To: @HolyPostPodcast. I have been trying to engage you in a discussion of trans issues for nearly two years now, and at no point have you responded to my offer/request to engage in such a conversation, on the podcast or off.
So, this is my last try.
To @philvischer & @SkyeJethani, you continue to make significant factual errors in discussions of transgender people & issues affecting us. Some of it likely contributes to fear about us, esp when it is likely much of your audience doesn't know even one trans person well.
Nov 10, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Cís friends, I need you to hear this: Putting trans people in camps won't look like putting trans people in camps.
It'll look like banning HRT (just like mifepristone), then criminalizing possession of estradiol or testosterone w/o a prescription (just like marijuana).
It'll look like banning gender marker changes on ID, then criminalizing the use of ID that has a gender marker different than the one assigned at birth.
It'll look like laws banning public drag, but are overbroad and include me going out in a dress and makeup.
Nov 7, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Trans friends - some things you should be doing *NOW*:
1 (of 5): Update the gender marker on your passport while you can. 2. Create any insurance-covered gender affirming care appointments you've been putting off. Electrolysis, surgery consults, etc. I personally think we ...
probably have until June 2026, especially in blue states. He will try to ban ACA coverage of GAC on day one, but lawsuits will keep it from taking effect until the '25-26 SCOTUS term, which will likely rule at the end.
That's 19 months, and enough to get a lot done. 3. Save...
Aug 30, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
If you plan to vote third party or not at all...
Will you accept whatever happens to me, done to you?
I may lose access to the ability to have normal hormone levels for a woman. Women - would you accept forcible testosterone injections? Men, will you take Estrogen?
My child will get misgendered and deadnamed by their teachers every day at school. Will you accept your child being misgendered and misnamed by their teachers?
I might not even be allowed in careers like teaching, due to "don't say gay" bills.
Jul 17, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I just saw Jon Stewart talking about the few hours between the assassination attempt and when we knew the shooter's identity. His portrayal as (paraphrasing) "we were all waiting to see what our response should be" missed the terror that some of us felt.
Within the trans community, I witnessed advice to stay home, to be careful in public. I personally was *terrified* that we would find out the shooter was trans, and even more anxious when I remembered I don't have a valid passport.
Jun 8, 2024 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Repentance and repair are vital to the one who has become LGBTQIA+ affirming.
This is a thread about why I believe that.
You may think it's because I want something like revenge, or I want to shame people.
Not true.
1/21 (sorry 🤦♀️)
I want grace to reign. And I want justice moving forward. And for both of those to happen, a process of repentance and repair must happen.
If you used to be a non-affirming Christian, this thread is for you.
Jun 5, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
What is a woman?
Well, what is "water"? Easy, right? It's the liquid form of H2O, a compound in which two hydrogen atoms bond w/ each oxygen atom.
But every time you've called something "water", it's something else. It has various impurities. Most water on earth is salty.
How much impurity does water have to have before it isn't "water" anymore? At what point of adding dirt to a glass of water make it "mud". 1%? 2%? 50%? Until then you'd say "this water is dirty."
In English, our definitions aren't as fixed and precise as we might think.
Jan 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
My whole life, I wanted something, but people told me I couldn’t even want it, let alone have it.
I finally got it and it’s beautiful.
And now people are trying to make it illegal.
Will my joy really be so brief?
It wouldn’t be the first time a group thought they had broken through, but were wrong.
The early years after the civil war held real reasons for hope for Black people. Then those dreams turned into nightmares that continue today.
Oct 30, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
“In hundreds of years they’ll test the DNA of your bones and it’ll say you’re a man.”
I get this one frequently and it’s actually interesting. Let’s talk about those future people decoding my bones.
B/c my DNA isn’t all they’ll find.
TW: transphobia, violence, self harm
Importantly, DNA doesn’t say things like “man”, it says things like “AGCTTGAAC”. *We* are the ones who label “man” or “woman” or something else.
So a 24th century archaeologist might test my DNA and then say “this was a man”, but the DNA itself doesn’t say that at all.
Sep 7, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Younger me: "I've never hated Jews, I don't understand anti-semitism".
Also younger me: "I shouldn't trust Jewish scholars on the OT, they misread it so badly they rejected Jesus."
Anti-semitism comes in many forms, and this is one of them: A high level of disrespect.
Of all the voices I've listened to during my deconstruction, Jewish scholars & Rabbis have been among my favorites. There's so much more life and beauty in how they interpret and wrestle with *their* texts. (and they are *their* texts).
Aug 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
This is Lauri Carleton.
Or rather, was.
She flew a pride flag at her shop in Cedar Glen, California.
And on Friday, someone shot her in the head for it. 1/3
Lauri was an ally. A small business owner. A wife, a mother of nine kids in a blended family.
My heart is crushed for those who knew her and had her ripped away.
She’s a hero who wouldn’t back down because of hate.
Jul 27, 2023 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
Dear non-affirming friends,
I was you. Very recently. And for a long time. Let me show you your future.
I met my first gay friend 20 years ago next month. I haven’t heard from him in a decade, I assume because he rightly grew tired of me quietly judging him.
I watched silently as my coworkers passed him over for a job because he was “so gay”.
Another gay man I knew in college never trusted me to begin with, again, rightly.
I voted against gay marriage in 2012. I taught people in my church that homosexuality was a sin.
Jul 22, 2023 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
Trans women in sports! (sources at end):
Trans women are allowed to compete at the Women's World Cup (since 2011). But there are no known trans women at this year's tournament (or previous years).
(1/14) 🧵
- There are 736 women competing, and not one of them are trans.
- Roughly 0.6% of the population is trans (remarkably consistent across cultures)
So you'd expect there to be ~4 trans women competing even if being trans conferred no advantage.
Jun 23, 2023 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
I read the 44-page ruling blocking Florida’s ban on Gender Affirming Care for minors. Federal Judge Robert Hinkle rules that the ban is “likely” to be found unconstitutional.
But these excerpts are worth your time 🧵 (1/23)
Page 4: “The elephant in the room should be noted at the outset. Gender identity is real. The record makes this clear. The medical defendants, speaking through their attorneys, have admitted it. At least one defense expert also has admitted it.” (2/x)