How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App bio labs? Does she mean the WHO funded research facilities? Or the the Ukrainian equivalent of the CDC? Countries have their own bio-research facilities because, *spoilers* endemics and pandemics can start anywhere…and counties need to defend against them 2/, courses in the Army are designed to train you on specific tasks. Your Professional Military Education courses (Basic Officer Leader Course, Captains Career Course, etc.) are specifically designed to train you on Critical Tasks for your MOS (Army Role). 2/ also don’t teach Obscuration, and it’s not in line with our Core Functions or Assessing, Protecting against, and Mitigating CBRN hazards for the force. We are quite literally out of the smoke game as a Corps. 2/, nuclear weapons are wildly misunderstood. Video games, movies, and books across the years have wildly skewed the effects of nuclear explosions. The primary effects of the explosions are the initial incineration of the matter in direct proximity of the fission reaction 2/ what exactly is this thing? A coronavirus (CoV) describes a family of viruses. They infect hosts from all different types of species, but humans are affected by 7 that we've found so far. These include the common cold, SARS (SARS-CoV), MERS (MERS-CoV), and novel (2019-nCOV) 1/