Carol Howard Profile picture
Pastor of Bedford Presbyterian Church. Co-author of Wounded Pastors (WJK). Author of Healing Spiritual Wounds (HarperOne). She/her.
Feb 10, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Dear White Men, I worked at a Methodist bookstore. We had a section for Women’s Authors, where we put all the books written by women. There was a section for African-American authors, where we put Black scholarship. These sections were on the bottom row, back corner.... They were considered “Feminist” or “Liberationist” for one reason. They believed that they had the same worth as White Men.
Jun 30, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Reading NYT opinions bemoaning the fact that Dems are moving left. They say that the Dems are de-centering the majority--white voters who have health insurance & can pay for college education. Writers haven't looked at the demographics in a while. They're no longer the majority. I suppose when you're surrounded by a select group, it's easy to imagine that everyone is like you... but candidates, like Warren and Castro, have studied the landscape. They understand the shift that the US has been going through.
Apr 8, 2019 9 tweets 1 min read
The overwhelming and persistent loyalty that evangelicals give to Trump reveals so much about who they are. Authoritarianism is more important than democracy. They are wired to expect or to demand submission. They have a very strict gender hierarchy that they practice at home and wish to practice in the rest of society.
Feb 23, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I spoke at a UMC conference once, years ago. Participants had read my book and asked me to speak about LGBTQ inclusion. I did. I got verbally attacked, for (it felt like) an hour. It was the worst experience I've ever had leading a conference, and I've led hundreds.... While on stage, I looked at the organizers & table of people who had asked me to speak about LGBTQ rights and asked, "Are you going to do anything about this? Are you going to just let them attack like this? Is anyone my side here?" They looked at me like they had never seen me.
Sep 21, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
Why isn’t the religious left as powerful as the religious right in US Christian traditions? Looking at straight-up demographics, we should be a strong force…… (I hate the term "mainline," but I’m going to use it here, because of the demographic data…)

Evangelicals make up 25% of our population. Mainline Protestants and Black Protestants make up 21%. Catholics are 21% and identify more with Democrats.…
Jun 14, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
Reading Bouwen Theory. With our news cycle, it seems important to look at our anxiety & emotional systems. There are 2 kinds of anxiety: acute & chronic. Acute is in response to (an) event(s). Chronic is when anxiety continues & becomes a part of our emotional background. So when people say they don't want to normalize the Trump administration's behavior, part of what they're saying is that they don't want the AA to become CA. AA has the reactions many of us are aware of... fight, flight, freeze, and caretake.