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Aug 17 22 tweets 2 min read
The first US county to ever experience a decrease in childhood autism rates has been pinpointed, says economic researcher Toby Rogers, who explains that starting in 2000, parents in Marin County, California began to do something differently.

Rather than blindly following the childhood vaccine schedule of the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the parents got together and decided to defy the CDC due to their concerns about safety and the number of shots on the schedule.

What happened next has left researchers stunned, as Rogers explains.

Cynthia Nevison is the authority on autism prevalence in California.
She found that autism in children born post-2000 to wealthy white and Asian parents in Marin County plateaued and then declined.

To put this in perspective, this has never happened before in the history of autism in the US.
Nevison outlined her findings in a 2020 peer-reviewed study conducted with William Parker and published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.Image Source:…
Jun 6 7 tweets 3 min read
194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states have agreed to begin arresting and prosecuting citizens who speak out against the Bird Flu vaccine, as part of tough new measures designed to stomp out so-called ‘misinformation’. Image Source:…
May 17 4 tweets 2 min read
The American Heart Association (AMA) has warned that 90 percent of the vaccinated population now suffers from an irreversible heart condition caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. Image According to new research, an astounding number of fully vaccinated people now have cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome. Every major organ in the body is affected by CKM, including the heart, brain, kidney and liver, with the worst damage occurring in blood vessels, heart muscle and the cardiovascular system.…
May 10 4 tweets 2 min read
“Vaccines save lives - we have direct evidence of that with COVID.”

“Everyone should have the option of being vaccinated if they can - especially if we want life to be as 'normal' as possible.”

There’s literally no way to prove that. It’s a blatant lie. And life’s never been normal bro, that means you people were too comfortable in captivity and these last four years have shown just that.

This you ? @DrRanjImage This didn’t age well.. Image
Apr 25 4 tweets 3 min read
A leading pro-vaccine doctor has issued a desperate apology on social media, begging thousands of patients to forgive him for vaccinating them with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA jab during the pandemic.

According to Dr. Nordin, recent revelations about the Covid mRNA vaccines including the fact they contain thousands of billions of DNA nanobots and data released by the German government reveals the so-called Covid pandemic was nothing more than smoke and mirrors and did not exist in reality.Image Source:…
Apr 14 8 tweets 3 min read
Greece is predicted to become the first nation to suffer “population collapse” as sudden and unexpected deaths continue soaring across the nation while fertility rates have plunged to levels lower than experts previously thought possible.

Heart failure, strokes, blood clots, and rapid onset cancers among otherwise healthy young people have caused the mortality rates to skyrocket in Greece, while the fertility levels in young males and females are caused the birth rate to fall through the floor, recording the lowest number of births in almost a century.

The prospect of population collapse in Greece is a “ticking time bomb” and a “national threat” according to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.Image…
Apr 13 4 tweets 2 min read
A Japanese official has issued an urgent warning to citizens around the world, declaring that the Covid pandemic was a giant hoax by the global elite designed to push “depopulation drugs” on humanity.

Top Japanese professor Masayasu Inoue, MD, PhD, issued the warning in a video messageposted to social media.
According to Inoue, there was no pandemic at all, it was all a giant hoax orchestrated by the WEF, UN, and WHO.

Leo’s Newsletter reports: The professor accuses these entities of an “extreme violation of human rights.”

The doctor argues that the global vaccination agenda was a fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy” that was pushed onto “healthy people.”

The United States militarized the premature manufacture and distribution of the vaccines through Operation Warp Speed, which the doctor described as a “fraudulent” pretext based on the supposed urgency of a pandemic. This sense of public panic, urgency and outright hysteria was needed in order to get a new class of genetic vaccines into people’s bodies before proper testing could be carried out.

The bodies of those who received the injections were trained to manufacture a toxic spike protein that collects in bodily tissue and is now causing all sorts of health problems, many of them deadly or debilitating.

The vaccines have been particularly devastating to children and young adults.
He warns that the result of rolling out Covid mRNA vaccines has led to “the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”
He said new mRNA vaccine factories are now being constructed in his home country of Japan.Image…
Apr 4 5 tweets 4 min read
As we were left speechless by your behavior during the plandemic. Safe and effective. 🧵@StephenAtHome @colbertlateshow Image In his speech, Biden said that vaccinated Americans' patience was wearing thin with the unvaccinated. "And I say, hear, hear!
Vaccine mandates have a proud, patriotic history in this country," Colbert added, pointing to George Washington's requirement that his troops be immunized during a smallpox outbreak in 1777. "And who can forget the immortal words of Paul Revere," he riffed, "One if by J&J, two if by Pfizer. The variants are coming! The variants are coming!'"…Image
Apr 2 7 tweets 2 min read
Howard Stern Says Anti-Vaxxers Should Be Denied Hospital Care Once Infected

We won’t forget @HowardStern…
Apr 2 6 tweets 2 min read
This is not normal. But it is normal when you think about the majority of the population being jabbed multiple times, it’s inevitable. The only thing surprising now is that people are surprised that it’s happening.

