Chris Alvino Profile picture
Sex & Dating Coach | Creative | Computer Scientist | AuDHD | disabled from LASIK & C19 | he/him | #ActuallyAutistic | #CovidIsAirborne | obligatory ░🐈░
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Feb 6 10 tweets 2 min read
This is legit the secret of my success. If you don't love women, what even is the fucking point? Was just talking with a client this week who is realizing he's been treating women differently and has only been seeing them for what they can offer instead of as full human beings 🧵 Too many men see women only as objects, or as care takers, or as a means of sexual gratification, which is exactly why they struggle with creating real connection. As my client is just discovering, how can you form genuine, human connections with an object? ... You can't.
Jan 14 9 tweets 2 min read
Yup, I was in my 30s when my back went out. Doctor was no help, ended up with a chiropractor bc adjustments helped, but only for a few days to a week tops. So I was literally seeing this chiropractor 1-2 times a week. After a few months I asked him what the plan was You know what he told me? He said this IS the plan. "You come and see me once or twice a week for the rest of your life." I was like JFC! This shit is a scam! So that's when I was like "fine, I'll do my own fucking research". So I spent a couple weeks reading the literature
Dec 24, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
Thanks to your donations we were able to get a PlusLife tester awhile back and it's been a game changer! Finally a test where u can TRUST a negative result! But I've seen people struggle w false positives from air bubbles, so here's a 🧵 w everything u need to know: Photo of the PlusLife tester, a square white plastic apparatus with a gray front plate and logo, power button, and indicator lights on the front, sitting on a table For those who don't know, PlusLife is a portable nucleic acid test that is incredibly accurate, on par with some of the best PCR tests. There is a website and app that go with it that enables you to see the raw data from the test instead of just seeing a "positive" or "negative"
Dec 13, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I actually hate conspiracy theories bc they're usually poorly researched & rely on domain ignorance more than anything else. This chain of events, however, is so incredibly suspect. Like there's no way a stranger would ID Luigi AND authorities taking it so seriously right away 🧵 You're telling me a stranger ID'd this average Joe from afar who is fully masked and hooded, alerted McDonald's staff, who then contacted police, who then took this tip (out of probably hundreds) super seriously and showed up before he was even done w his fucking hash browns?!!
Nov 16, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
I can tell you right now, as a professional dating coach for the past decade, this kind of thinking is why so many people struggle and never get better. And also, it's just objectively false. I was single for the majority of my life until I learned the SKILLS required 🧵 And yes, most of the things holding people back from having a successful and fruitful dating/married life are SKILLS! And, luckily, bc they are skills, they can be LEARNED. Once you've learned all the skills required, there is actually VERY LITTLE luck involved. For example:
Nov 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I love how I've been trying to write a reply to this tweet for a half hour now bc long covid destroyed my ability to read & write. Most days I can't comprehend more than a single tweet worth of information at a time. And hundreds of millions of people have long covid now! 🧵 Reading is no longer going to be an easily accessible hobby for most after MULTIPLE covid infections destroy their brains and ability to focus and comprehend the written word. This is why we've been telling everyone to fucking mask and to mitigate covid spread
Oct 31, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
Honestly surprised to see so many anti-porn people giving me shit for saying that the rise in undateable, toxic men is due to the rise of fascism and far right indoctrination among young men and NOT porn. Talk about brain rot lol. Anyways, a🧵 to piss off the haters... Once my brain is working again, I'll do a research thread with all the data. It's VERY CLEARLY fascism & far right ideology that is rotting men's brains, NOT porn. Like there is so much data showing men are being indoctrinated into this stuff recently at alarming rates,
Oct 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This is exactly what I want as well. People do best when their romantic relationship is with a PARTNER. The whole conservative notion that women need to be subservient to men is bullshit perpetuated by weak little boys who are afraid of the power of the feminine For these "men", they are too scared to see women as equals. They are afraid to see the powerful woman within their wives. They NEED women to be subservient bc they are cowards, unable to rise to meet a powerful woman as an equal.
Oct 21, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
So, this video actually explains HOW she didn't notice they were incompatible for three and a half years. The reason is bc she's codependent. Notice how much she's excusing his bad behavior. She's still trying to save him even after he did such a heinous act to her 🧵 I'm a recovering codependent who dated several others. I actually went through a breakup similar to this, where I felt blindsided after thinking we were the perfect couple, no incompatibilities, (funny enough, it was also after three and a half years lol)
Oct 19, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
This dude is lying—like yes, there IS a loneliness epidemic, but it's NOT affecting men disproportionately. It's affecting the genders equally!(receipts below). There IS a male entitlement epidemic however (which he's demonstrating perfectly here with his need to center men) 🧵 It's frustrating how often this happens. Like no, not everything has to be male centric. The entire world is lonely right now! Capitalism has destroyed our third spaces and our communities. It's MUCH harder to socialize now than ever before.
