hear certain incredible news: They have forbidden private masses in St. Peter’s!?… If it were not for the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus, I would take the first flight to come to Rome and get on my knees in front of the door of Santa Marta (now the Papal residence) until the Holy Father has this edict withdrawn.
Mar 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Open Letter to Cardinal Sarah
A Sua Eminenza
Card. Robert Sarah
Care Eminenza,
Dolore ed indignazione invadono il mio cuore a sentire certe incredibili notizie: hanno proibito le messe private in S. Pietro!?… Se non fosse per le restrizioni imposte dalla Coronavirus io prenderei il primo volo per venire a Roma e mettermi in ginocchio davanti alla porta di Santa Marta finchè il Santo Padre faccia ritirare quell’editto.
Feb 12, 2021 34 tweets 7 min read
【My heartfelt thanks to them on my 60th anniversary of Priestly Ordination】

It has been 60 years, yes, 60 years have passed.

The memories of some things will become closer and clearer when the time is farther apart. ImageImageImageImage Every year, I count the years of my ordination to the priesthood, and February 11, 2021 marks the 60th anniversary since I became a priest. 60 years is not easy indeed. Think about it, there are 365 days a year, sometimes 3 or 4 masses will be held in one day.
Nov 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
– He says that with engagement you can have your man on the spot to help your people.
Obviously, he doesn’t know that the Papal Nuncio in Budapest needed the permission from the Government to meet any member of the local Church. – He says again “no agreement would leave the faithful in an unfavorable situation, at the mercy of the Government”.
How can he ignore that everybody in China is at the ‘mercy’ of the Party?
Nov 21, 2020 53 tweets 9 min read
Let me finish my business with DW News
We are entering the last two weeks of the Liturgical Year, the reading of the book of Revelation brings us to the last days of human history, in which we are living. “Blessed is the one who reads aloud and blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message and heed what is written in it, for the appointed time is near.” (RV. 1:3)
Today (on Nov 16th morning) we read the message St. John transmitted to the angel of the Church in Ephesus:
Jul 19, 2020 35 tweets 1 min read

恩保德神父一向是我的朋友(這位講廣東話叻過許多上海佬的「鬼佬」,在香港誰不是他的朋友?),他在公教報開始了共五集的一系列文章(我的文章已沒有資格登上公教報,我怎能不眼紅?),那些文章的題目是《第二屆梵蒂岡大公會議》 (這會議已在五十年前閉幕,但除了聖經還有什麼比這會議的訓導更能光照今天的教徒在亂世中找到方向?)。

Jul 6, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
In the past Thirteenth Week of the Year in the liturgy, we have been praying, in the Collect, to God “who made us children of light, to give us the splendor of Truth”, but for so long time we found ourselves left in confusion, and bewilderment. Cardinal Parolin says: “This is the beginning of the journey.” No! It’s the end of degradation!

3) The most cruel thing is what happened last year around this time, as I have narrated in the beginning of this article: With the “Pastoral Guidelines”
Jul 6, 2020 33 tweets 6 min read
The Third of July, Today and One Year Ago
What are people entertaining in their memory at this moment? Some may be going back to the midnight celebrations of 1st July twenty-three years ago, but others may remember demonstrations of a completely different kind (similar radically opposed reactions are taking place now at the passing of the National Security Law).

Some may remember with nostalgia the rally that took place on 1st July last year: Was it perhaps the last one in the history of Hong Kong? Was that
Jul 3, 2020 11 tweets 1 min read

緬甸樞機主教貌波(Charles Maung Bo)呼籲各界為香港祈禱

本人謹代表亞洲主教團協會,向全亞洲,以致全球不同傳統及文化背景的基督徒作出一個非常嚴肅的呼籲:請為香港,及全中國的人民祈禱。 中國政府於昨晚,在完全缺乏向大眾諮詢的情況下,在香港強行實施了國家安全法。此國安法嚴重傷害了香港(市民)的自由及侵犯了在「一國兩制」原則下,香港本來享有的「高度自治」。此舉決定性地改變了香港的憲制生態以及違反了中央政府於九七回歸時所作的承諾。