🤦‍♂️ Andrew James Carter Profile picture
Autistic. He/Him. @ https://t.co/eP5wb9jt71
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Oct 17, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
So now @jk_rowling’s army of transphobes are trying to justifying their harassment of Graham Norton by claiming he described death threats against Rowling as “accountability”.

They’re lying (as usual) in the hope you won’t watch the video. 🧵 1/ Norton starts by making the same accurate assessment of cancel culture many on the left have (and, GCs, you’re still pretending you’re left-wing, remember?). Namely that it isn’t real.

The people who use the term tend to do so from huge platforms. They haven’t been cancelled.
Oct 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The @scottishgreens have officially severed ties with @TheGreenParty over persistent transphobia and refusal to take action against it.

@carla_denyer/@AdrianRamsay What will it take for you to respond with more than empty words? It’s time to eject the bigots from the party. Some will take issue over my use of the word “refusal” - but it *is* a refusal.

The leadership need to stop hiding behind the excuse that party regulations are somehow too weak to stop bigoted abuse but too strong to permit action against it.
Oct 16, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
For anyone still pretending Rowling isn’t transphobic: in one article alone she attacks the idea that trans people aren’t mentally ill & supports her argument with a quote misgendering all trans women.

As if the bigoted lies and dogwhistles in the article weren’t enough already. And note how she maintains the flimsy pretence of deniability here.

The “mentally ill” statement comes mid-paragraph, so she can claim she’s only attacking the “innate sense of self” part (which is still transphobic, but subtle enough for Rowling to pretend otherwise).
Oct 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Thought about doing a deconstruct of Rowling's article in the Times - but there's no point.

The only thing anyone needs to know is: she doesn't even know what the legislation does and she doesn't care. It's just an excuse for her to attack trans people with deniability. Again. Half the tweets in the thread would just say "The Gender Recognition act doesn't affect this either. Trans people can already do this and have always been able to under UK law."
Oct 14, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
“Well I *did* think we should stop making our planet uninhabitable - but then some kids threw soup at a plexiglass art protector, so now I’m off to napalm a rainforest.” Whatever will we do without Andrew Marr’s invaluable contributions to environmentalism like:
Oct 13, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
In case anyone thought I was being hyperbolic here 👇 yesterday, take a look across the timeline to see how Rowling has responded to “listen to trans people” from a man who (for my American followers) is basically Gay Irish Mr Rogers. (That’s assuming my British perception of Mr Rogers’ place in the US zeitgeist is still “friendly, universally-liked, just generally all-round benign guy”.)
Oct 13, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Pretty telling that all Graham Norton needed to say was “listen to trans people” for Rowling to accuse him of supporting rape/death threats.

The trans community is not collectively responsible for every evil tweet ever sent. The difference between GCs and trans ppl/allies is that I’ve seen almost every prominent pro-trans account condemn threats against Rowling.

I’ve never seen *one* prominent GC condemn threats like these 👇 that trans people receive every day.

Sep 22, 2021 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
This headline is an outright lie.

Starmer has backed the current Equality Act, but @Independent are promoting the false GC interpretation of the EA to claim he’s supporting trans exclusion.

He’s not. But this is what you get, @Keir_Starmer, for calculated ambiguity on trans rights.

When you refuse to oppose bigotry, the bigots pretend you support them (because, passively, you do).

And when you *still* remain silent, why should anyone give you the benefit of the doubt?
Jan 9, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
You know what actually *is* a Free Speech issue around Twitter suspending people?

All the black, Jewish, Muslim, LGBTQ, women, and members of all other marginalised groups whose accounts have been wrongly removed due to baseless mass-reporting by those who hate them. Marginalised groups have always been disproportionately targeted in this way and no social network has taken any material action to address the problem.

So banning Trump will have no impact on social media’s power to disproportionally silence minorities and amplify privilege.
Sep 4, 2020 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
This is a transphobic attempt to imply that being trans is a choice.

This is a racist attempt to erase the generational impact of racism.

This is a misogynist attempt to pervert feminism to attack trans people.

THREAD: Trans identities are real. There are literally decades-upon-decades of research proving it. This is a psychological, biological fact.

The same is not true of white people who are actually black. That's not a thing. It's a white person lying about their heritage.
Jul 5, 2020 • 35 tweets • 11 min read
I just want to get through one week without @jk_rowling using her massive platform to launch a pile-on at someone who disagrees with her.

This is bullying. And she's done it before.

Thread (yes, again, sorry) - 1/35 2/35 - I'll state from the outset - before the inevitable false claims that anything short of wholesale agreement is somehow an endorsement of the "death and rape threats" Rowling has received - that such abuse is *disgusting* and anyone engaging in it is an utter disgrace.
Jun 25, 2020 • 21 tweets • 7 min read
This is the latest "source" that transphobes are sharing as "evidence" that "biological sex is a simple binary".

I've seen it crop up in multiple threads recently and - as usual - it's deeply flawed to the point of absurdity.

THREAD - 1/20 2/20 - Here's the direct link.

(Apologies for the URL, a direct link to the PDF redirects to a preview, so I had to borrow this from one of the transphobes sharing it.)

Jun 10, 2020 • 125 tweets • 30 min read
Since JK Rowling has blocked any reply to this litany of half-truths and transphobic dogwhistles, I thought I'd catalogue them properly here: 1a. In the case of Maya Forstater.

Firstly, she did not "lose her job" (she was a contract worker, her contract was not renewed). The distinction is important both legally and linguistically - since "losing a job" casts Forstater as the victim, implying she was fired. Image
Jun 2, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read

You think you’ve got a clever dunk on their latest idiotic self-own?

You’re being played.

They know it’s a self-own. They know you’ll retweet it. They know Twitter’s algorithm will convert that into prominence and new followers. 500 people already made the same dunk you *can’t help* but post.

And if you still can’t help yourself - IT TAKES 5 SECONDS TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT.