Case is five, but, y'know, bigger. CPoV podcaster. Find me where the SKIES are BLUE.
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Oct 16, 2024 • 101 tweets • 18 min read
So I have a thesis when it comes to 5e subclass design for the Sorcerer: they overestimated the class's relative potency and it took the whole of the edition's run for them to settle on the power level of Sorcerer subclasses.
This is pretty obvious to me. Look at the generally underperforming entries from the 2014 Players Handbook: Draconic and Wild Magic? One was underwhelming and one was almost worse than no subclass at all. The next few were the Storm Sorcerer, followed by Divine Soul and Shadow...
Sep 21, 2024 • 96 tweets • 18 min read
I stated in my last rant about Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition and it's 2024 update that I am always a fan of underdogs. As a result I am traditionally a huge fan of Paladins. My first character was a 3.5 Paladin for Heironeous's sake! But the 5e Paladin has always been good... while I entered 5th edition with a great deal of enthusiasm, I was quickly satisfied that the class was fundamentally sound and moved on to championing classes that received love later on in the decade since the 2014 PHB was published.
Sep 17, 2024 • 60 tweets • 12 min read
I want to talk next about the Ranger for so many reasons! I love an underdog and it's no secret that people looked on the initial 2014 offerings of the Dungeon and Dragons 5th edition Ranger as pretty underpowered...
So much so that for a time there was an Unearthed Arcana updated version of the whole base class that was used in Adventure League. And that update was broken powerful!
Sep 13, 2024 • 70 tweets • 13 min read
So let's talk about the 2024 Dungeons and Dragons Barbarian and how its existing subclasses interact! The Barbarian in 2014 was generally an ok frame at low levels, but one that didn't do so well at later levels, unfortunately, this remains the situation in 2024.
Don't get me wrong: The Barbarian was always far from the weakest class in the game and did quite well at early levels, but that strong start made multiclassing tempting because the later level features iterate on the low level ones, rather than providing something completely new
Sep 1, 2024 • 64 tweets • 12 min read
So the 2024 Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook is just about out and we know pretty well what's in there AND as a DM who fully intends to run the new system but allow old content, I want to look at how viable some of that content is.
And I want to start with the Fighter.
I want to start here because I have the most experience with this class and the base class is really only getting upgrades in 2024. Meanwhile, the subclasses from the 2014 PHB all get some form of upgrade and the 4th is a subclass we've seen before.
Jun 13, 2023 • 83 tweets • 12 min read
D&D 5e State of the Gish 2023:
So on the precipice of the Giants Path Barbarian getting an official release and the slow grind of the 2014 flavor of 5e coming to a halt, it's possible we're near the end of this edition regarding official player facing content...
So where does the hardest to balance archetype stand? "Gishes" (caster/martial hybrids) are very hard to get right. An imbalance can make them either worthless or aggressively overpowered. However, due to the evolving nature of spell casting, they prove very open to iterations.
Aug 20, 2022 • 507 tweets • >60 min read
Giving some thoughts on Pathfinder classes and how they compare with options in 5e, but first a preamble.
My real entry into D&D was 3.5 (though after the actual published material had moved onto 4e) so I quickly became familiar with a metagame that was not just overly mature but long in the tooth. There was a steep power curve and a rigid tier system making certain choices "optimal"
May 18, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Might as well be thorough while talking about #AstroCity, so let's talk about one of the more unlikely #SupermanAnalogue offerings: Steeljack!
As with many characters in the series, we meet Carlie Donewicz years past his glory days. He had a career in his youth as "The Steel Jacketed Man", a Sandman style villain who was part of a Frightful Four style gang of medium power levels. He was their "strong guy".
May 17, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Where was I? Oh, yes! Another #SupermanAnalogue of #AstroCity! This time it's Supersonic, and while the name may sound like more of a Flash type (though, we've been over this
), his adventures 100% call back the Man of Steel's.
Dale Enright was an aeronautical engineer who got caught in a turbine explosion and came out with vast might and durability, as well as an incredible flight speed. In flashbacks we see him having a slew of Silver Age Superman style adventures. However, we meet him long past that.
May 10, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Woo boy... Uh time is meaningless right now. Sorry about that. Anywho, still in #AstroCity, or rather outside of town, so let's talk about Roustabout! He's the answer to a real city mouse missing her urban superheroes.
Roustabout was yet another #SupermanAnalogue from the "Local Heroes" collection. The story follows a girl named Cammie who's staying with her cousins in the countryside. She complains that it's not as exciting as Astro City until she finds out there are heroes everywhere!
Apr 29, 2020 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
So "today" (I know it's after midnight) was #NationalSuperheroDay and really it's time I get out of this funk and get back to posting #SupermanAnalogue posts! So let's go back to my favorite city, @KurtBusiek's #AstroCity, and talk about a silver age love letter, Atomicus!
