Andrew Chakhoyan 🇺🇦 Profile picture
🇺🇦-American in NL🇳🇱 @Kennedy_School alum. “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim” - Elie Wiesel #StandWithUkraine
4 subscribers
Jan 30 5 tweets 3 min read
✉️ Thank you @TheEconomist for printing my letter

Hope you’ll finally adopt the correct spelling for 🇺🇦 cities: not just Kyiv, but also Odesa

russian culture is where Pushkin & putin come from. Dugin & Dostoevsky. World-class ballet & heinous violence of #RussianColonialism Image 🎁 Gift link
Jan 15 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ Valdai Sam strikes again 🤢🤮

Let's discuss in detail yet another effort by the phudo-expert Charap to regurgitate kremlin's sewage and present it as candy.

#Thread (link to the article in the last comment) Image 2/ he wants a “neutral” peacekeeping force for 🇺🇦 knowing full well that russia has sabotaged the UN’s ability to act. The General Assembly overwhelmingly condemned russia’s war of aggression, yet the Security Council is impotent thanks to russia’s veto. Image
Nov 28, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Most of the “Ukraine aid dollars” are spent in America 🇺🇸 Image If we want to avoid WWIII, we must stand up for Ukraine! Image
Aug 31, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
What is russia?
For most countries, the answer is found in a national origin story—a myth collectively embraced by the people
The more coherent, the more grounded in actual events is the myth, the stronger the national identity
russia’s national myth is rooted in a BIG LIE
1/10Image Thus, russia’s essence is a perverted insecurity that manifests itself as belligerence layered on top of a siege mentality.
The russian elites know full well and the general populace senses by intuition that their national myth is hollow.
Aug 6, 2024 21 tweets 7 min read
'With 🇺🇦, as long as it takes,' we proclaimed. But in Moscow, they heard something else: the West is more terrified of 🇺🇦 winning than losing. To dispel any doubts, the Kremlin bombed a children’s cancer hospital on the eve of a NATO summit.
1/n #Thread Image Let's be clear: 🇷🇺 alone is culpable for the war crimes it commits. But the grim reality is that the missiles that struck 🇺🇦 could have been intercepted. That's because, over the last 10 years since 🇷🇺 first invaded, we have collectively failed to equip 🇺🇦 with the air defense systems
Jun 8, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
🪆Valdai Sam strikes again 💥
Only God knows why @scharap’s equivocations always tilt towards the kremlin, but equally puzzling is the decision by Washington Post to print this overtly misleading and intellectually disingenuous crap.
Let me break it down for you
🧵1/x Image The headline & the opening paragraph conveniently omit the context in which the US Administration has decided to drop its demand that 🇺🇦 fights russian invasion with hands tied behind its back.
Did Valdai Sam hear about missile strikes on Kharkiv?…
May 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
How is this not front page news in every major western media?
Georgia wants to decide for itself
Mar 24, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Terrorists killed civilians in moscow. The responsibility falls on the russian government (either it orchestrated the attack or was criminally negligent).
But the terror kremlin rained on russia’s capital pales in comparison to the terror it rains on Ukraine every day Image Plane icons in yellow — civil aviation in Europe: people going on vacations, business trips, to see family, etc.

White icons are missiles and drones which could hit a Ukrainian family in their sleep anywhere in the country, as russia has proven many times
Mar 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
You walk down the street & see a person covered in blood being attacked by a psychopath — twice the size of his victim.
You’re with a group of friends — everyone in their prime physical condition. You’ve got a taser, pepper spray, etc. & can neutralize the offender.
You walk by. Image The western policy of incrementalism. The fear of provoking putin. The failure to commit to a Ukrainian victory as soon as possible and committing to “as long as it takes” instead.
Shame on us.
Mar 19, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
putin is the president of russia on Monday, just as he was on Friday.
The outcome of the elaborate song & dance performance, which took place over the weekend, was predetermined and known to all: putin, the russian people, and the world. So why do it?
1/n (a long read)Image The most obvious answer is to legitimize putin’s rule and emulate democracy in order to confuse those who adore russia despite its war crimes & arm useful-idiots & retained-propagandists in the West with talking points, flawed as they are.
2/n Image
Nov 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What a shame! @nytimes

We both know this is a patent lie! Why print it? A civilian death toll in 🇺🇦 is estimated at over 100,000 in 2022 alone…

And what is this wording “have been killed in 🇺🇦” vs. “Israel has killed”?

Perhaps you don’t know who is killing Ukrainians? Let me make it clear — it is russia and the russians who are hellbent on genocide. They started killing Ukrainians in 2014 and never stopped.

@LaurenLeatherby — what are your thoughts on this subheading?
Image Thanks @VladDavidzon for flagging
Oct 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
What we had in Europe was precious.

Peace is not inevitable. It’s not “the way things are.” It is a direct consequence of the rules-based order established after WWII.

