Fierce Mom in EBC Profile picture
(Com)Passionate Activist | @MomsDemand Volunteer | Proud Democrat | Blog:⎮PT for Healthcare for all | she/her | Opinions my own
Jun 21, 2022 49 tweets 8 min read
We're doing it again! @MomsDemand volunteers showing up strong at the Lafayette, CO city council meeting where officials will be voting on 4 local gun safety ordinances tonight. #ENOUGH #GunSafetyNow Local ordinances being considered: ghost gun ban, signage warning of the dangers of guns in the home (2x more likely resident of the home will die by homicide, 3x more likely resident will die by suicide), prohibit open carry in public places, no firearms on city property.
Jun 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
For those who STILL aren't convinced that the GOP doesn't believe in democracy and is intent on destroying this country, just take a look at the Texas GOP platform: 🧵 1/4 rejecting the legitimacy of the 2020 election results and Biden's presidency, requiring students to learn about "the dignity of the preborn human" & that life begins at fertilization, labeling homosexuality as "an abnormal lifestyle choice" and ending gay marriage, 2/4
Jun 15, 2022 44 tweets 7 min read
At the Longmont City Council meeting where the extremist groups RMGO and Rally for our Rights have filled the room. They are currently loudly mocking the video feed from the discussion about gun ordinances going on in the pre-meeting discussion. @MomsDemand Despite extremist rhetoric, we are not as divided as they would have us believe. Large majorities of Americans want gun safety laws. We are tired of living with a largely unregulated gun industry. It's killing us. #Enough