How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App dla mnie PAP powinien mieć korespondentów co najmniej w tych azjatyckich państwach: Chinach (tu dobrze, że jest), Japonii, Korei Południowej, Indiach i gdzieś w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej (idealnie tam kilku; 2-3, ale na początek chociaż jednego). am trying to separate my private views from the foreign policy of the Indian government. As a Polish person, I would like India to be on one side: in alliance with the West. But as a person following Indian foreign policy, I know this is not what New Delhi wants. used to work as a tour leader with Polish tourists going to India and Nepal for 9 years. And I can confirm Indian and Nepali drivers face such or similar challenges. One example I faced myself: As usual, our itinerary led us by road from north India to Nepal...