Francesca Sobande Profile picture
Writer + reader in digital media studies. Dreaming. ✨🌑✨ @gem_collective
May 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My blog post on this is here:… The piece includes discussion of the “controlling anxieties” (aka oppressive expectations and norms) of universities, such as their concerns regarding reputational management and their (un)controllable public image. #ica22 Drawing on Black feminist work, we consider the relationship between “controlling images” (see Patricia Hill Collins) and what we term “controlling anxieties” which institutions express in ways that convey who / what they deem to be “deviant” + in need of “disciplining”. #ica22
May 18, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Co-authored with @MarcelRosaSalas - “Hierarchies of knowledge about intersectionality in marketing theory and practice” examines gendered racial capitalism + the commercialisation of identity politics (the marketing of intersectionality):… @MktgTheory_news The open access pre-print is here:… In this paper we consider how the notion of “intersectionality” has been conceptualized and obfuscated in marketing scholarship and entwined industry discourse. Shout out to @RIM_Network for bringing us together in 2017.