cbian Profile picture
Tech Evangelist, Teacher, Coder and all around friendly geek. If it's too complex to understand, it's probably not being taught well.
May 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Have you heard of this Woman before? Is she the person who Scared Dave Umahi to change routes? Her name is FUNKE OPEKE. If you are in Data Centers and Data related stuff, you probably have heard of her. Image For those who don’t know, she is the Founder and CEO of MainOne.
So what has she got to do with Dave Umahi that probably scared him?
Here is the deal. Her Company was sold to EQUINIX. EQUINIX paid close to 1/4 $BILLION to buy her company, making it a SUBSIDIARY. Image
May 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
VIVA LA VIDA! That’s the title of a song by ColdPlay, Rock Group. It also captures the state of events that will be taking place in Nigeria in a few hours.
Though not exactly the choice of the masses, barring an act of god, a new set of dancers will soon take the Nigerian stage. Sirens  and armed guards, at Taxpayers expense that once surrounded the lives of the former “dancers” will now be transferred to the new “dancers”.
The former “dancers” will now join the masses to live in the nightmarish environments they have helped champion and enforced.
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
You graduated from University more than 3 years ago, but to date, you have no meaningful employment.
There are neither electricity nor running water where you live, nor, are the roads passable. Your Bank account is at the other end of positive cash flow. To make things worse, you are afraid to visit your own village, for fear of being kidnapped. Even when you summon up the courage to dare, you are extorted every mile of the journey, by men and women in uniforms.
These are the REALITIES and actual existence of your daily life.
Jun 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
WARNING! Tomorrow is QUADRUPLE WITCHING DAY for the STOCK markets. Expect EXTREME volatility in one direction or BOTH. AVOID buying anything. Here are the remaining Witching days for 2022
•June 17
•September 16
•December 16
@saveakobo IF you do not know what it Witching days are, check my TL from long ago. In a nutshell, a witching day is the date when various OPTIONS expire. Simply, Quadruple witching is an event in financial markets when four different sets of futures and options expire on the same day.
Jun 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Folks, in my response to the Thread below, I used the word, “Phony Money”. Someone wants to know what that means. So let me answer here. In the Thread, the OP, mentioned “last year stimulus..” as one of the causes of why we are in this mess. The OP is correct @saveakobo This Thread is a high level explanation of Economics theory and Monetary policies, BUT, I am NOT an Economist, so feel free to swing at me and educate all of us more. To understand the correlation between the Stimulus that the OP talked about, you have to understand INFLATION.
May 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
LESSONS for IPOB\IGBOS from Northern IRELAND. A major electoral UPSET is unfolding in far away Northern Ireland this evening, and it presents a great learning opportunity for IPOB\IGBOS. I am talking about the IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY (IRA) of Northern Ireland. For non students of history, for decades, IRA, ran a running battle with British government for almost identical reasons and more as IPOB started out with. It was a non winnable war for them against a better armed and funded British government.
May 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Question: “Should I be buying US stocks at this time..”?
Answer: Depends on your goals. Long term, probably Yes. Short term, No. we are of the opinion, Jerome Powell and the Feds will drive the economy into a Recession. Second, Biden’s domestic agenda is not going anywhere. There are compelling parallels between what happened in China and where it he US is headed. In the case of China, they had a booming Tech sector that generated a lot of cash. In the zeal of their president to reel in the tech sector, they destroyed their the entire sector.
Apr 20, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
BEFORE ANYONE sends me an angry “religious” drivel, THIS Thread is NOT “anti” anything. It is simply a historical educational Thread. IF you are new to the Thread, Start from below.

@davidfatunmbi the big question and underlying Thesis of the Thread was the Cultural impacts But the even much bigger question is, Why did the King decide to Translate the Bible?
The answer is simple, a POWER GRAB. A clever way to wrestle power from the Church, and as some have suggested to settle scores with the Catholic Church.
Apr 18, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
AFRICA finds itself in the developmental quagmire it is in today due to the destruction and abdication of AFRICAN cultural norms. Though colonial powers initiated the destruction, the abdication was accelerated and enforced by “educated” Africans themselves. The shortsighted visions of these early “educated” Africans is the debt AFRICA of today is still paying and may pay forever. Colonial powers knew fully well that, the best way to reshape a society is to eliminate their culture.
Sep 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
With Your permission, I will answer your question here in case anyone else has similar questions. The question is this: “I have been offered a $50K job in California. Is it a good pay? Should I take it”…?
Answer: If the job is fully Remote from Nigeria, I would take it. The truth is, $50K is NOT a lot of money. Particularly in California, New York and many other states, you will struggle to make ends meet. Cost of living in California is mind blowing and same goes for New York. You will live in Poverty at $50K in those states.
Sep 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I will answer here as I have done previously on this same topic. On its own, where you live is NOT the sole determinant to your success. Your success or failure is determined and driven by YOU! Who you ASSOCIATE WITH has a greater impact on who you become in life. If you surround yourself with folks who are going nowhere in life, folks who believe they are “owed” something by successful folks, etc, you will have little time left to rationalize things. You too will end up nowhere, blaming the world for your self inflicted wounds.
