Chad Pergram Profile picture
Chad Pergram is the Senior Congressional Correspondent for Fox News. He's won an Edward R. Murrow Award & is a two-time recipient of the Joan Barone Award.
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May 22 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Ways/Means Cmte Chair Smith First, Hunter Biden lied about the recipient of a WhatsApp message sent with the apparent intention to threaten a business associate and demand payment. In the message, Hunter Biden twice mentioned he was with his father. In the deposition, Hunter Biden sought to dismiss the message, claiming that he was either 'high or drunk' when he sent it, and in that state, had sent it to the wrong Zhao, and not actually the one affiliated with the Chinese energy company, CEFC. Hunter claimed under oath that the recipient, 'had no understanding or even remotely knew what,...I was even‚...talking about.' 2) Smith: However, phone records in front of the Committee today show Hunter Biden sent the message to the correct Chinese businessman by the name of Raymond Zhao who not only was affiliated with CEFC, but knew exactly what Hunter Biden was talking about.
Apr 30 5 tweets 2 min read
1) The Hitchhiker’s Guide To How Democrats Support for Johnson Could Backfire On the Speaker

An astonishing email just hit inboxes around Capitol Hill from the House Democratic leadership team of House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (D-CA):

“We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.” 2) So you have DEMOCRATIC leaders telling their rank-and-file members they support short-circuiting an effort to unseat House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Here’s why this is a big deal:

It was thought that House Democrats would protect Johnson in some form if Greene were to trigger her resolution. That hasn’t happened yet. But it was believed that a small number of Democrats might vote to table or kill Greene’s motion, thus protecting him. Or, Democrats might just “take a walk” during that vote, diluting the voting pool in the House. That would protect Johnson by having fewer Democrats vote. Thus, Democrats could inoculate Johnson – without ever taking a vote.
Mar 25 25 tweets 4 min read
1) User's Manual to how control of the House could flip to the Democrats before the election.

Control of the House has never changed in the middle of a Congress. But if it’s going to happen, the 118th Congress is as ripe for that possibility. 2) House Republicans face chaos in their conference. Members who planned to retire next January are now ditching Capitol Hill early. The House is an acrimonious place with yet another move afoot to dethrone the Speaker.
Mar 22 4 tweets 1 min read
A) From colleague Kelly Phares. There is sparring between Cotton and Tester about who is holding up an agreement to vote on the minibus spending bill. B) Off the Senate floor, the two men came face to face while speaking to separate groups of reporters. Sen Cotton yelled at Tester over all the reporters: "Why don't you ask Senator Tester why we aren't voting?"

Sen Tester yelled back: "You can ask me anything you want!"
Mar 22 8 tweets 2 min read
1) There is no agreement between senators on a voting on a host of amendments related to border, migration and the Laken Riley Act. The mood in the Senate has grown increasingly dark over the past two hours and time slipping off the clock. 2) Even if the sides were to get a deal now, it would be hard to finish up before the 11:59:59 pm et deadline to align with the House.
Mar 20 6 tweets 1 min read
1) Fox has learned that the Attorney General for the District of Columbia has dropped charges against Steve Nikoui for disrupting Congress during the President’s State of the Union speech earlier this month. 2) Nikoui is the father of Kareem Nikoui who was killed during the Biden Administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

Fox learned of the decision this evening. The decision to drop the charges was confirmed by the Speaker’s Office.
Mar 12 4 tweets 1 min read
1) House GOP and could mean the House is down to a one-seat majority soon, not long after Buck resignation

It is ALWAYS about the math.

That is augmented by the resignation of Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) next week. 2) Buck tells me he will remain a member until the end of the day on March 22.

That is also the deadline for the next batch of spending bills to avoid a shutdown.

Also, the GOP majority could even shrivel more before it gets better.
Mar 12 9 tweets 2 min read
A) Jordan on Fox on Hur testimony: He also said that he couldn't remember when he was elected vice president, how long he served as vice president during the interview that they had over a two day time period. So the memory concerns, I think are evident. B) Jordan: The American people see that all the time. But I think there's also remember, this is over five decades. There was classified material found clear back in the early days when Joe Biden was senator from Delaware. So this is a 50 year process.
Mar 6 6 tweets 1 min read
1) The Hitchhiker’s Guide To the House Passing Funding Bill Today

The House debates and votes on a “mini-bus” spending bill to fund six sections of the federal government through the end of the fiscal year. 2) This is NOT another interim spending bill. Bipartisan, bicameral Congressional leaders forged a deal on these six bills and glommed them together.

