Chris LaBossiere Profile picture
Husband, Grandpa, Dad, Investor, Founder, Builder. Community Volunteer.
Sep 6 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Today I announced to an @onlinetraining Town Hall that the company is going to mostly retract our remote work and hybrid work policies - as well as close our Ontario locations (Toronto / Cambridge) - and set our head office back in Edmonton. #yeg

For 75% of our staff this means in-office, Monday to Friday.

The rationale behind this decision works for my company and only my company. But I thought I might share my thoughts on the "why", because I have seen many problems with remote and even hybrid work, that businesses are afraid to talk about. There were three things that have been falling apart because of our ridiculous investment in having offices (that no one came to) and also allowing remote and hybrid work, which has stuck since Covid.

1) Culture. We have completely lost it. Our company has roughly 75 employees across the country, but since they all work on different teams of distributed mostly remote workers, no one really meets anyone outside their own virtual team. Some of our departments had amazing cultures amongst themselves, but that was in contrast to others who had none, and the broader group didn't have a unifying one.
Oct 28, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
#ableg Here's an opinion which will bug some of the progressive class, so I reserve the right to ignore most comments ;)

There is a take on an AB Pension Plan I have NOT seen in the debate square and it should be part of the consideration for YEG, AB, our knowledge economy & small banking cluster:

Currently CPP is a defined benefit p indexed for inflation. Meaning the pension holder is guaranteed a fixed payment at retirement and the pension operator will be responsible for returns (performance), projections (planning) and mana