Good morning from day 6 of Jussie Smollett's trial. He will start the day back on the witness stand for more cross-examination.
Smollett is in court looking out the window in the court room towards Skyline of Chicago as his attorneys are meeting behind closed doors. @cbschicago
Jury has entered. Court is in session.
Dec 6, 2021 • 40 tweets • 9 min read
BREAKING: Jussie Smollett now on the stand in his own defense.
He faces six felony counts of disorderly conduct for staging his own attack and lying to police about it in Jan. 2019. @cbschicago@cbschicago Defense attorney Nenye Uche is now asking Smollett to explain his childhood..parents occupations etc. Explains mom has been court everyday and dad was white and Jewish. @cbschicago
He testified that he did not grow up rich
Dec 6, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Brett Mahoney now called by defense. He was a Executive Producer/showrunner on Empire. @cbschicago@cbschicago He is testifying about the threatening letter sent to the set of Empire addressed to Jussie Smollett.
After a break Friday—Jussie Smollett’s trial picks back up today.
Defense expected to call final witnesses.
Judge expects jury to have the case late today or Tuesday. @cbschicago
Court still hasn’t started. Judge and attorneys in chambers.
Nov 29, 2021 • 23 tweets • 7 min read
Jussie Smollett arrives for the start of his trial. He’s facing felony disorderly conduct charges. Accused of staging his own attack in 2019. Jury selection begins today. @cbschicago#smollett#Smolletttrial
Judge James Linn told prospective jurors that he intends the jury to be selected today and that he anticipates opening statements/evidence to also begin today. Jury should expect to work until about 7pm everyday and trial should wrap this week or early next week.#jussiesmollett
Apr 2, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Mother of Adam Toledo,13, has not seen the police body camera video showing an officer shooting her son in the chest. He died. She will view it next week
Family says they knew nothing about Adam having a gun. Police say they recovered a gun at the scene @cbschicago#AdamToledo
Toledo family and their attorney say the focus is on viewing the video. They do not know what it shows. Mom questioned why police had to kill him. @cbschicago#AdamToledo
Jan 8, 2021 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Brad Rukstales is back in his suburban Inverness home and admits to entering the capitol