💯 Cary Kelly 💯 Profile picture
Don't blame the candles, blame the cake. Standard American Diet survivor. Meat-based diet 6+ years, Author, Marathoner, Real Foodie, 55. Not medical advice
2 subscribers
Jan 20 4 tweets 2 min read

Some say cow's milk is for baby cows but what if I told you that there's a newly discovered essential fatty acid in milk (and other dairy) called pentadecanoic acid or C15 for short, & this fatty acid's presence has been clinically linked to some amazing things:

Insulin sensitivity. Hyperinsulinemia is connected to every single chronic disease. C15 helps restore insulin's efficiency.

Heart health. Higher levels of C15 are linked to better cardiovascular outcomes.

Liver health. Low levels of C15 are found in kids with fatty liver disease.

Better cellular function. C15 might indirectly influence cellular aging by enhancing energy production and reducing oxidative stress.

Dec 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Just about everyone in the health community understands that cancer loves glucose, but does everyone also understand that many cancers also love glutamine?

Glutamine is an important amino acid found in protein rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy and some vegetables.

Cancers that are typically glutamine dependent:


Dec 22, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
With it being peak prime rib season, I thought it might be a good time to give ya'll the rub on the rib roast.

1/6 Image Prime rib or rib roast is an uncut section of the ribeye muscle, usually with the bones attached but it sometimes comes with the bones cut and tied or dangling from a tiny strip of meat. If you buy prime rib from a butcher, they should ask you how you would like the bones. Most people ask for them cut and tied.

Oct 10, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
37-hour dry fasting notes:

The first 20 hours were the easiest foodless stretch I've ever done. My hunger was a fraction of what it usually was when I OMAD. Only for a brief moment or two did I experience any dryness in my mouth and that was just on the roof of my mouth.

1/10 I shopped for some steaks and eggs at 22 hours and the thought of eating them the next day kind of aroused my hunger a little. Otherwise, everything was normal.

Oct 4, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Thread 🧵

2024 has been a huge year in the ketogenic diet studies dept. Here's a thread to summarize the keto wins I've noted so far:

1) PCOS & infertility
2) IBD & UC
3) Mental Illness
4) Depression & Anxiety
5) Polycystic Kidney Disease
6) Arterial calcification vs LDL

100% of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome got their period back. 55.6% of women desiring pregnancy, got pregnant, including 100% of those who were not on Metformin!

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Sep 13, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵

Today marks six years since I started my low-carb journey, despite the skepticism of friends and family who thought I wouldn't last a month.

Before I started in 2018, I was 50+ pounds overweight and struggling physically and mentally. I decided to take a walk on a scorching 90° day, thinking that some exercise might do me good. Little did I know, this walk would change my life forever.

Sep 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵

I ate 12,000+ Motrin across 8 yrs because in 2009, a young doctor told me it was the best way to manage my osteoarthritis pain and I was just going to have to get used to it.

I took Motrin every day I worked to dull the pain.

1/4 Image Nothing gave me true relief until I went keto. I was trying to lose weight but before that occurred, I felt the inflammation leave my body like some grand exorcism.

I didn’t even realize how tense the muscles in my face had been until suddenly, I stopped gritting 24/7.

Aug 29, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Thread 🧵

Since they've been thrust into the spotlight lately, I've been getting a lot of people asking me "What's wrong with seed oils"?

Let's begin with the disgusting way in which they are made:

1/10 Seed oils are cheap. They are subsidized by taxpayer money and one of the three main ingredients necessary to make most junk food. The other two are sugar and refined flour. These ingredients are ubiquitous in grocery stores and restaurants.

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Aug 10, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read

In the 1960s, the sugar industry paid Harvard scientists today's equivalent of $50,000 to make saturated fat appear villainous in order to take the heat off of sugar.

It began an era of manipulating data and turning science into a marketing tool.

1/9 Image But the sugar industry shenanigans began much earlier. In the 50s, they tried to convince people that 50 calories of sugar were better than 75 calories of apple.

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Mar 14, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
After nearly 6 yrs of an animal-based diet, what happens to my blood glucose levels & immune system after I eat a half loaf of homemade French bread?

My whole life I've had issues w/ refined wheat that didn't reveal themself until I went animal based. My sinuses used to be chronically inflamed & I thought it was a coding error in my DNA.

