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Favourite films of 2022: 1. Aftersun 2. An Cailín Ciúin / The Quiet Girl 3. The Worst Person in the World 4. Decision to Leave 5. EEAAO
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Mar 20 24 tweets 10 min read
Garron Noone being championed by every far-right clown in Ireland.

I'll go through what he said in order to go way, way up in the estimation of bigots.

Also some factual counterpoints to his views, which in my opinion could charitably be described as "ignorant shite." /1 Image Definition of far-right used in many studies is meeting at least 3 of the following 5 characteristics.

(1) nationalism, (2) racism, (3) xenophobia, (4) antidemocracy or (5) strong state advocacy.

If not meeting at least 3, then you're not being referred to by the term.
Mar 5 11 tweets 5 min read
This genius continues to imply there are 200-year-old vampires collecting social security and obtaining loans.

Quite possible we're living through the dumbest possible version of the year 2025. 😂

I'll go through a few facts, for anybody who doesn't believe in vampires. /1 Image In the early 1970's the US Social Security Administration began the thankless task of creating a central database.

It involved inputting tens of millions of Social Security Numbers from paper or microfilm.

They called it "The Numident" and nowadays it's just 'Numident'.
Feb 14 15 tweets 6 min read
This speech is full of half-truths, distortions, misleading claims and outright lies.

Basically living up to every meme, trope and unfair stereotype, of Americans being ignorant morons.

I'll go through each of the claims he made in this segment and what the actual facts are. /1 Quote: "I look to Brussels, where EU Commisars warn citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest, the moment they spot what they've judged to be hateful content."

That's a whopper of a distortion of EU law, that no serious person should make.
Feb 1 8 tweets 3 min read
This wildly misleading tweet, and the mostly hateful replies, is like entering an alternate version of reality.

If anybody is interested in the truth behind this claim, and what that Swedish poll actually asked, I'll go through it.

Probably banging my head against a wall. 😂 Image The poll was conducted by a reputable Swedish polling company, Novus, between August 18th - 24th, 2022.

It was commissioned by a libertarian magazine, Bulletin, who eventually published it with a very misleading headline.

Sample size was 1,050 foreign-born persons.
Jan 30 7 tweets 2 min read
Blaming the air traffic controller - and somehow linking it to 'diversity' - is incomprehensible nonsense from a man devoid of empathy.

ATC audio can be listened to by anybody, including the American president who can't be bothered to do that.

I'll go through the transcript. /1 The two callsigns for the aircraft, just to help reading this thread they call these back.

1. PAT25 - United States Army Sikorsky VH-60M Black Hawk registration 00-26860

2. BLUESTREAK 5342 - Bombardier CRJ700 series flying as American Eagle Flight 5342, registration N709PS.
Dec 7, 2024 59 tweets 22 min read
Mary Clarke (40) shot dead by her estranged husband on February 20th, 1993.

Heartbroken sister, Margaret Eyre, after sentencing:

"For him it's much cheaper than divorce. He'll be out in 2 years and won't have to do paperwork. Women get the worst of it."

A thread on that. /1 Bear in mind reading this thread these are headline sentences for manslaughter.

Quite often a 2-year-sentence in the 1980's would effectively mean serving 10 months.

I won't have space to discuss each case individually so I'll briefly discuss the most common defences involved.
Dec 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm guessing this interview wasn't picked up by Irish media because the Dubliner interviewed, Dean, was sadly misinformed on voting rights.

He says "If I could vote I would vote but I can't" 😩

All Irish citizens can vote in elections, maybe nobody told him how to do it. /1 Image Dean said the reason he couldn't vote is he doesn't have stable accommodation for a letter to be posted to, as he's living in hostels at the minute.

Then he shares he's currently doing better with his drug addiction problems.

Wishing him continued strength re: addiction 🙏
Nov 26, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Fiona Campbell (15) was murdered on August 21st, 1986 at 18 Leaper Street, Derby.

I was extremely sad researching her death, just found it beyond heartbreaking on every conceivable level.

I wrote a few words about her life, her family, and the unfairness of her death. /1 CW: Sexual assault.

I try to write these threads to remember the victim, and not to focus too much on the perpetrator.

It's just not easy to tell the story without mentioning what happened at the end, so if that topic is too upsetting it'd be better to stop reading here.
Nov 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Hard to say if this video represents the dumbest thing Pepper has ever said or just the dumbest thing today.

Mostly due to the sheer volume of dumb things he says.

He doesn't seem to have any understanding of tripartite separation of powers, or how anything works in Ireland. Image Quote from Pepper: "Vote for me this Friday if you want him gone. Nolan, get your bags packed, your days are numbered!"

If you fancy voting for a lad with the intelligence of a brick, I suppose do that. 😂

Just know there is nothing whatsoever he can do to "get rid of Nolan." Image
Nov 17, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
This video features a man in Cork complaining about asylum seekers.

It seems to me he's just regurgitating the nonsense he reads on Facebook because his central argument is mind-numbing nonsense.

I'll go through a few facts re: asylum, for anyone still a fan of facts. /1 Image Quote:

"I travelled for two months this year. I was around France and Spain. Everywhere I went to book into a site I had to produce my passport or documentation. If they come in without documentation, they should be sent back out again straight away."

That's his argument.
Nov 13, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
This viral tweet and accompanying video is a textbook example of how racists distort and manipulate media to incite pile-ons.

