Paul Carlier Profile picture
Lloyds Bank & UBS Whistleblower. 30 years as a trader for worlds largest banks. Paid the price twice for exposing wrongdoing. Expert help for banking claimants
Dec 18, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
On Friday of last week HSBC made false &/or misleading representations on personal behalf of CEO Ian Stuart that sought to conceal USD LIBOR collusion & manipulation undertaken by senior HSBC exec in 2008…. @TransparencyTF @appgonpbandffs @BBCNews @CommonsTreasury Stuart (email was sent on his personal behalf, so treating as his personal words) sought to claim that there was no wrongdoing evident within documents sent to him within my report. Documents that prove HSBC Co-ordinated USD LIBOR manipulation and under specific directions of BBA
Dec 16, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
This is a huge issue. In more ways than one. Matt's 'coal face' experience plus great lawyers is the ideal combination. Someone who knows how it really worked, with lawyers who knew how to translate that into powerful legal arguments & jaw dropping 'discovery'... @TransparencyTF I'm restricted as to what I can say about much of the work I & my associates do. But safe to say that what our work, review & investigations discover, tends to be far more than regulators or prosecutors. For the most part that's due to their lack of experience.....
Oct 2, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Essentially what AIG and others were doing with CDS's prior to, and that helped cause, the Financial Crisis. Also, the same as LBG Options traders were doing in EUR/CHF & that I blew the whistle on in March 2014.... @TransparencyTF @appgonpbandffs @CommonsTreasury Options desk hadn't put any of their 'stop loss' orders in EUR/CHF into the Order system where I, as the trader responsible for CHF, would manage this risk. Only late on 14/03/14, did Options inform me of them and enter them in the system. I sent this to my line manager....
Sep 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
ICO upholds my complaint against the FCA! Making false representations like the FCA did to me earlier this week, is hardly addressing the issues, and hardly them 'work[ing] with you to resolve any outstanding matters'.... @TransparencyTF @appgonpbandffs @AWhistleblowing My tweet from earlier this week that included @TheFCA false representations made to me this week with intent to deceive me and the ICO and to deny the complaint.
Sep 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Why are pension funds raising cash to pay Margin? Surely their counterparty just increases the concealed credit line they took out upon sale of the Swap like with SME's? Oh, wait, that's right, because you can't satisfy Margin with a f***ing credit line!... @TransparencyTF Apologise for the language (well, not really). Frustrating when you make this point over and over, that Margin for IRHP's sold to SME's can only be satisfied by cash or collateral, and NOT a credit line [concealed from the customer] and only now is it being understood.....
Jun 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Well put together piece by @MuhammadAliNasr -… . I would say ‘inevitable’ as opposed to ‘possibility’. This touches upon some of the macro economic issues that make leaving the EU the lesser of two evils, even now, and despite poor ‘execution’ of Brexit… Good to see the single currency issues highlighted. Weaker nations have a higher value currency than they would have because of Germany’s presence within the Euro, whilst Germany has benefitted hugely from a lower value currency because of weaker nations within the Euro….
Jun 11, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
FOR THE RECORD, (I'm going to keep repeating it) Miles Blake new Company Secretary at @TheFCA repeated false representations made by FCA Tracy Legg in Dec 2016 and FCA's Robin Jones in Feb 2021..... @TransparencyTF @AWhistleblowing @appgonpbandffs @CommonsTreasury Blake claims FCA Supervision investigated attempt by LBG to defraud Tesco & actual fraud against me by LBG in 2015. I now over 100+ internal FCA emails PROVING otherwise, all unlawfully witheld from me by Legg who was told to vet my DSAR response and conceal those documents...
Jun 10, 2022 26 tweets 9 min read
Miles Blake, new @TheFCA Company Secretary, has today implicated himself in multiple counts of dishonesty and criminality by the FCA. He's only been in the job 4 months! Has to be a new record... @TransparencyTF @AWhistleblowing @appgonpbandffs The complaint was filed on 17/02/22, within the 12 month timeframe for eligibility, and was specific to false representations made in writing on 18/02/21 by FCA Exec Robin Jones. Complaint was accepted, and today Blake dishonestly claims it is not eligible.....
Jun 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
NEW. Internal @TheFCA document PROVES that the FCA employee 'investigating' my complaint and who produced the dishonest complaint response in Dec '16, was also handling my DSAR response!!... @TransparencyTF @CommonsTreasury @appgonpbandffs @AWhistleblowing Image How many laws does this breach? The person who produced the dishonest complaint response was told to manage my DSAR response, essentially putting them in a position to ensure that the smoking gun evidence, I now have, to expose that complaint response was concealed from me.....
