Chris Masterjohn Profile picture
PhD in Nutritional Sciences. Adding nuance to health science, using biochemistry to find your individuality.
sinyc Profile picture The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture big research Profile picture RP Dexter Profile picture GG Profile picture 25 subscribed
Jun 24 13 tweets 2 min read
Your Cells Are Starving for Creatine

🧵 Image Creatine is like your second mitochondria. Or, the mitochondria’s chief of staff. Or its co-pilot.
Jun 15 38 tweets 3 min read
Is Hydrogen Sulfide the New Estrogen?

A little-known study from 2020 suggests it may be.

🧵 We know sulfite, which derives from hydrogen sulfide, tanks testosterone in males. Could hydrogen sulfide also feminize men through estrogenic effects?
Jun 9 50 tweets 5 min read
Is Lactoferrin Chelating Your Iron?

🧵 Image Many people believe lactoferrin can chelate iron and bring down excessive iron levels, despite the studies showing it corrects anemia in women.
Jun 5 60 tweets 7 min read
“Vitamin A Truthers” say that vitamin A is not a vitamin, it’s an alcohol.

And alcohols are toxic.

Let’s take a look at this claim.🧵 First, what is an alcohol?
Jun 2 49 tweets 6 min read
Losing Your Hair? Check Your Iron

This is the best-supported nutritional deficiency that can drive hair loss. 🧵 Image Deficiencies of ​riboflavin​, ​biotin​, ​zinc​, ​iron​, or ​iodine​; ​iron overload​, selenium toxicity,​ and ​vitamin A toxicity can all cause hair loss, or in medical jargon, alopecia...
Jun 1 20 tweets 3 min read
Understanding Iron

If you want energy to seize the day, a beautiful head of hair, joints that are free of pain, and a graceful aging into your future, you need to understand this so profoundly misunderstood mineral. Image One of the most misunderstood aspects of iron is that we have no reliable blood markers of what is happening to iron inside cells...
May 24 55 tweets 6 min read
You Don't Understand Serum Ferritin

Neither does your doctor, and neither do I.

But here's what we all don't know. 🧵 Did you know that ferritin, used to measure iron in your blood, contains almost no iron?

If not, buckle up, because you’re understanding of ferritin is in for a ride.
May 21 33 tweets 4 min read
This Is What Causes B6 "Toxicity"

Here's how to stop your hands and feet from tingling.

Lessons from the literature, biochemical reasoning, and my own experiment in self-induced B6 neuropathy.… Looking beautiful, feeling great, and living a long healthy life is hard, but B6 can help you do it.
Apr 25 74 tweets 10 min read
Here’s why the human trials claiming seed oils prevent fatty liver disease are extremely misleading. 🧵 Numerous short-term human trials lasting 7-10 weeks published between 2012 and 2019 have shown that PUFAs from seed oils lead to lower liver fat than traditional saturated fats.

(PMIDs 31369090, 24550191, 22492369).
Apr 24 4 tweets 2 min read
Yes this is super important. Vitamin K activates the proteins that promote calcification of teeth.

I cited this paper and put it into historical context in my 2007 article "On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved"

Others have over-emphasized that they used menadione. I believe these paragraphs from my 2007 article provided as screenshots are the appropriate context.Image Image
Apr 23 16 tweets 3 min read
Seed oils do not cause oxidative stress.

They increase vulnerability to oxidative damage.

Failure to distinguish between these two concepts leads to extreme misunderstandings, driving pointless debates and horrible takes on the existing intervention trials. Oxidative stress is best defined as the dysregulation of redox-regulated pathways driving harmful but necessary compensations.
Apr 22 12 tweets 2 min read
The reason glucose spikes create endothelial dysfunction that is preventable with vitamin C is that at glucose concentrations rise beyond what can be stored as glycogen or oxidized at the moment, glucose is converted to sorbitol using NADPH, which is what you need to recycle glutathione and vitamin C. If we look at where sorbitol production tends to take place, it corresponds to about 144 mg/dL or 8 mmol/L.

PMID 35380232
Mar 11 35 tweets 4 min read
The Problem With Coconut

🧵 If you're not a Pacific Islander, your genes may not be compatible with a 63% coconut diet.
Mar 8 66 tweets 8 min read
Will Longevity Diets Wreck Your Hormones?

Without the right nutrients they might even shorten your lifespan!

🧵 One study in mice compared standard lab chow to calorie restriction, a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD), a ketogenic diet, a diet low in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and two diets that restricted sulfur amino acids (SAAs) by either 80% or 100%.
Feb 29 38 tweets 5 min read
Are Seed Oils Behind Your Oxalate Problem?

Probably. 🧵 Oxalate is a mitochondrial toxin that suppresses the citric acid cycle by 48% at the upper end of the normal range found in human blood, so if you feel like crap all the time you might have a problem with high oxalate levels.
Feb 26 52 tweets 6 min read
The Unknown Testosterone Nutrient

Move over boron, there's a new guy in town.

🧵 Vitamin A and zinc are obvious testosterone nutrients and the barely boring boron has its own little cult following, but the testosterone nutrient you’ve never heard of is our good friend molybdenum.
Feb 22 64 tweets 6 min read
Overcome OCD With Walking Sensory Meditation

🧵 👇 In the summer of 2022 when finishing two ebooks I realized that I could be dramatically more effective if I could spend 4-6 weeks of unbroken deep work without taking any days off, and then take off all the weekends I owed myself back-to-back in a road trip.
Feb 21 49 tweets 8 min read
The new "protein is bad for your arteries" paper implies we have to choose between a healthy body composition and a healthy heart.

This cannot possibly be true.

🧵👇 Image
Feb 15 61 tweets 12 min read
Much of what is claimed about lengthening lifespan in the longevity spaces comes from highly questionable animal models.

A thread 🧵👇 Do we live a longer life by going into a state of dormancy, like the famous worm, C. elegans?
Feb 9 42 tweets 6 min read
Renal physiologists believe that citrate is alkalinizing because it is "rapidly metabolized to bicarbonate," but this makes no biochemical sense.

🧵👇 Burton David Rose, the creator of Up-To-Date, and Theodore Post, the current Editor In Chief of Up-To-Date, co-authored textbook, Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders.
Jan 31 38 tweets 5 min read
The mitochondrial nutrient missing from every supplement is the respiratory chain component you never learned about in school.

A thread 🧵 👇 I searched “mitochondrial” on Amazon and accepted its suggested search of “mitochondrial support,” then looked at the first 50 supplements that came up and examined their labels to see if any had MK-4. One had MK-7 at a very modest dose of 100 micrograms, and none had any MK-4.