Atomicus was a newly born radioactive being taken human form. The text explains not to dwell on the nature of the beings origin, just that he was a new being in the body of an adult. While he was knowledgeable and social, he lacked the experience of an adult to feel comfortable.
Apr 12, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Time to get back at it with a weirder example of the #SupermanAnalogue: ULTRA the Multi-Alien! This is another composite character, but with a pump fiction sci-fi bent. In this case, a human swashbuckling hero in a far future who became fused with 4 alien pirates!
How did a human become a composite of 4 aliens, you ask? Why they shot him. Yep. Ace Arn encountered a group of alien slavers, each armed with guns that would transform their targets into members of their own species but under their command. Does this make sense? Fuck no!
Apr 4, 2020 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Let's pick up the spirit of things with a #SupermanAnalogue that is decidedly more lighthearted. Let's talk about Captain Hero from Drawn Together!
Voiced by Wakko Warner himself, Jess Harnell, Captain Hero was an archetypal Superman type in a series full of archetypal characters, spoofing early aughts reality tv like #RealWorld, #SurrealLife, or #BigBrother.
Mar 31, 2020 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
So it's been awhile since I posted a #SupermanAnalogue post and that's because my company has been declared an essential service and I've been working more hours than usual. Would have been nice to have some help, like perhaps a feel of robots. Superman certainly thinks so!
I mentioned them last time when I was talking about the 50s Power Man. By the time we got to the Silver Age, Superman (and his younger version Superboy) had become a very closely associated with having robot helpers to assist in maintaining their secret identity.
Mar 22, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
It's been a minute, due mostly to the craziness of the world. However, I've been at work, mostly listening to @LarryTye's book on Superman on audible. So even though this #SupermanAnalogue wasn't brought up, it's a bit of trivia that I've always meant to bring up: Power Man!
Power Man appeared in a story where Superman was threatened by Kryptonite, but he didn't want to risk Batman and Robin's lives. Instead, he deployed a robot to act as his surrogate, disguised as a new hero. While he couldn't fly, he was plenty strong and able to handle shit.
Mar 16, 2020 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
How about a whole team full of warriors each in the class to be a #SupermanAnalogue? The Hyperclan were superbeings from outer space who came to fix our world and relieve us of our problems. But what if they're not all they appear to be?
What? Even that dreamy Protex? Yup! The Hyperclan actually came to Earth to reclaim a world they saw as theirs, a world they rules when they expanded from Mars. That's right! These are White Martians! As strong and fast as Superman with shape shifting and telepathy.
Mar 14, 2020 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
DC has their own race of #SupermanAnalogue aliens out there (aside from the Kryptonians)! Several actually! And they can be used for a variety of stories as needed, villains, observers, or occasionally as heroes. So let's talk about the cousins of Kryptonians, the Daxamites!
The most famous member is of course Lar Gand/Mon-El/Valor/M'Onel, aka Superboy's big brother! This guy is a silver age alien that young Clark Kent found, adopted as kin, then poisoned him like a petty bitch and imprisoned in a hell designed by his father. Wait...
Mar 10, 2020 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
I guess that any look works when the person wearing it is young and in shape, even skin tight white with gold and red accents! I guess that's why no one in the Supremacy has any issues. It's a whole heaven for #SupermanAnalogue characters who've been retconned out of existence!
I covered Supreme a long time ago, but the nutshell is early Image expy of Superman who was vain and violent, with a shifting origin. Then Alan Moore came in and rebooted the character (Ha! Classic Moore!) And did so by having him actually meet all of his past iterations.
Mar 8, 2020 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
An all white body suit is hard to pull off, but what about a species of #SupermanAnalogue examples that rock the look? That's right, since we're definitely in the endgame for this series, it's time we talk about the big race of heavy hitters in the Invincible universe.
So this is a race that's hard to talk about without spoiling good chunks of the series and I really don't want to do that because this is a book that I think is really worth reading from start to finish. I'm going to avoid big ones, but there is an early one that I have to note.
Mar 8, 2020 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
It has been awhile since I've done as blatant a #SupermanAnalogue. I've been saving this one, too. Today, I want to talk about "The American" from Cla$$War. A Superman for a Bush era commentary.
Cla$$War was not... subtle. The series began in 2002 with Authority style hyper violence and even angrier politics. It featured the Superman of the Justice League expy group called "The Enola Gay" going AWOL when he realized that his actions were in the name of American hegemony.
Mar 7, 2020 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
How about a #SupermanAnalogue that was a man of mystery, despite being a powerhouse on a VERY mighty Justice League roster (Superman, Maxima, Yellow Ring Guy Gardner, Booster Gold). Today, I want to talk about Bloodwynd!
Wait, who? That's the question we were all asking when he first showed up. But with powers like his, Bloodwynd was able to stand out. This guy was even present in the fight against Doomsday and did ok until exposed to his weakness.