Decarbonization’s going to require a lot of transmission.
Our new paper overviews
1⃣ why that is
2⃣ why our transmission system is set up the way it is
3⃣ how this hurts renewables & also allocative inefficiency.
Short 🧵
You might be thinking siting new transmission lines would be hard for NIMBY-type reasons.
You’d be right – but that’s just a small-ish part of it.
Examples of other issues:
Aug 22, 2022 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Planning your climate or environment syllabus? I like to show short videos so students & I can visualize some of the things we're talking about. Here are just some of the ones I like:
How Scientists Measure Carbon Dioxide in the Air
Jan 3, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Enjoyed reading @ProfNoto list of ten amazing papers from the past year – some of my favorites were in there too! But we failed to write a climate/enviro/energy/resources paper that could crack his top 10. So here are some of my favorite papers from this year.🧵
1) Multiple people told me this was a fav paper this year. Theory about enviro reg assumes that the govt observes pollution. But air quality data have some serious problems, including “suppression of pollution... especially during high-pollution periods"…