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
You will never get Rich by Saving Money. In fact, I have met a lot of wealthy people. NONE, got there by Saving Money. Saving Money, only helps you have some money to spend. If your goal is to become Wealthy, then, you should LEARN how to GROW Money. Saving money is ok, but, it is never a vehicle for wealth. We all grow up being told to “Save Money”. What they are really saying is, or should be saying is, “Grow money”. Until You learn how to grow that $1 you have, your $1 will always be there to spend.
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Folks, Start thinking 10 YEARS from Now. Looking at a Research Paper, here is what I see. EV market will be mature. TESLA, will become a niche player in that segment, BUT, become a GLOBAL leader in Energy Storage. They ALREADY lead, though that is not widely publicized. As at today, global energy Storage market is estimated at over $1.5 TRILLION. TESLA, runs the World’s Largest stored energy project from their facilities in AUSTRALIA. So what does all this mean to you, as an investor?
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Folks, let’s talk money and investing briefly. A follower asked, “In one Thread, you said you are a TESLA investor. In another Thread, you said, you hoped the Share prices go down. Isn’t the objective of buying the Stock, is for it to go up, so you make money...? NO, the GOAL is to make money. The Objective could be for it to go Up or Down in order to achieve that goal. NOT everyone buying a Stock is buying it because I hey want it to go UP. Depending on your Investment strategy, you could make money UP or Down.
Aug 28, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Folks, let us talk MONEY and STOCKS. Let us continue our STOCKS 101 and look at more Stock market Lingo. If you are new to the series, Please read the previous Threads to follow along.
Please also note that some features of what we talk about may NOT be available where you live. 1. When you open a an account for Stocks, you are given 2 options. You can open (a) CASH account or (b) A Margin account. A Cash account means you can only spend up to the Amount you have in cash. A MARGIN account is an account that allows you to spend more than the amount
Jul 24, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Let’s talk MONEY, and RESOURCES. Short Thread. Today, if you want to own the sleek Sexy machine built by Elon Musk, you would shell out upwards of $45k to buy a TESLA. But who was TESLA? I saw an interesting tweet by @mybasictarget about RESOURCES and thought we should Who was the REAL TESLA? Do you know he DIED BROKE, POOR and alone in a cheap hotel room in New York? So who was he? NIKOLA TESLA, was a Croatian, in former SOVIET UNION, but now a nation. He emigrated to US. He was one of the most brilliant ENGINEERS that ever lived
May 22, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
How much is that IDEA, CONCEPT, INVENTION, etc, etc, in your head Worth? A Billion$? A Million$? Even More? The REALITY is that, it MIGHT BE WORTH, ZERO! Let us talk MONEY and REALITY. Short Thread. This Thread is based on a personal experience. Don’t let it happen to YOU! You see, quite often, we deny ourselves of Success. We pray for miracles to uplift us, yet when same miracles show up in the form of another person, we simply don’t see it. In most cases, we fail to grab these opportunities by PRICING ourselves out of the market and reach.
Feb 1, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
The US Ban: A short Thread: Contrary to all the noise being made, the facts are the facts. 1. The Ban has nothing to do with the reasons advanced, but rather, it has everything to do with Domestic Politics and a Declining current majority population and low fertility rates. According all census data and all available projections, Whites will become a minority in the next few years. In some states such as Texas, non whites are most likely to wrestle political leadership from ruling mostly white Republican Party.
Jan 10, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Welcome to Our Stocks Investing 101. This is the second Thread in the series. In our first Thread, I pointed out that stock market is like a giant “Supermarket”, like Shoprite. The only difference is that, the merchandise sold are small pieces of ownership in companies, Shares. When a company is Listed for the public to buy Shares, they are assigned a Stock Symbol. It is those symbols that you buy. Each time you buy one, or the number of those symbols you buy, indicates the value of your ownership in that particular company.
Jan 9, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Folks! Let’s talk MONEY! Let’s talk WEALTH building. Specifically, let’s talk STOCKS and Stock Markets! BUT, before we begin, I will ask; WHAT is your RISK TOLERANCE? Do you know? If not, try as much as possible to find out. Investing in STOCKS, or anything involves taking RISkS. This Thread and several others following is intended to EDUCATE and should NOT BE used as a recommendation. The aim is to demystify Stock trading in simple English. We will go through the lingo so you understand what they are talking about when you hear them talking about it.
Nov 11, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
The year is ending, and if you work for a big organization, it’s that time of the year they do their annual reviews of your accomplishments for THEM. I am of the opinion, you should do the same for YOU! Without a baseline of what you have accomplished, it’s hard building on it! No matter how bad things may seem or have been, believe it or not, you have accomplished something! It may not have been your stated goals. Identifying those accomplishments will only help you move forward in the coming year.