Chuck Ross Profile picture
Investigative reporter at The Washington Free Beacon. Previously: The Daily Caller. Email tips to Ross (@)
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Sep 4 4 tweets 1 min read

Colin Allred Embraces Pro-Farrakhan Pastor Who Accused Israel of 'Apartheid' One Day After Oct. 7… Allred appeared at the church of Rev. Frederick Haynes on Sept. 17, to receive a Senate endorsement. Haynes, who has called Farrakhan a "wonderful man," spoke about his collaboration with antisemitic activist Tamika Mallory seconds after praising Allred.
Aug 7 4 tweets 1 min read

Tim Walz Falsely Claimed to Be Veteran of Afghanistan War

A veteran confronted Walz aides about this in 2009, per video obtained by @FreeBeacon… He posed with a “Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry” poster in 2004, and his campaign website in 2006 called him a “veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom.”

He never set foot in Afghanistan, serving just in Norway and Italy Image
Jul 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So far the White House press corps has asked more questions in today's briefing about the White House dog than they have about Hunter Biden. 3 questions about the angry dog so far, and 1 about Hunter
Jul 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Biden DOJ charges think tank official who gave FBI info on Hunter Biden back in 2019.

Gal Luft gave the FBI details about Biden and CECF China Energy, the CCP energy firm. More to come…… One of the charges against Gal Luft is for foreign agent violations. Same charge the Hunter Biden was investigated for but which federal prosecutors declined to bring.
May 15, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
*FBI paid Steele dossier source Igor Danchenko $220,000.

*Stefan Halper, a confidential FBI source, falsely told his FBI handlers in Dec. 2016 that Carter Page said he met in mid-2016 with a Russian official. No charges for Halper.… A damning statement attributed to Peter Strzok, who opened Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016 based on the Papadopulos tip. Strzok told an assistant FBI legal attache in London in Aug. 2016 that "there's nothing to this." Image
Apr 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Reid Hoffman, a Dem donor with ties to Jeffrey Epstein who's funded various Dem disinfo operations, is funding E. Jean Carroll's rape defamation lawsuit against Trump.

Some new details on the network of nonprofits involved in this.… Integrity First for America is a big one. Hoffman funded the group, which was founded by Jean Carroll's lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, to "step up the legal pressure on President Donald Trump's business empire."
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Top Dem operatives have a little-known side gig at a consulting firm representing some controversial clients: an ag company under fire from civil rights groups for a facility it wants to build on historical slave sites, & a natural gas trade group.… The firm is ABI Associates, co-founded by American Bridge 21st Century's Bradley Beychok. James Carville is an adviser, as is Biden pollster John Anzalone.

ABI, which offers to "reduce negative press for its clients," just signed up to lobby for Greenfield Louisiana LLC.
Mar 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Think tank executive provided 'explosive' info to FBI about Hunter Biden's Chinese deals, lawyer says

Here's what Dr. Gal Luft says he told the FBI about Hunter Biden and CEFC China back in 2019. Based on reporting from @CarolineGlick… There will certainly be skepticism of what Luft is saying about Biden and about his FBI meetings. But a couple of things show he was in a position to have insight into CEFC China:
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
There's not a lot of info on State Energy HK, the Chinese company that wired $3 million to Hunter Biden and friends.

They're reportedly linked to CEFC, the better-known Chinese firm that Hunter worked for. Another interesting connection... Image State Energy HK donated $2.9 million to a Serbian think tank operated by Vuk Jeremic, per Serbian media.…

Jeremic was a consultant for CEFC and was one of the first to approach Hunter Biden about working for that firm. Other stuff...
Mar 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Icymi: We now have an update to this story from last month, and it was a political appointee who gave false info to reporters about the China spy balloon.

It was Colin Kahl, longtime Biden aide and frequent purveyor of disinformation. Senators identified Kahl as the Pentagon official who told reporters that China sent spy balloons over US during Trump years. What he didn't say is that those weren't discovered until recently. @Kredo0 reported the Senators' findings:…
Mar 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's a thread on the advisers for @semafor's partnership with a Chinese Communist Party front group. Still no word on how much China is giving Semafor for this.… Chinese advisory board members:
Chen Deming: former minister of commerce and CCP member since 1974.

