Christopher Mumbeck Profile picture
Analogist. All opinions are offered in my personal capacity.
Dec 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm seeing a lot more transphobic rhetoric on Twitter, and to a lesser extent homophobic, antisemitic, racist.

"Just block them."

You mean like, if I go to the grocery store and encounter harassment, I should just stop going to that grocery store? Ignoring. Bigotry. Does. Not. Work.

Bigots are not just looking to say mean things. Bigots are looking to DO mean things, and saying mean things is a way of testing the waters to do mean things.
Nov 26, 2021 21 tweets 3 min read
1 Hello, tweeps. You might have been wondering where I was. (Or not missed me - that's okay, too.) So let me tell you about my run-in with Twitter's flawed disinformation policy, and maybe teach you something interesting. 2 Some time ago, I tweeted something sarcastic about vaccines (I used sARcAsM CaSe to be clear about it), and Twitter handed me a twelve hour suspension and demanded that I remove the tweet.