Oct 13, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
This is what I specialize in coaching bc I used to have crippling social anxiety & rejection sensitive dysphoria. Like I could barely talk to strangers, let alone shoot my shot. But now it's functionally gone and it was actually easier than I thought to get over. A 🧵 There are usually two things preventing people from being able to shoot their shot: negative thoughts telling you you can't, and negative emotions/feelings that we don't want to deal with (some people would also say there's a third issue, negative beliefs about yourself)
Oct 8, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
One of the worst parts of being an empathetic human who actually cares about others while surviving in late stage capitalism is that, you can't actually help people unless you have enough capital to survive bc helping is unprofitable. It's such a horrible feeling. Today I had to work on my business bc I'm almost broke. But there are SO many things my brain is categorizing as more important (like the pandemic, the genocides, the hurricane), but I NEED to work to survive, and can barely work as it is due to long COVID.
Sep 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The brain/neural inflammation that comes after a covid infection can be intense. I was constantly rageful for 2-3 months after my infection. My mom noticed it. She said I was like a completely different person. But that's not the worst part ... The scariest part is that I've spent over a decade training my nervous system to be calm and to be able to handle intense emotions, and I can tell you the level of rage I felt was MORE intense than anything I felt before training. So really think about that,
Aug 15, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
As a men's dating coach who's worked with hundreds of men this past decade, so many thoughts. Too many to write. But if you want to know the common thread, you can see it in all of the replies: so much self pity and women blaming, and very little taking responsibility. Putting the economic issues of late capitalism aside (which is definitely a factor bc everyone is broke and burnt out), many men who aren't that affected by this are deeply disillusioned by dating bc they've been indoctrinated into the manosphere way of thinking about women.
Aug 9, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Pretty much everyone I talk to has long covid symptoms currently. They don't call it long covid, but like I have friends and relatives who are super fatigued all the time. They think it's from getting older or over worked. But it only started this year or last year Other friends are now super forgetful or they can't think or read like they used to. They think they're just burnt out or over worked. But, again, it only started in the last few years and it's persistent.
Jul 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I still can't get over Olympic athletes, who are using all kinds of the latest tech and nutrition/sports science to increase their edge by the TINIEST fraction of a percent, are not avoiding COVID, a virus that causes endothelial damage, resulting in less than optimal blood flow Seriously, why are all these Olympic athletes rawdogging COVID air without a respirator, risking impaired vascular activity that will 100% affect their performance? And why isn't the Olympic committee protecting their athletes? (That's rhetorical, I know they hate their athletes)
Jun 30, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
Since everyone keeps claiming LASIK is super safe and has a 99% success rate and keeps calling me a liar and a fear monger bc I say it's not and that the industry LIES, here's an ENTIRE thread of receipts (recreated with permission from one of my support groups): Neurotrophic keratopathy -- According to this article, the complication rate of neurotrophic keratopathy alone is 16.7% after LASIK. Source:…
Jun 23, 2024 23 tweets 7 min read
I still can't get over how bad AI has become. And this is coming from a computer scientist who spent over a decade studying and programming AI.

I fucking LOVE AI, but here are 10 reasons I absolutely fucking hate it now, a 🧵 ... 1) the massive training sets required to train them cannot be obtained legally so they are stealing huge amounts of content w/o consent, all in the name of "innovation"……
Jun 20, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
A lot of people are misunderstanding what this research is about bc the concept of "tight transmission bottlenecks" is not a common concept. This research isn't saying we should be afraid of a single viron that could cause an infection... In the context of viruses, you either have a tight transmission bottleneck or a wide transmission bottleneck (TB). A tight TB means that only a small number of viruses initiate an infection, while a wide TB means a high number of viruses create an infection. Why does this matter?
Jun 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I honestly believe everyone with long COVID should give nicotine patches a shot for a couple of weeks JUST to see if they help. Bc if they do, it's usually a pretty significant boost compared to everything else. Like I've probably tried 60-80 different OTC items for LC... If I read about it having even a miniscule effect on LC symptoms (and I could afford it) I bought it and tried it for a significant amount of time before giving up. Out of everything I've tried, the BIGGEST boost to my quality of life came from nicotine patches.
May 16, 2024 25 tweets 6 min read
Alright, I've seen threads going around claiming the NC Mask ban isn't a mask ban and the CC Community is making it worse by exaggerating. That's not the case at all. People are mistaking House Bill 237 with the law it's amending, and here's the proof: 🧵 House Bill 237: Unmasking Mobs and Criminals () is a bill of AMENDMENTS. It has four sections:…
OVERVIEW:  The Proposed Committee Substitute (PCS) for House Bill 237 would do the following:   • Repeal the health and safety exemption from certain laws prohibiting the wearing of masks in public. • Enhance the criminal punishment if the defendant wears a mask to conceal the defendant's identity during the commission of another crime. • Prevent the executive branch or local governments from distinguishing between religious institutions and other entities during an emergency. • Impose criminal and civil liability on individuals who obstruct emergency vehicles during demonstrations.