chees.eth Profile picture
Nacho chees, not your crypto.
Feb 14, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read

A quick 🧵 on the state of POL and OHM V2.


I’m basically burnt out right now and this thread will be too short.

Fact of the matter is that the discussion is happening now, with or without me.

The following info is critical and time sensitive, so here it is: 2/N

I wrote a lot of words in a lot of places but never left a summary of my thoughts in one place.

I’ll link my first mega 🧵 that explains a lot. Sadly, I am too tired to explain what’s new or been refined. Sorry 😢

1️⃣ POL system and market dynamic is a monetary system.
Feb 12, 2022 29 tweets 6 min read

Ik you’re all eagerly waiting for this, congrats if you made it this far!

@KlimaDAO 🧵part 2! Here it goes… in the next tweet.

P.S. I was today years old when I learned Twitter caps you at 25 tweets per thread. Seems fair but I have more to say 😆 27/N

We left the first thread with:

👉prem* is the lifeblood of Early POLs

👉early POLs have a market dynamic that negatively affects prem*

👉that dynamic also encourages selling when APY is higher than is sustainable

👉the same dynamic all harms the “mid-wave” adopter
Feb 11, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read

Some thoughts for @KlimaDAO and any $KLIMA fans out there. In everyone’s favorite format, a mega🧵 on CT!

I want to propose a sister-DAO, or additional functionality that KlimaDAO should implement.

These even a bonus handdrawn flow chart! 2/N

Some background:

I love KLIMA, and I’m a Professional in TradFi wit a particular focus on financial modeling.

Disclosure: I do own some $KLIMA, but I have no plans to ever sell it. Price is basically irrelevant, and my interest in them is not really financially driven.