Reminder: Public health vaccination guidelines cannot be easily transferred to elite athletes.

The special situation of elite athletes justifies specified vaccination guidelines that partly differ from public health guidelines. The risk of side effects could be reduced by a correct vaccine and vaccination technique and by the timing of vaccination. All staff members should also be vaccinated to increase the acceptance of vaccination by the athlete.Image Vaccination for elite athletes:…
Apr 2 9 tweets 4 min read
Shocking statistics, quietly published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal over one million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over ever since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine to be offered to the public. 🧵Image The FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on December 11, 2020, making it the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive such authorization in the United States.

Following that, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine received EUA on December 18, 2020, and the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine received EUA on February 27, 2021.

The elderly were offered the COVID-19 vaccine first and the number of excess deaths recorded was astounding. During the first 20 weeks of 2021 150,085 excess deaths were recorded among people aged over 65’s compared to the 2015 to 2019 five-year average.Image
Mar 31 4 tweets 2 min read
‘Vaccine lettuce’ bill, aiming to classify food containing a vaccine as a drug, passes in Tennessee.

This is wild. 😳 Image…
Mar 29 11 tweets 3 min read
Do you remember the Pfizer documents that got released and had nine pages of Adverse events of special interest (AESI)?

Well they’re happening, and they’re being ignored. You cannot be baffled and or claim correlation is not causation if you’re not looking.

Let’s get to work!!!

Feb 16 6 tweets 1 min read
The CDC guidelines during the plandemic were all arbitrary and had nothing to do with science. In fact, those guidelines were put in place to instill fear.

-Social distancing
-Travel restrictions
-Firing Employees
-Quarentines -14 days to flatten the curve
-Mandatory testing(harassment) for those who simply didn’t want to get jabbed.
-Presentation of vaccination card/status upon entry to an establishment, business or restaurant
Feb 15 11 tweets 3 min read
The Lymphatic System and why the "Immune System" doesn't exist! 🧵 Image 1) Image
Feb 1 20 tweets 6 min read
📚Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that undermine the quality of an argument.

THREAD 🧵 : 20 common logical fallacies to learn, identify, & avoid:

**1. Image *2. Selecting and highlighting evidence that supports the conclusion while ignoring evidence that may refute it. Image
Oct 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Investigators have discovered that every single patient who received a Covid mRNA vaccine from one clinic died suddenly shortly after the jab, within the same timeframe.

Investigative reporter Liz Gunn tracked down patients who had received Covid jabs from the same clinic in New Zealand.

Disturbingly, she traced all 30 patients who were vaccinated by the clinic on the same day and discovered that every single one had dropped dead around the same time.
Oct 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans (CGS) show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. 🧵 This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. Based upon the sample sizes for the controls vs. the exposed population, the p-values and odds ratios evidence the astronomical odds against the innocence of vaccines as the actual cause of well over 90% of the disabling and life-threatening chronic conditions suffered by Americans.
Oct 15, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
I thought vaccines save lives? 🧵

The vaccinated in orange. 🟠

The unvaccinated in blue. 🔵

The Count: How many entirely unvaccinated "controls" in the USA?

Over 99.74% of Americans alive in 2020 had been exposed to vaccines.

That leaves 0.26% unvaccinated.

Asthma:📈 Image Allergic Rhinitis: 📈 Image
May 4, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Question One: When attempting to prove the existence of any "thing", we follow certain procedures. First, we define the thing we are looking for, then we go to the natural habitat of that thing and attempt to find it. 🧵 If we find it and we isolate it (meaning, separate it from its environment SO WE HAVE IT IN PURE FORM), this step allows us to find out what the thing is composed of and what it does. It works very well with trees, frogs, bacteria and even nanoparticles.
May 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Let the EVIDENCE speak: Did Vaccines Save Us? 🧵

Vaccine protagonists argue we can see the worth of vaccines better by looking at graphs showing disease incidence (morbidity), rather than by looking at mortality. Image However death rates give us the most accurate picture of what is going on—incidence data only includes reported cases, and many cases of disease are never reported, but deaths usually are.