Primary School Principal. She/her.
Where Trina talks and blah, blah, blah
Nov 19, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Summary🧵 : Circular 58/2023 - Force Majeure & Illness in Family
Some significant (&possibly confusing) changes to these leaves with the new circular this week. I'll try to summarise key points.
It is necessary for all schools to be up to date with this, fairly immediately
Previously, for teachers, Force Majeure was subsumed into Illness in Family & was 5 days a year. This has changed, and application process etc has changed significantly.
Illness in family now only kicks in where force majeure is used up or doesn't apply.
Some positive moves as well as some disappointing bits.
Thread will be long with different bits but first few tweets will cover the key parts.
➡️ School gives qualifying parents application
➡️ Parent returns it
➡️ School submits pupil on portal
➡️ Parent receives email with forms
➡️ Parent employs tutor
➡️ Tutor provides provision
➡️ Parent & Tutor sign form & submit
➡️Tutor gets paid (hopefully in 2023)
Feb 9, 2023 • 13 tweets • 8 min read
Summer Programme 2023 : Summary Thread (primary & special schools)
4 programmes this year
➡️Special School programme
➡️Primary Programme (combined special class and mainstream complex needs & ed. disadvantage
➡️ DEIS camps
➡️ Home based
➡️This year has a theme across the programmes. "Building Confidence and Connections". Programmes are required to be planned to link with this theme. No, I have no idea why they've added this....
➡️ Special Leave with Pay only to a max of 7 days.
➡️ When employee comes down with symptoms they must test within one day.
➡️ A negative test is normal sick leave. Positive test is special covid leave.
➡️ New Appendix form for recording
Jun 2, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
I asked Principals to share their experiences of Exceptional Reviews.
Please share. I think it's vital that parents and the general public understand the reality in schools in terms of SNA support, not just the headlines.
Jun 1, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
New Exceptional Review Guidelines. New form for each sna instead of uploading timetables.
*Actually, our kids moving into first class was definitely anticipated and is not unusual 🙄
Nov 24, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
A thread.
10 examples of how this is absolute gaslighting. If your communication is so awful that this ISNT the message you wanted repeatedly sent for the last 18 months, you are in the wrong job.
Some interesting stuff in the documents that may transfer over to primary one as well youd imagine
➡️ Staff (overseer/teacher/sna) paid their personal rate of pay for the time, not the set rate of home based.
➡️ Overseer role has to be permanent member of staff
Feb 15, 2021 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
The implementation of a new SNA model has gotten a bit lost in the madness of the last year.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about what it means and what implications should be.
Here's a thread where I try to dig into the main points.
It was piloted with a limited amount of schools, and increased resourcing from what will be available (please jump in if you were a pilot school and have info).
To lighten the mood & give insight into ehat I think perfectly sums up the DES I present a thread on my first (traumatic) experience of
"The Cluster Games"
(sometimes known as the clusterf**k)
* Other principals, please jump in here with your experiences *
So, I came home from teaching abroad and got a principalship starting Sept 2018. Great! Busy, full on, a million jobs to get my head around, but all going well.
Then, February comes.
Oh SET allocations are out, great! No. Not great.
So begins "The Cluster Games"
Feb 4, 2021 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
Not actually that much in the documents so key points thread.
Supplementary Provision scheme:
➡️ Special school, special class & School support Plus in Mainstream eligible. Schools have flexibility to add to SSP taking into account current circumstances
➡️ 20 hours over 4 weeks
➡️ Outside of school hours
➡️ Flexibility for catch up over Easter/Spring Break
➡️ Can be done by Teacher or SNA, rates in image
➡️ BOM may waive 6 weeks notice
➡️ BOM can approve a pattern of leave, less than one week blocks. E.g where staff are available some days but not others, with childcare.
Feb 4, 2021 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
Long summary of reopening schools docs from 3/02.
5 docs total
➡️ Letter to Principals
➡️ App1 -Framework for return
➡️ App2 -HSPC Guidance
➡️ App3 -Additions to COVID response plan needed
➡️ App4 -COVID response plan doc
➡️ Increased mitigation measures are surgical masks for staff and new guidelines in ventilation (windows open when not in class, partially open when in class)
➡️ No change in vaccination place for any staff currently
My context, because this will appeal to different people for different reasons
How this impacts me:
➡️ Old payscale
➡️ New pension
➡️ Teaching Principal (benchmarking/ workload changes)
Jan 26, 2021 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
Long one: Live lessons, Equity, Access & Remote Learning
The demands for live learning and claims that it is the best option, or the only real teaching, or the closest to "normal" are getting louder the longer this goes on. Frustrated parents looking for support.
Absolutely understandable. Trying to navigate remote learning, apps, downloads, printables & support your child while working yourself at home, or outside is not just hard, for many it's impossible.
Each family sees this through their own lens, from their own perspective