Their target seems to be a lovely young woman but she isn't white and that's all the excuse these racists need.

Here's the truth behind the video: /1 Image This is the heavily edited and distorted video accompanying the tweet.

It features two young women, Chloe and Shauna.

A very despondent Chloe starts out by saying she's in a homeless hub for the last 5 months.

Then it cuts to a smiley Shauna saying she got a place to live.
Oct 4, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
Mary Elizabeth Armstrong (18) and sister Margaret (21) were born almost exactly 3 years apart.

They died on exactly the same day because police and courts failed them.

Worse, they've been forgotten.

Today is the 50th anniversary of their deaths, this thread is for them. /1 CW: Domestic violence, child abuse, murder, injustice.

This story is also infuriating.

Just if anyone would prefer to stop reading here.
Sep 16, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Beautiful photograph taken in Kerry.

A 26-year-old Dutch woman in front of mountains, shortly before she vanished in Kenmare on July 2nd, 1978.

No trace of her found and she is largely forgotten in Irish public consciousness.

The disappearance of Aleida "Leidy" Kaspersma. /1 Image Aleida Maria Anderske Kaspersma was born on March 8th, 1952 in Zwolle, Netherlands.

Her father, Gotze Kaspersma, and mother, Anderske Jouwstra, were married on October 24th, 1944 in Groningen.

Gotze later a well-known musical composer and music teacher in Borne, Overijssel. Image
Aug 16, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
The usual geniuses keep using this photo, to make their usual dumb/hateful anti-immigration arguments.

Quite ironic, to say the least.

A few facts about this photo, for anyone interested in who those women were - and what their stories might tell you about Ireland. /1 Image That photograph is taken from the National Geographic feature on Ireland from March 1927, titled:

"Ireland: The Rock Whence I Was Hewn"

The author of that beautiful work, Brian Oswald Patrick Donn-Byrne, died tragically aged 38 in a car accident in Cork on June 18th, 1928. Image
Aug 14, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Some research days I can't process what I'm reading.

Yesterday was one of those days, involving the death of a teenage girl in Huddersfield in 1981.

A shameful inquest verdict was eventually reached and, as usual, no justice for that poor girl 😢

CW: Messed-up story. /1 Kathleen Margaret Farren (14) was 3 months pregnant when she died on October 17th, 1981.

The inquest ruled her "boyfriend" and father of her baby, Mark 'Anthony' Kenyon (36), had killed her, before dying himself by suicide.

A verdict of unlawful killing was returned.
Aug 3, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
I always think of one woman, when gymnastics is on, now 18 years since she died aged 46.

One of the most talented gymnasts and courageous persons; she was a member of the Olympic Order, despite never competing at the Olympics.

Her name was Elena Mukhina, one of my heroes. /1 Image Elena born on June 1st, 1960 in Moscow.

Her single mother died in 1962, when Elena was a baby, and her father wanted nothing to do with the baby.

At risk of being sent to an orphanage, her maternal grandmother stepped up and raised Elena as if she was her own ❤️
Jul 24, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Councillor Pepper yet again calling for human rights violations and unlawful mass deportations of asylum seekers.

I thought it might be an idea to go through some history, to give people a better understanding of why that's unlawful.

I'll start in 1950 and go from there. /1 Image Ireland was one of the original 12 signatories of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

It was signed in Rome, Italy on November 4th, 1950.

Seán MacBride signed it "For the Government of the Irish Republic", see below. Image
Jul 18, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
37 died in a nightclub at Denmark Place, Soho, London on August 16th, 1980.

Sadly nobody cared, as most were immigrants from Colombia, Scotland & Ireland.

You can't even find out nationality or age of victims in newspapers.

I went through civil records to try change that. /1 Image English media lost interest when it soon became apparent most of the victims were immigrants.

A few of the young women were also sex workers.

The tone in papers shifted at rapid pace; from "tragedy" on the evening of August 16th, to "seedy nightclub blaze" by August 17th.
Jul 16, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Councillor Gavin Pepper breached numerous Code of Ethics at the "protest" and also on his social media.

I'll go through the legislative basis that underpins councillors conduct and his specific breaches.

Also how to report a councillors conduct, if anyone wishes to do so. /1 Code of Ethics has legislative footing (predominantly) in the Local Government Act 2001.

Specifically it's issued under Part 15, section 169.

Elements of the code rely on other legislation e.g. Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001.

Jul 1, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
I'm as ever bound to regret doing this but I'm gonna go through the real figures for you, Aisling.

The figures you're throwing around in this tweet is cloud cuckoo land stuff, completely detached from objective reality.

Who knows maybe I can get through to you 😂 I'm gonna start by addressing your claim the pandemic was a "hoax".

Should be relatively straightforward, via life expectancy stats.

The scale of death in Europe in 2020 & 2021 was so bad that nobody (thinking clearly) could possibly believe all those people died randomly.
Jun 26, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
There's currently 7,758 children applying for asylum in Ireland.

Nobody really talks about those children.

I thought it might be an idea to discuss where those children are from, why their parents may have left and why they may have come to Ireland.

CW: distressing images. Image Before that, a short story.

It's about a few of the 40,000 Irish who emigrated to Argentina in the 1800's.

On April 21st, 1844 a ship 'William Peile' left Liverpool headed for Buenos Aires with 114 Irish passengers on board.

Getting to Liverpool a bit of a mission in itself.