Cathy Reisenwitz Profile picture
Creator: Sex and the State. Fighting loneliness through vulnerability. As seen on TV & in TechCrunch, The Week, VICE, Daily Beast, etc.
Jul 15, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Peter Thiel gave $13.5 million to a group supporting J.D. Vance. Thiel donated to J.D. Vance’s Senate race and turned him into a Catholic. Vance once worked at Thiel’s Mithril Capital. Rod Dreher attended Vance’s baptism into the Catholic Church in 2019. “We are in a late republican period,” J.D. Vance said in an interview.

James Pogue: This sounds like a New Right trope where the US is Rome awaiting our Caesar.
Nov 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Since college, I’ve had one professional aspiration: To spend the majority of my productive time reading and writing about shit I care about. I’m fucking doing it!!! It’s taken me 15 years. I’ve taken a lot of risks and sacrificed a lot. But I’m here. I’m so grateful. We didn’t always have food or the light bill paid growing up. This wasn’t handed to me. I don’t have kids and likely never will. It’s required me to get naked on the internet, haha. I wish it could have been handed to me. We live in a rich enough country, damn it. But I’m here.
Nov 1, 2022 45 tweets 8 min read
Currently reading Of Boys and Men by @RichardvReeves Image 1/3 of high-school educated men aren’t in the labor force. Biggest drop in labor force participation is men btw 25 and 34. Men are getting physically weaker and women getting stronker. Men and women now have roughly equal grip strength.
Sep 16, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
To understand how psychedelics can have a negative impact on individuals, it’s useful to examine a recent review of the literature from Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, and Case Western Reserve University.… It points to numerous examples of people who have retained or even increased their illiberal, authoritarian, anti-egalitarian worldviews after exploring altered states of consciousness through psychedelics.
Sep 16, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
My latest: Psychedelics and the Far Right: the Psychnautzi Effect for ⁦@LiberalCurrents⁩ How do psychedelic experiences interplay with authoritarianism?… “Pace and Devenot point to Jordan Peterson as an example of someone who didn’t come out of their psilocybin use any less right-leaning.”
Sep 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"American girls are 14 percentage points more likely than boys to be 'school ready' at age 5, controlling for parental characteristics. That’s a bigger gap than the one between rich and poor children, or Black and white children." "The gap is mostly driven by social and emotional factors, or what social scientists label “noncognitive skills,” rather than academic ones."
Sep 14, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Indeed.… “Men at the top of the pyramid have access to near on-demand sexual partners, but that’s a disincentive to forging a long-term relationship.” This is sex-negative hand-wringing. Men at the top are more likely to marry than men at the bottom.…
Sep 14, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Today’s Sex and the State: AOC addresses the burdens of masculinity. We’re not going to defeat misogyny without getting men on board. Or, maybe we could. But I suspect trying to do so will take a lot longer and be a lot less pleasant.… It’s certainly true that power is held disproportionately by men. That is, the people in power in nearly every major institution worldwide are disproportionately male. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the average man holds more power than the average woman.
Sep 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
“Pornography is warping the minds and hearts of young men, as many writers, both here in The Atlantic and elsewhere across our culture, have noted.” Actually research shows porn use is associated with more gender egalitarian views. “It can create wildly unrealistic expectations of sexual performance, and—in the worst cases—it can lead men to believe that women expect or even enjoy degrading or violent sexual practices.” Only if porn is a person’s only source for sex education. Which conservatives advocate.
Sep 13, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
One of my first serious considerations when contemplating moving back to my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama from San Francisco was, “How am I going to do drugs there?” There were elements to my drug use in SF that felt, even at the time, unsustainable. I remember sitting in the back of an Uber crossing the Bay Bridge at midnight or so with a massive sinus headache from too much ketamine, coke, and whippets.
Apr 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread: When we talk about why Gen Z is going trad and why people aren’t dating and getting married we need to talk less about “sex-positive feminism” and “hookup culture” and more about the economic and cultural realities of modern heterosexual coupling and marriage. Surveys and actual couplings show that most het women want a better educated and higher earning husband. Most het men want a *slightly* less educated and lower earning wife. But women are earning more degrees than men, so everyone can’t have that.
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Absolutely infuriating. Consent. The word you’re looking for is consent. The “rule” you’re going on about is “Don’t do shit to someone without their permission. Own your yes and your no.”… “An unrestrained sexual culture hasn’t necessarily led to better sex for all or to better relationships. In many cases, it has inspired numbness, callousness, hurting others and being hurt.” What dream world must you inhabit to think we live in an unrestrained sexual culture???