Mark Barley Profile picture
Daddy, Jedi, Propofologist and proud geek. TIVA diva Anaesthetist with interest in Airway management and pEEG. Views mine unless copied from you
Grant Rodney Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 29, 2021 20 tweets 7 min read
BIS - what would you do?

50M, TIVA TCI + Spinal.
Propofol (Marsh) Cp 2.6
Remi (Minto) Ce 2

Filters OFF.

[Tweetorial to follow… :) ] Too much? Too little?

The BIS index is pretty low…?
Jun 30, 2021 18 tweets 8 min read
One of my favourite things to see - despite being nearly 80, this patient is producing alpha oscillations with amplitude commensurate with a much younger brain!

Suggested pre-GA from excellent general health, non-smoker and cognitively pin-sharp (crosswords, reading club etc!) This is a TIVA TCI anaesthetic. Predictably, these patients will emerge very well from anaesthesia.

Although the BIS is simpler pEEG device than the Narcotrend or Sedline, one can still appreciate EEG features.
May 13, 2020 25 tweets 9 min read
Characteristic bold claim from Marc 😘.

C-19 has encouaged me to use Thio again, with the benefit of pEEG (and a bit of geekiness) I thought I'd have a look at this.

This might be an interesting thread or turn into a new induction technique by itself. Given a potential shortage of Propofol and Roc, I’ve reverted back to volatile anaesthesia. Hopefully temporarily. Fewer planes in the sky will offset my increased carbon footprint 🤔. Maintaining skills is good. TST here we come…!