Char74Trump Profile picture
Find me on other social media under the same name and avatar. General rabble-rouser. Being cynical is my hobby. Thank you Elon for access to my account!
27 subscribers
Jun 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Apr 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Please follow my thread to easily find the information and resources Dr. Simone Gold is discussing.… This is where you can find and obtain a prescription for effective covid 19 medications.…
Jan 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Great sources of information mentioned here.
Follow my thread for the links she mentions.
Thanks @SidneyPowell1 !
Dec 27, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Why blow up Nashville AT&T? Because Rm 641A is a telecom intercept facility for the NSA. It's part of the Patriot Act surveillance program. AT&T provides several such "rooms".
This one was special, because it's a hub for GEORGIA.
The more you know...… Interesting.
Dec 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Who is replacing Bill Barr?
U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen.
Previously an assistant U.S. attorney & MILITARY magistrate judge and lawyer with the U.S. Army JAG Corps.
Also, 82nd Airborne, SAME UNIT AS GENERAL FLYNN.
Awake yet?… The meat of this interview is about 2/3 into it.

Nov 7, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Check out this 2019 article. Interesting. "The voting machine lobby, led by the biggest company, ES&S, believes they are above the law,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., “They have not had anybody hold them accountable even on the most basic matters.”… Andreessen Horowitz, where have I heard that name before?…
Oct 26, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
@ScottPresler Hey Scott! I thought you might like these! You look gorgeous arriving in Gettysburg!
Thank you for all you do! Scott graciously pauses to make a video for this fan.
Oct 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Franklin Templeton Investments clearly listed on Adam Schiff's assets and earned income statement.… Image Adam Schiff connected to Franklin Templeton.…
Oct 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation." That's why we have the Foreign Emoluments Clause.
The Biden scandal runs deep and wide.… Does she look like a gal you'd take home to mother? Who is she? Where was this photo taken? Who took the photo and why? So many questions...
Oct 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
There are 3 hard drives containing damning pedophilia evidence & evidence against D Politicians. They've been given to Rudy, the DOJ, Nancy Pelosi & 45.
Who's implicated?
The Hunter becomes the Hunted.
Please read this interesting FB post from Gisele Frederich.
Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
"Color revolution" is the standard technique for promoting regime change in targeted nations. Make no mistake! America is now the target! Image Color revolution isn't a revolution of people of color. It is a term for regime change. Americans are being groomed for a coup by the left & it's no laughing matter.…
Aug 20, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes the answer to a Question is the simplest one.
A short cue thread for you.… Panic in D.C.
Nothing can stop what's coming.
Got popcorn? Image
Jul 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The Virgin Islands land deal, reported here for the first time, furthers a pattern in which members of the Biden family have engaged in financial dealings with people with an interest in influencing the former vice president.… Some of this can be confirmed, some, like the bodies, can't.
I will add to this thread as more evidence comes to light. Image
May 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I find this very interesting. If in fact a safe vaccine can be made that bypasses big pharma and Gate, that would be great news.
#DeathToBigPharma Here is the small company that is working on a clean vaccine for COVID-19.…
May 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Worth remembering.
Think Chess.
Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?
QUEEN protects KING?
We haven't forgotten.
#Killary Worth remembering.
Think Chess.
Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?
QUEEN protects KING?
May 11, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
I thought I'd venture into a few sidelines of #ObamaGate.
It's my belief that 1's friends say a lot about that person. I've had friends that didn't measure up to my standards over the years. They aren't part of my life any more.
Let's take a look at 1 of Mr. Obama's friends. Mr. Branson owns an island in the Caribbean called, Necker Island. It's only 55.3km from Epstein Island. #ObamaGate…
May 9, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Corrupt FBI assets with no official reason to be in contact with the media. Anderson Cooper is ex-CIA.
Anderson Cooper is Gloria Vanderbilt's son.
Do these photos of his childhood bedroom seem normal to you?
May 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
"President Barack Obama is at the center of all of this. Indeed, Obama oversaw it all, from the start."
TREASON!… "This tells us that Obama knew...the fact of the matter is Barack Obama knew all about this."…
May 8, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
“complaint does not arise in connection with the operation of any U.S. government intelligence activity, and the alleged misconduct does not involve any member of the intelligence community,” the ICWPA did NOT apply.… A complaint from an intelligence-community employee about statements made by the President during a telephone call with a foreign leader does not involve an “urgent concern,” as defined in 50 U.S.C. § 3033(k)(5)(G)…
May 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"The electric-powered, high-speed train system would draw electric power from overhead wires connected to the commercial power grid. In braking, it would regenerate electricity back to the grid, thereby conserving power and reducing costs."… "China Railway International USA Co., a consortium of government-funded Chinese high-speed rail operators, and XpressWest, the transportation arm of Marnell Companies, a gaming resort development firm."…
Apr 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
They do not want you to have an effective and inexpensive treatment for CV19!
HCQ is that treatment!… Schiff's attempt to censor any information about a cure or treatment for CV19. They want mail in voting so they can cheat. It's all about prolonging this until November.