Jun 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
NEW internal email never disclosed to me by @TheFCA . Titled 'RE: Tesco's fraud' & is internal FCA response to significant evidence I sent to FCA on 12/07/15. They had no intention of investigating my allegations ... @TransparencyTF @AWhistleblowing @CommonsTreasury Image I sent further smoking gun evidence to FCA on 21/07/15 & Aug 2015 all PROVING the attempt to defraud Tesco by LBG and the actual fraud against me by way of the falsified LBG investigation outcomes. These internal FCA emails from Dec '15 to March '16 all confirm no investigation.. Image
Jun 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
FCA have smeared me for years claiming I was never in their eyes a whistleblower. 100+ internal @TheFCA emails say otherwise. This email just obtained is emphatic as to my status as a whistleblower @TransparencyTF @AWhistleblowing @beyondfreefall @appgonpbandffs @CommonsTreasury Image This is from a damning exchange of emails in the weeks leading up to my Tribunal main hearing, all of which have been witheld from me by the FCA for 7 years. The emails provide additional proof that the FCA lied to me and my MP prior to hearing & perverted the course of justice
Feb 14, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
Piece in Law360 by @MaiminRachel & Robert Johnston of @LowensteinLLP regarding the @MConnollyittm fraud conviction reversal.… A good article but I do disagree in parts..... @TransparencyTF I disagree that Jury's will not be convinced by the positions that saw the Connolly verdict reversed. Indeed, the attempted convictions in New York of Ashton, Usher & Ramchandani for similar fraud offences in FX, met with a resounding acquittal by the jury......
Jan 28, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
'The Scooby Doo Defence' - Extracts from @MConnollyittm evidence. Days before U.S. LIBOR settlement with Deutsche (DB) the draft implicated multiple senior DB execs including Anshu Jain, then CEO..... @TransparencyTF @appgonpbandffs @AWhistleblowing @BBCNews @jameshurley @TheFCA The evidence shows that the draft settlement agreement citing substantial evidence that implicated multiple senior DB executives was forwarded by the U.S. DoJ to UK regulator, @TheFCA . It included these findings in the draft agreement. It was conduct driven from the top down....
Jul 15, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Is the 'struggle' anything to do with the fact that Lloyds Bank & other high street lenders are conflicted? Lloyds, for example, are now a residential landlord & developer themselves & competitors to smaller SME developers and landlords. @APPGbanking @TransparencyTF However, and furthermore, it's been proven that LBG and other lenders sought to destroy SME property firms and developers, and/or or strip their assets for the financial gain of themselves or their larger 'core' clients. It was systematic in LBG BSU and RBS GRG....
Jul 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Brian Kennelly QC representing UBS referring to victims of bank FX wrongdoing "For doing almost nothing at all, they stand to receive this cash windfall. The opt-out regime was not designed for class members who could not be bothered to pursue a clam for millions of pounds." He was arguing to prevent the FX 'Class action' being brought in the Competition Tribunal being of the 'opt-out' variety, whereby once the 'class' is defined, all victims that meet that definition are automatically opted in as claimants & automatically receive a share of any win
Jul 13, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Why is Kent Police & Crime Commissioner @PCCKent lying to me and seeking to prejudice their own review of my complaint against Kent Police? 1. I reasonably asked PCC to clarify their understanding of my complaint BEFORE they reviewed and produced outcome. WHEREAS they said.... Image every complaints process includes provision whereby those investigating MUST first clarify their understanding of complaint. The reason being that this prevents a 'mis-interpretation' of the complaint (deliberate or otherwise) resulting in an outcome not specific to the complaint
Jul 13, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
We have often talked of the conflicts of interests created by the cosy revolving door relationships and arrangements between firms, law enforcement & regulators. Is this not the most concerning of all? @TransparencyTF @True_and_FairUK @hayeslibor Image Karen Baxter the former Commander of @CityPolice the UK's economic crime unit, with knowledge of all leads, evidence and investigations against all firms, now represents the interests of not one firm, but all of them as MD of Intelligence Strategy at UKFinance @UKFtweets ....
Jul 13, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
The level of sheer obstruction, concealment and blatant dishonesty by large firms, their lawyers, regulators & law enforcement in the face of overwhelming 'smoking gun' evidence has reached levels that are so inconceivable that they must be entirely dishonest @TransparencyTF The evidence is there in black & white. It's the equivalent of presenting CCTV, DNA & fingerprint evidence, and is undeniable. Yet all involved and that includes the likes of @JohnGlenUK and @MelJStride MP's as well, are persistently overcome by an apparent 'blindness'.....
Jul 13, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
I've been forced to write to @CityPoliceFraud with Nikhil Rathi of @TheFCA copied, this morning in respect to yet more disturbing conduct regarding Blackmore Bond. COLP are continuing to try and suppress everything to do with Blackmore. @TransparencyTF @CommonsTreasury Image COLP claim they will not communicate with me further having 'explained' their position. No, you have not explained your position. You have essentially lied to 50+ victims that reported this fraud up to and including April 27th 2021 with intent to suppress & conceal fraud....
Jul 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This is rather ironic reading this as I sift through my evidence to prove the dishonesty of Andy Horsley, LBG fraud investigator, and retired Met Police Chief Inspector, who investigated my disclosures. Horsley followed well worn path from police to bank… @TransparencyTF All banks and large firms employ retired police officers and on large packages. Creates a huge conflict and in Horsley’s case he had no hesitation in lying his ass of in his outcomes, and falsifying testimony of witnesses….
Jul 3, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
BBRS monitoring social media and recording your exercising of right to freedom of expression as some kind of negative & as personal data (even though in public domain), but fail to disclose key information. @TransparencyTF Frances Coulson, partner of Moonbeever, Special Constable of @NCA_UK and deputy chair of @Fraud_Panel claims my social media posts about her are ‘abuse’. Whereas, all are truth & fact. Just because they expose her failings, doesn’t make them ‘abuse’. Truth & fact.