Peace used to be an intermission between wars — not the other way around.

russia hasn’t “just invaded 🇺🇦,” it reintroduced the war of conquest — one of four gravest crimes under the Rome Statute of the ICC — back in Europe.

Make no mistake, Ukraine is fighting for all of us. Whatever the costs are of helping 🇺🇦 now, they pale in comparison to the costs of existing in the world where internationally recognized borders are not restored.

PS the graph below is notional & shows major wars involving “great powers”
Image Conflicts didn’t disappear. That’s true. There was plenty of pain & suffering in the world after 1945. But the overt wars of conquest became unthinkable in Europe until 2014 when russia invaded Ukraine.
Sep 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On the controversy with Yaroslav Hunka, I’m no historian & no matter what I say, someone will surely find it offensive.

But this is what I’ve learned so far
❓did Hunka serve in the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division “Galicia”?

❓what was he doing there?
♦️fighting Soviets, who committed genocide in 🇺🇦 just a decade ago, attempting to exterminate Ukrainians by starving millions to death #holodomor. Was he justified in wanting russians out of Ukraine? You tell me.

❓did Hunka slaughter Poles & Jews, as many allege?
♦️I don’t know. But from what I’ve read, Hunka was tried in Canada 🇨🇦 by the post-war tribunal & was found to have committed no war crimes.

What did I miss?

Image I will happily delete this tweet if there are mistakes or major gaps, in the meantime here is the source…
Jul 31, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
🔵 why the actions of the Russian state contradict the interests of the Russian people?
🔵 why is the kremlin waging war when it was already achieving its nefarious goals by exporting corruption, manipulating western media, & weaponizing energy?
🔴 those questions have no answer,……
Image “🔴Russia's conquest of Siberia starting in the 1580s, included the enslavement of indigenous peoples whom it forced to pay tribute on pain of death, resulting in starvation as people struggled to meet quotas instead of feeding themselves
🔴 Some historians have compared this……
Jul 9, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Why did russia invade Ukraine 🇺🇦?
🔵 Much depends on how we answer this seemingly obvious question... if we can get to the root of russia's rot, we'll learn to stop worrying about Ukraine's victory & accelerate the return of a lasting peace to Europe.
🔴 Was the decision to……
Kristi Raik @KristiRaik is right 🎯
we should not be afraid of a russian collapse…
Jun 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
“Since Russia’s soldiers first stormed 🇺🇦, women have been gang-raped, men castrated, children sexually abused, & civilians forced to parade naked in the streets, according to the UN.” #ThisIsRussia #RussianCulture… And anyone wants to attribute this to a few bad apples… Image
Jun 10, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Dear @ForeignAffairs, @dankurtzphelan
Why print this overtly manipulative and intellectually incongruent/dishonest argument?
Only god knows why @scharap writes this trash, but why are you actively trying to lose the respect of your readers, is beyond me. BS Point #1
Russia invaded 🇺🇦, the West provided military assistance so that 🇺🇦 was better able to defend itself, but has yet to publically state that a definitive, conclusive victory by 🇺🇦 is what is necessary to establish lasting peace in Europe.
From this @scharap erroneously concludes
Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The Economist asks and answers the big question 🙋🏻‍♂️ and by doing so, it squashes the already weak arguments of putin-sponsored pacifists and the western fiscal-conservatives-minted-in-the-kremlin… via @TheEconomist 1/5 “As the war enters its second year, some ask whether Ukraine is worth all this effort. Isn’t the cost-of-living crisis more urgent? Or climate change? Imagine if the money spent on weapons could finance development instead.” 2/5
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Russia/putin did this to a 19-year-old Ukrainian. Russia/putin did this to Ruslana, who volunteered to defend her country. Russia/putin did this to countless thousands of innocent victims. Russia/putin will not stop, until they’re stopped.
#NeverForget #UkraineWillWin Image 📷 Photo credit – Костянтин та Влада Ліберови via @bbcukrainian
Feb 5, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🔴 Why did #russia launch a full-scale invasion last year?
🔵 Whether you're pro-russian, anti-russian, or Elon Musk [who just can't decide], Feb 24th doesn't make any sense
🔵 So, here is a short thread 🧵to explore the 3 most compelling explanations I've heard
1/5 1️⃣ Kool-Aid drinking party in the bunker
As @TarasKuzio explained in his piece for @ACEurasia
"It would appear that Putin simply fell victim to his own propaganda."…
Jan 28, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Which USSR did you like more?
🔴 1939 when it signed a pact w/ Hitler
🔴 1962 when it tried to place ☢️ weapons in 🇨🇺
🔴 1968 when it sent tanks to Prague
🔴 1979 when it invaded 🇦🇫
🔵 1991 when it fell apart & People of the former colonies/Soviet republics found freedom
Which #Russia do you like more?
🔴 1994/99 when it slaughtered 300K+ of its own citizens in two Chechen wars
🔴 2008 when it invaded 🇬🇪
🔴 2013 when it bribed Yanukovych $15B so he wouldn’t sign 🇪🇺-🇺🇦 association agreement