How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, a revelation to some, that you only need a few guns to have a massive impact.’ve written about it briefly but training w/ 🇺🇦 had an incredible impact. 4 yrs of fighting had made the 🇺🇦 95th Air Assault BDE a seasoned unit & 🇺🇸173rd learned much from them. Russia can make 20 new SPGs a month (best case), this trend of dipping into storage is increasing at a faster pace. attacks are used when there is no means to maneuver around or “flank” the opposing force. Cushing, a 1861 West Point grad, was a decorated field artillery officer before that day on Cemetery Ridge. This 🔑 position had been selected by MG Buford, 2 days prior for its elevation & lines of sight for artillery. is “trapped,” or at the very least stuck in the low ground without the operational tempo or reserves to get out. Every day UKR gets newer and more artillery from Allies, whereas every day Russian arty continues to degrade due to poor maintenance, overuse, and bad employment