Cui Tiankai: former China ambassador who has said Beijing's goal with Uyghurs is "trying to turn them into normal persons."
Feb 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NEW @FreeBeacon :

Think tank exec claims he gave damning info to FBI about HUNTER BIDEN in March 2019.

Gal Luft and Hunter have mutual ties to CECF China Energy

Exclusive details here:… Luft revealed this after his arrest in Cyprus on arms trafficking charges. He claims he's being retaliated against for coughing up dirt on the Bidens.

The nature of Luft's info isn't entirely clear, and he could certainly be bluffing to help his case. But...
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Republicans are asking Hunter Biden for records of his dealings w/ ex-Serbian official Vuk Jeremic.

Those dealings include CEFC China Energy, a campaign for UN secretary general, and a White House meeting w/ Biden adviser Colin Kahl.… Jeremic, the former Serbian foreign affairs minister, approached Hunter in 2015 on behalf of CEFC to discuss "many interesting projects."

Jeremic was later at the center of the federal case against CEFC's Patrick Ho, who Hunter represented.
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW @FreeBeacon

Biden White House and House Dems are colluding with dark money group to stymie GOP’s Biden probes.

Eric Swalwell, who’s said dark money is “poisoning” democracy, took part in the group’s press call this week.… Brad Woodhouse, a senior adviser to the Congressional Integrity Project, attended a White House meeting with Dem operatives in September.
Jan 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
DOJ charges two people in attack on pro-life pregnancy center in Hialeah, Fla. in June 2022. They graffitied “if abortions are not safe, neither are you.” They tagged the walls with “Janes Revenge.”… Caleb Freestone, one of those charged, was arrested 2 weeks later in an incident at a Miami-Dade County school board meeting. He disrupted meeting after ppl called him Antifa. He said he was in groups called Extinction Rebellion and Whatever It Takes…
Jan 24, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
If you think Charles McGonagal's relationship with Oleg Deripaska was bad, wait til you hear about @Chris_D_Steele. Steele was a far bigger player in the Trump-Russia probe than McGonagal. A thread: While Steele was working for the FBI and for Democrats, he lobbied DOJ officials on behalf of Deripaska, who had visa issues at the time. He claimed that Deripaska was not the Kremlin puppet that U.S. officials believed. The DOJ's inspector general report has details:
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is something....While at FBI, Charles McGonigal essentially opened an investigation into an American lobbyist working for Albania's opposition party. McGonigal was at the time covertly on the payroll of Albanian agents.… Image The indictment doesn't specify, but this could be the FBI investigation into former Trump aide Nick Muzin, who represented the Democratic Party of Albania.…
Nov 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
House GOP released an interim report on Hunter Biden, previewing their investigation.

The report includes two Suspicious Activity Reports regarding Hunter. They're seeking 150 more from the Treasury Department but claim the Biden admin is blocking those.… One of the Suspicious Activity Reports is from JP Morgan regarding 93 wire transfers from Hunter and his associates totaling $2.5 million.
Oct 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
NEW @FreeBeacon

'Embrace China': Biden's Latest Diplomatic Hire Called China a 'Security Partner,' Worked with CCP Front Groups… Nina Hachigian, the head of the new Subnational Diplomacy office, was part of a Center for American Progress delegation with the China-US Exchange Foundation that urged the US military and PLA to "exchange military personnel."
Sep 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A quick little thread on how Shaun King deceives people about how much money he gets from his various social justice endeavors. Daily Beast reports that King received $100k from his Grassroots Law Project in 2020, and is getting about $250k now.… The trick is that King operates the 501c3 Grassroots Law Project alongside two PACs. This lets him hide the ball on how he gets paid. When he denies getting paid, he focuses on $$ he does/does not receive from the PACs. But he gets paid by the 501c3, which is funded by the PACs.
Sep 15, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Hopefully the Durham report will expand on @BrookingsInst role in the Steele dossier. A timeline in light of the latest filing against dossier source Igor Danchenko, an ex-Brookings analyst.… FBI opened a counterintel probe on Danchenko in 2009, after a Brookings colleague said he inquired whether he could buy classified info, and said he had someone willing to pay for it.