Chris Serong Profile picture
Movement Coach since 2005, Massage Therapist, and Writer of Things. Tai Chi & weightlifting. Will never ask you to be thin. He/him/they
Apr 4, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
It was from a book on acting by david mamet, he said we are loathe to believe our heroes and mentors are frauds, so we internalise the failure. I don't quite get it, but my teachers aren't charlatans, the problem is with me. And so, diet culture. My clients aren't "getting it", how can I make sure they get it? And enough people, when they restrict food, they do lose weight, enough so that we can think - those who aren't seeing results must be doing it wrong.
Apr 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I don't say "diets don't work" because of some fringe ideology I stumbled across but instead, we have all this popular discourse surrounding the issue and if you look at the science, they do not work. That's why. The science led me here, not an ideology. I've been a personal trainer since 2005. Believe me when I say this is well researched and also I don't care to yet again trawl through it all to justify my completely uncotroversial stance.
Apr 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I think we're seeing that much of athletic excellence is actually about access. You can find excellent training resources everywhere now, you've still gotta wade through useless crap of course, but the good stuff is there & we're seeing athletic excellence from people all over. What it sheds light on, for me, is this feeling that exceptionalism seemed rare. It's kinda not, if you persevere there's much you can achieve. We are all capable of so much! I used to think talent was scarce but it's not.
May 20, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
When I was a kid I was chubby, always like the second fattest kid in class. I was bullied and ridiculed for my weight, encouraged to do unhealthy things in the pursuit of thinness. As an adult now, I'm thin enough to fly under the radar mostly. Seldom am I asked to explain "how come you're fat?", as if it's reasonable to expect people to know. When I was 10 or 11, I celebrated my sudden unexplained weight loss and felt ashamed about a skin rash. I didn't tell anyone about my weight loss.
Jul 17, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Sugar, fruit and diabetes: an experiential thread. So I have t1 diabetes, for 25+ years, my body produces zero insulin by itself. Insulin is required to get sugar from the blood stream into primarily muscle cells where it can be used for energy. So all the insulin I have in my body, I inject. I experience how it all works. Overnight I have a basal dose of Levemir, it provides a background level. With meals, I inject the rapid acting Humalog that helps me metabolise the actual food I eat when I eat it.