1/4Image Gluten problems are uncommon in Europe which led me to the belief that there's something wrong w/ American wheat. I tested that theory & made bread w/ French wheat, salt, water & yeast, which are the only ingredients allowed if it's to legally be called bread in France. No sugar!
Feb 14, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Since the 1960s:

Obesity tripled
Diabetes quadrupled
Seed oil consumption quadrupled

Maybe we are too focused on sugar as the cause of all our health problems? #PUFAgeddon

Thread ⬇️

Many believe the food pyramid/the USDA dietary recommendations for a low fat diet led us to eat more low fat, ultra-processed foods & while that is true, this graph shows T2D popped onto radar abt 20 yrs before those things occurred. They are undeniable part of the problem.

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Feb 4, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Ya'll got your Super Bowl Sunday menu planned out yet? I'm not a snacker by any means but if snacksidents happen on SBS, I'll make sure mine are low carb! Some ideas ⬇️ and recipes in the thread.

Top to bottom, left to right:
Ground beef queso dip
Taco cheese bowl
Buffalo chicken dip
Jalapeño poppers
Buttery pork rinds w/ Old Bay
Meatloaf footballs
Maryland shrimp
CheddaroniesImage Queso dip:
Jan 24, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
I often get asked about my thoughts on cholesterol and saturated fat and whether its demonization is just. Well, I'm tired of digging through my bookmarks and photos and decided to compile a thread of what I often share. I'll pin this in my highlights.

1/15 Image The country that eats the most meat (saturated fat) lives the longest and the country that eats the least lives the 2nd shortest.

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Dec 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Did you know the average American eats 5-10 tablespoons of seed/veg oil per day.

For a year's worth (at 5 tbs per day), it requires:
36,135 ears of corn or
1,022,000 sunflower seeds or
228,125 grapes or
146,000 cups of brown rice

1/5 Image 5 tablespoons of veg oil, which is high in linoleic acid, is 613 calories. Multiply that by 330 million Americans and that's 202 billion empty calories we are consuming every single day!

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Nov 27, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Bored with low carb? In no particular order, these are my favorite low carb/carnivore recipes and they are all available on my recipe sharing website:

I'll list the recipe for each one in this thread. 1/10 ketocarnivore9.wordpress.com
Image Pizzagna: 2/2 ketocarnivore9.wordpress.com/2023/03/18/piz…
Nov 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What if your whole life you believed that PMS was exclusively a hormonal problem and then one day you went to visit the Maasai and learned that it didn’t exist there?

1/5 Image This is what nutritionist/researcher/author Mary Ruddick learned when she went to visit this indigenous African community whose diet mainly consists of milk, blood and meat.

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Sep 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Stalled on keto or carnivore? Here are a few tips that might get you going again:

1) Try a month of no dairy, not counting butter to cook with. This accounted for 300-400 calories a day I was eating that I didn't need and broke my one and only stall. Eat to fulfill hunger, not macros.

Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
If I've ever had a dear diary dinner in my life this is it! 50-hour dry brined prime rib, cooked at 225° for a bit over 2 hours & seared in cast iron. I've never had anything better & it's not even close! #Carnivore #carnivorediet #Yes2Meat #RealFood #keto #ProperHumandDiet 20 minutes later…
Apr 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There's many ways to boil an egg. Here's how I make perfect boiled eggs that are easy to peel, with a pot of water:

Step 1: Bring your pot of water to a full boil and gently set your eggs on the bottom of the pot. Then set a timer according to preference. (See 5/5 tweet)

1/5 Step 2: When the timer goes off, run cold water over your eggs and add ice to cool them quickly and stop them from overcooking.

Apr 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Not a roast person but love ribeyes and saving money? With all the specials on rib roasts because of Easter, I thought now would be a good time to show you how easy it is to turn this roast into steaks with a bonus portion of ribs, with several measured but easy cuts.

1/4 Step 1: Remove the ribs. One easy cut will do it. Run your knife as close to the rib bones as possible. If you don't get it real close, don't fret because the bonus ribs will just be meatier. Aldi's supplier was nice enough to precut this one almost all the way down.

Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
@Lenoreo7 @NewDawn7411 The do or die moment in my health journey was when I tried to walk 3 hilly miles on a hot day back in '18. 40+ pounds overweight, I was sweating donuts & my left arm went numb on the last hill. It scared me enough to try a week of #keto & the rest is #realfood history.
@Lenoreo7 @NewDawn7411 Why keto? I met a man from Virginia who was helping out in the restaurant I worked at. He randomly told me he lost 60 pounds in a year w/keto and it saved his life. I didn't think much of it until I had the mini-stroke. This is why I believe everything happens for a reason.