Charlie Kenobi Profile picture
Writer of thirsty sex words. Unapologetic moustache lover. Fandom sunshine/grump in one person. Rep: Handspun Lit. She/Her.
Oct 1, 2022 27 tweets 4 min read
Started reading Chris Kattan’s biography and oh no. Oh no no no. I really liked him, and thought this was gonna be adorable! But oh dear god. it’s like spending time with someone who thinks being Richard Chizmar, a one time collaborator with Stephen King, made Stephen King great.
Sep 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
And that’s a yikes from me. Any agency that is not willing to answer your questions - or at the very least make you feel deeply uncomfortable about asking in case that’s a question they don’t want to hear - before signing is not worth having. There are things you need to know. Otherwise, you end up six months down the line with an agent who dumps you even though you could have gone with others, and would have if you’d known what kind of agent they were.
Sep 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Lol even the examples they use to claim people are saying that aren’t actually saying what they’re claiming at all Image What people are saying: it wouldn’t be a bad idea if A03 was more searchable and had a better recommend feature tho, these suggestions aren’t that wild.

What they’re pretending people are demanding: A03 should be like tik tok!!
Jan 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
You know what I’d love more of? Other genres having more romance in them. We always get “my Romance is not like other girls, it has a career/adventure/science in it” even though superhero movies have been getting away with near zero love and sex for about twenty years. I am totally fine with Romance novels just having Romance in them, because well where else do you get that? Almost everything else seems to think love is silly and should end badly or it’s rubbish.
Jan 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Lol when she switches from “let’s have a dialogue” to the classic your terrible case against me!!! Predictable. Her attempts at giving examples of where she’s been infringed upon are also terrible and silly. Just straight up gossipy I’m going to try to make you hate this person nonsense. You can smell the group chat ginning her up a mile away.
Jan 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Lol I love that Book of Boba has simultaneously ruined Fett by revealing all the “wrong” details about him that don’t fit with his character, but also ruined him by destroying the mystique of knowing absolutely nothing about him. Like, which is it? Either we know nothing about him therefore these new details cannot be “incorrect”, or he wasn’t that mysterious and uncool and unknowable so this is all poor characterisation.

Can’t have it both ways.
Jan 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
That LRT: part of the problem is and always has been that the way he is presented is not actually that villainous. He’s given a “reason” for his actions. All the sympathy is with him. We don’t know them, they’re faceless, nameless. And someone important “forgives” right after. People should get it. But they’re also primed to not. They’re indulged. They’re given permission to view him as complex and traumatised and misguided. Even Qui-Gon shouting? It isn’t really condemnation. It’s desperation, sadness.
Dec 5, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Here’s the thing about all the “HEA as a genre convention must be challenged” people: it comes from the thing a huge chunk of us are taught from birth, by most media and the response to it:

That work is only good if it’s miserable somehow. That happy endings are trite, cheap, easy, rubbish. That too many good things happening in a piece of work means it’s not quality. Characters who are basically decent, or even very flawed but in a “minor” way, are boring.
Dec 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh my god is that “HEA is gatekeeping” weirdo still going? This is “authors are idea landlords” all over again. Hopefully she’ll move on to choose your own adventures gatekeeping because you must include the choosing of your own adventures, soon.
Mar 27, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
As suspected, the biggest problem with J*stice L*ague is not really the writing or directing, but the fact that it was already too late. It could never work, because the previous films made it impossible. It’s a potentially ok house built on foundations made of air and farts. My mum couldn’t believe it when I said that this is really the first time or almost first time we see half the characters in it. Aquaman, C*borg, WW etc. Because it felt to her like the solo films must have come first. It makes no sense to just jam them in like this.
Mar 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about things like this in terms of friendships too, and it’s something I consider a lot when I think “am I just being sensitive” or similar. I had a friend once who hurt me. And I still sometimes think about what she did, and wonder if I just overreacted, if it was just a minor thing, etc. Maybe it was? But then I compare her reaction to me saying “don’t do this to me” to two other friends.
Mar 27, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Every time I watch The Mummy I think the same thing: Brendan Fraser was really just the whole package. Not only shockingly handsome, tall, well built and somehow not bland at the same time, but also full of charisma, natural and able to both seem vulnerable and throw a punch. He’s actually a really good actor. Never wooden. Smooth as a marble slab. And even more astonishing: not one scandal or gross blunder to his name. Seems like a decent person, and has done for *thirty years*.
Mar 26, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Damn, their chemistry in FATWS

Jesus this show was a good idea lol all that fuss about the “little girl” line and she literally looks like she’s fifteen
Mar 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
All this fuss over one effing donut a day. It’s just a lump of bread with some sugar on it. You probably get “worse” from a slice of toast covered in jam and you don’t hear fatphobic weirdos yammering about that do you.

No. Because that’s prob what they have every morning. Every single time this happens, it’s always about some arbitrary thing “doctors” and diet “gurus” have decided is bad. While they cram their faces with things they like that have mysteriously been deemed good, even though at their foundations they’re just as “bad”.
Jan 26, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Look man. That Ted Bundy trailer? With him seeming like a sexy anti-hero? Almost a loveable rogue? They’ve done that on purpose. It’s on purpose, just like with You. They want to normalise/romanticise men doing terrible things, and they know that many women will buy into it too. He likely murdered more than a hundred women. Then denied it. Blamed everyone and everything he could for it. Used promises of revealing more victims to stay his execution. He was the worst man to ever exist. And they’re trying to make him sexy.