Chella Ramanan 🇬🇩 Profile picture
Sr Narrative designer/writer @ubimassive #AvatarFrontiers @3foldgames @taleswindrush ✒ #baftabreakthrough @POCinPlay✊🏽 BAFTA Nom 🎭 TGA FutureClass She/her
Oct 4, 2020 54 tweets 37 min read
Day 1: Okay, I'm doing this. It's a #BlackHistoryMonth thread. It's sad that we know more about Black American history, than we do about Black British struggles and successes. This thread hopes to be part of the focus on our erased and uncelebrated history. Image Day 2: History
Black British history didn’t start in the 20th century. Erasing Black ppl from period dramas because 'it's not historically accurate' is just ignorant. The first known Black Briton is the skeleton of a woman with sub-Saharan ancestry, who lived around 200 AD. Image
Jun 5, 2018 11 tweets 6 min read
After my talk on #Afrofuturism #Blackpanther and black video game characters at #feralvector, lots of people asked me for resources and recommendations. Here's a thread... My talk was based on this article I wrote for @guardian…