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We help you to win your “chess“ & “life” games 🎓400+ hours of GM-made courses 🎯Step-by-step study plans 💡100+ GM-written articles and more⤵️
Jul 28, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵 After 6+ months studying 30+ Rook Endgame books in 4 languages, our GMs created a course with crucial positions and techniques 📚♟️

1. Must-know positions
2. Important techniques

Bookmark this thread for easy reference 👇 Philidor defence

1…Rb6!! 2.f6 Rb1

The Rook cuts the advance of the White King to the 6th rank.
If the pawn is pushed, the Rook drops back to the last rank and checks. Image
May 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Memorizing openings from a ready-made pgn is often ineffective.

You might remember the lines for a few days, but in the long term, you’ll forget what you learned.

Instead, here’s a 4-step process to MEMORIZE OPENINGS and NOT forget the lines for a long time:

#chesspunks Image Step 1 – STUDY WITH 107% ATTENTION!🎯

Be fully focused when studying!

Whether you’re watching videos, reading a book, or working with someone, pay 107% attention to the source you’re learning from.

Make opening files later.

As GM Vladimir Akopian shares his philosophy: Image