The House will debate the bill this afternoon with a vote around 4 pm et.

The bill will need two-thirds to pass.
Feb 29 7 tweets 2 min read
1) User’s Manual To What Would Have To Happen To Get McConnell Out Of Leadership Early

Some Senate Republicans – and the House Freedom Caucus – are suggesting that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) step aside from his leadership post now – rather than right now. 2) It is typical for the House and Senate to have their separate, internal leadership elections after each general or midterm election, usually in November.

But here’s what would have to happen if someone wants to force the issue right away and show McConnell the door now.
Feb 26 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Johnson: Despite the counterproductive rhetoric in Leader Schumer’s letter, the House has worked nonstop, and is continuing to work in good faith, to reach agreement with the Senate on compromise government funding bills in advance of the deadlines. 2) Johnson: Our position is that of the American people and our mission is to take steps to rein in Democrats’ overspending and policies that are harming the economy, raising prices, and making everyday life harder for our constituents.
Feb 14 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Johnson about national security threat: I do have a statement and I'm going to be very precise and I'm not going to take questions. But last month, I sent a letter to the WH requesting a meeting with the President to discuss a serious national security issue that is classified 2) Johnson: In response to that letter, a meeting is now scheduled tomorrow on this matter here at the Capitol with the Gang of Four and with the president's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan.
Feb 14 20 tweets 3 min read
1) User’s Manual to What’s Next Now That The House Impeached Mayorkas

The House has now impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 2) Think of impeachment as an indictment. It’s up to the Senate to act as a “court” and judge whether the accused is guilty of the charges in a trial.

The impeachment of cabinet officials is rare. The House has now impeached multiple Presidents and federal judges.
Feb 7 6 tweets 1 min read
1) From colleague astute colleague Tyler Olson. House Democrats appear to have outwitted Republicans Tuesday – disguising their attendance numbers and convincing House Republicans they had the votes to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In fact, they did not 2) On an unrelated vote immediately before the Mayorkas impeachment vote, 218 Republicans voted, compared to 211 Democrats. Each party had one absence.
Feb 6 4 tweets 1 min read
1) Fox confirms list of Mayorkas impeachment “managers” who will prosecute the case before the Senate if Mayorkas is in fact impeached tomorrow 2) 11 House “impeachment managers.” They serve as prosecutors, making the case to the Senate in a prospective impeachment trial for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Feb 5 6 tweets 1 min read
1) House Rules Committee to prep Mayorkas Impeachment Articles for Floor Today

The House Rules Committee meets today to prep two articles of impeachment for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for the floor today. 2) The committee meets at 4 pm et. Fox is told the impeachment articles is the second item on the agenda. That means the panel doesn’t deal with impeachment until 5:30 or 6 pm et. 

The section of the meeting focused on impeachment could be contentious and drift into the evening.
Feb 5 6 tweets 1 min read
1) Key portion of border bill. Page 112: MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; 2) Border bill: or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are en10 countered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (B), the average for the applicable 7-day period shall be calculated using.. ‘
Feb 2 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Senate border bill negotiators are racing to try to get bill text out today. Fox is told that the bill has been “stitched together” and there is a read through today for everyone to make sure the bill is in the form they want it to be. 2) Fox is told that the border/immigration section is complete. But they are trying to make sure everything is in order on the national security portion which provides aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
Jan 22 10 tweets 2 min read
1) Fox is told that the border security/immigration bill is still not finished. No bill text today 2) Tomorrow is going to be a critical day on the future of border talks which have dragged on for weeks now. Remember, there was even chatter of the Senate considering a border bill in mid-December.
Jan 12 5 tweets 1 min read
1) GOP FL Rep Luna after briefing on UAPs: It has become apparent that there is a movement, whether it's within the intelligence intelligence community or not, to prevent us from finding out more information on this. 2) Luna on UAP whistleblower David Grusch: He never said extraterrestrial or alien. He said interdimensional.
Nov 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1) Johnson: When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical. 2) Johnson: Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours.