Scholarly Skunk- Caudlewag Profile picture
📕30📙 Fan of big tails (And big tales!) I make noise as a VA! Also a sound editor hello! Ace-Pan He/They/(It) Patreon:
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May 4, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Skunk BF thread for @/MellowCreamer:

Your Skunk Boyfriend was very shy when you met, but now that you've broken under the surface you've found he's possitively effusive. You had no idea the things he could do with his scent when you met, but now the constructs are a constant. Image Your Skunk Boyfriend's scent is something between a rasberry cheesecake and spiced elderberry tea. At first he was shy of it, "You can't walk around smelling like me..." Now you often find his tail buffeting your front, pink tendrils of scent drifitng over cheeks, chest and chin.
Mar 13, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Fox Hypno BF thread for Dodger

Your Fox Boyfriend has strange eyes, and not in the normal way a nocternal creature might. Often, along the edges of teasing words, they seem to glow, perhaps to swirl. He has Renyard's tongue, smooth and lovely and impossible to ignore... Your Fox Boyfriend moves like cursive writing, smooth connected motions that only seem to break appart when one motion shifts into the next. He is a showman of great talent and poise. This makes it quite jarring when you find him eyeing nearby garbage cans covetously.
Aug 13, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Cas and Pol Shenanigans thread for @GeoHolms art by @/artbypac

Your Mouse Bosses are very into science, the tag of 'Mad' at the front is optional. You've worked for them for some time, and you're used to their scifi shenanigans. Lately, however, they've noticed you. It starts with Cas, the brother of the two, attempting to get you to spend a little extra time in the accounting office with him. While the numbers sometimes go over your head, he explains them calmly and cooly, until a cursed tax return attempts to extract a special 'Audit'.
May 18, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
Dragon GF for Zeta Syanthis

Your Dragon Girlfriend lives in a cave in the mountains that border your town. You remember wondering what lived there when you moved. You found out on a hike when you complained about being cold. You ducked the "Helpful' jet of flame from the dark. You expected roars and growls when you first spoke to Your Dragon Girlfriend but she was quite articulate, her voice soft and kind, if slightly booming. She seems intelligently beastial as she purrs when you take up her offer for tea.
Apr 24, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Plush BF thread for @Inktail_

You placed the order, not paying much attention. You wanted something to cuddle in bed to chase away your lonliness. When Your Plushie Boyfriend arrived, you were surprised to find he was huge and needed help getting untangled from the bubble wrap. Your Plushie Boyfriend has paws the size of pillows, if not bigger, they're filled with something heavy and soft. He drapes them over your back and holds you close, a living weighted blanket and bed at the same time. He says you'll never be lonely so long as he's there.
Apr 23, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Mystical Coyote Girlfriend thread for @acuriousmancub

Your Coyote Girlfriend says once, out of the blue, while sipping coffee, that she's THE Coyote, the one from the stories. You attempt to laugh it off, but as you do an eclipse interrupts. A smiling face grins from the moon. You say to your Coyote Girlfriend, that you're pretty sure the mythical Coyote was male. She smiles a sharp smile and says myths are usually bent that way. Flowers bloom around you as she says that's how, for some reason, the one who gave birth to all somehow seems to be a man.
Apr 18, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Anteater Girlfriend thread for @duskyowlgryph

Your Anteater Girlfriend works at the local botanical garden. You often see her chimney broom of a tail whisking about behind bushes and flower beds. She always perks up when you come, a smile at the end of her long face. @DuskyOwlgryph Your Anteater Girlfriend likes to cuddle, though when she wants to kiss you she has to scootch back on the bed so she has proper room to get her mouth in place. She was embarrassed of this at first, but this reach also means her smooches are rather hard to escape.
Mar 25, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Hypno Binturong Boyfriend for @ArtemisAlexande

Your Binturong Boyfriend has a lilting southern accent that you find hard to argue with. It drizzles over your ears sweet as honey as his tail curls around your side, solicitously sliding and pulls you close to spend the night. Art by Piromane on FA
Mar 24, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
NerdWolf BF for @NoviriPup

Your Wolf Boyfriend isn't particularly strong or stoic, instead he often talks to you about 3D modeling. He knows more programming languages than phases of the moon, and if you scratch under his chin his leg kicks. You call him your puppy. @NoviriPup Your Wolf Boyfriend made you a watch with a 24 hours face. A sun arcs across the first 12, and a moon across the latter. It took him weeks, but its beautiful, all the constellations on the moon side are correct and it makes you think of him.
It also comes with a howl warning.
Mar 24, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Mink SO Thread for @mustelaviision

Your Mink SO has fur like a cloud, so soft to the touch its hard to keep yourself from touching it. You always ask permission, but as you get to know each other you often find yourself buried in fluff as he snuggles close. @mustelaviision Your Mink SO is tall in a strange way, their body is long and smooth. Their gestures are a whole-body affair like a rope wiggled at one end. It was odd at first, but their ability to curl their body almost completely around you wins you over, their warmth at your back always.
Mar 24, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Hawk BF for @brotherflounder

Your Hawk Boyfriend occasionally smells of the sky when he comes home from work at the post office. It's a mix of ozone, petrichor, and the slight scent of a hard day's work. It becomes one of your favorite scents as his wings wrap around you. Your Hawk Boyfriend occasionally likes to preen you while you watch movies together. He wraps his arms around your front and gently combs his beak through your hair. He says its how avians show affection, and as his breath ruffles your hair you find you don't mind.
Mar 5, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Tips for commenting on your creative friend's work! (1/??)

