CHIEF Profile picture
I make gifs & memes sometimes. Chaotic good.
Jan 12, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Exactly how powerful can hypnosis be when it comes to healing seemingly "incurable" ailments?

In this thread, I will recount a case of incredible significance in the quest to understand how our mind can effect the physical health of our bodies.

The year is 1951.... A teenage boy is suffering from a rather awful congenital disease, congenital ichthyosiform erythrodermia. Congenital meaning "from birth".

The boy had a "black horny layer" of skin everywhere on his body but his face, neck and chest. It is hard to make friends. He is suffering.
Jan 10, 2022 5 tweets 12 min read
Guessing the below thread will be heavily #censored, so I am tagging a bunch of folks that I think might find this relevant. I am just copying and pasting the tags from my pinned tweet, so don't feel bad if I didn't tag you. If you want to be tagged in the future, DM me. I also thought this video would provide an example of what is possible using hypnosis on someone *when that person does not realize their is an alterior motive*. In this case, the victim is programmed to KILL without knowing it was happening.

Jan 10, 2022 26 tweets 6 min read
Mass hypnosis

There has been a lot of talk about mass formation ever since Malone was on the @joerogan show.

I thought I would look at it from a hypnosis perspective, since I am a trained/certified hypnotist, & I understand human programming. There are others who are more experienced than I who can attest to what I say. This information is available elsewhere if you care to look for it. Perhaps you even know someone who has been "deprogrammed" with hypnosis, maybe to have a phobia removed, or a phantom pain removed.
Jan 7, 2022 5 tweets 12 min read
Each one of these 🤡 has made life worse for millions and millions of people through their influence and actions. They belong in this video.

"Send in the 🤡" performed by Frank Sinatra. Fair Use.

As this post will surely be #censored, I will tag some folks that might enjoy it. @bitcoincrusader @StoneyBtc @cwt_news @super_shadowy @clancyRbtb @mtcbtc @JmelBTC @disclosetv @DWhitmanBTC @Donna_Lynn_NH @TomerStrolight @oldcryptogeek @gegelsmr2 @gregzaj1 @BTCGandalf @stacyherbert @hodlonaut @ShireHODL @fullmetalhodl2 @jordco @JesseMatchey @maxkeiser