How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the 163 day period (Jan1-Jun13), Karnataka registered around 200K deaths as average between 2015-18 (MCCD report 2019). With annual growth rates of those times, projecting 210K-240K deaths for Jan 1- Jun 13 in normal times in 2021. were 59 Cantonments listed by Census 2001 and their distribution across India closely mirrors the history of British military pursuits....more dense between Calcutta and Delhi and very few in South India. governance structures in India are of various types, as shown in this table. Jamshedpur is today a Notified Area Committee (NAC). There were 36 Industrial Notified Areas/Townships in 2011. They have municipal functions, and can often raise taxes. favorite is Muthiah's 'The Spencer Legend'; Spencer was the pioneer with a pan-Indian retailing in early 20th c, aggressive M&A and lots of interesting strategies. On Indian retailing history, see our work at:…