1. One word responses aren't the best, 'Cool' or 'Nice!' may save time, but put the poster in the awkward position of wanting to ask for specifics. If you have time say more! Or perhaps delay until you're free-er! 2. Mention specifics if possible!

General praise can be nice but often friends put specific details in for specific reasons. Mentioning specific things you like can lead to discussion, and serves as a reward for said friend's attention to the small things! See if you can relate!
Feb 22, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Alley Cat Boyfriend for @TastyTalesVore

Your cat boyfriend is streetwise. When you met him, he was leaning against a wall, eyeing you curiously. He seems a bit mercurial, the way his black fur shimmers when he moves, but he was subtlely purring at the end of your first date. Your cat boyfriend often wears darker clothes and jeans and things. It's not quite a punk aesthetic, but refuses to fall into any particular style. He's hard to categorize. You think this style may partly be due to how easy this makes it to sneak up on you for a kiss.
Feb 22, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Scylla girlfriend for @AgainJo!

Your scylla girlfriend is exceptionally handy, though 'Handy' might not be the most effective term. Her tentacles are always multitasking, always doing something. There always seems to be one for you, however, curled close to caress. Your scylla girlfriend's lower body is sea blue, split off into eight thick tentacles of surprising dexterity. They wander over your body as you sit together on the couch, suckers kissing bare skin where they can, her arms just two more appendages to encircle and hold you close.
Feb 20, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Hypnotic Dragon GF for @burstandbloom

Your Dragon Girlfriend is taller than you by a wide margin, her graceful neck often forms a gentle arc to look down at you. A soft smile below beautiful eyes that seem to shimmer and swirl as your anxiety wanes. You feel safe around her. Before you met your Dragon Girlfriend, you found your anxiety would often get the best of you. Simple things were sometimes hard, and you isolate yourself. Now when she sees you fretting she cups your chin softly, and lets her gaze swirl your cares away.
Feb 17, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Farm Yeen BF thread for @FLazuli

Your hyena boyfriend works at the farmer's market. You met while looking for unique fruit to sell. His stand has vibrant plants the likes of which you've never seen. Leaves seem to perk at his touch and his wares are always sweet. @FLazuli Your hyena boyfriend has a southern drawl to his voice. It lays heavy on the vowels of his words, and he's quite shy of it. You however, love the way he talks, and ask him to read passages from the books he keeps in his overalls. You lay your head in his lap and listen.
Feb 15, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Valentines thread for Onceri!

Your Boyfriend is a large catfish fellow. His smile is wide and friendly and his voice deep and southern. His scales gleam in the light when he moves, and his form is smooth and heavy as it presses close. He says you're the catch of the day. Your Catfish Boyfriend's whiskers are prehensile, when you're close you often find them curled around some part of you, your arm, your leg, casually draped across your neck. They stroke your cheek sometimes when you say sweet things, and they tickle when you kiss.
Feb 14, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Valentine thread for @Testsubject4101

Your hippo girlfriend knows you love her size, and with the size difference between you its easy to show it off. You'll often find youself pinned to walls as you walk beside her. The way you blush helps her to know big is beautiful. Your hippo girlfriend fills the space around her through her sheer existence. You've become very familiar with the lovely dark grey pudge that makes up her form, as she finds any excuse to press it against you. Her warmth is a comfort on a cold valentines.
Feb 14, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Valentines Thread for @wrincewind

Your deer SO's horns are short. They're non-binary. Sometimes people ask if they're real. Those people are ignored. Come Valentine's day, you surprise them with heart-shaped bangles. They jingle with happiness. Your deer SO tells you they were once a skittish person. Now they subvert the stereotype, wearing who they are proudly. You admire their strength, and resist the urge to make headlights jokes about the way they go stiff when you surprise them with kisses and hugs.
Feb 8, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
You're not quite sure if your Cerberus Boyfriend is three people in one body or one person with different aspects between the heads. When you ask, he says to explain would be like explaining color to a blind person, but all parts of him love you, so it doesn't matter. Your Cerberous Boyfriend's "Pecks' are all encompassing, affectionate things. A pair of lips for each cheeks and a last tender touch for your forehead. His arms wrap around you and it's hard not to squeak from all the attention. He chuckles at your blush and holds you closer.
Feb 6, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Your tiger's boyfriend's stripes are a moving mosaic. They ripple above his muscles in powerful waves at the slightest flex, a beautiful living container of potential energy. Despite this, he is always soft as a large paw comes to cup your face, you've never felt a gentler touch. You're fascinated by your tiger boyfriend's claws. He realizes this and often uses them where you can see, taking excuses to unsheathe those sharp alabaster things, clipping off clothing tags and lagging threads. You squeeze his pads as you sit in his lap, watching them pop out.