Chude Jideonwo Profile picture
On an ambitious mission to transform Sub-Saharan Africa into a (mental, emotional, spiritual) safe, warm space. - Emails =/= DMs
Feb 14, 2019 25 tweets 3 min read
My piece in the Mail & Guardian today:
“The real tragedy is that, despite his many failures, a confluence of his strong personal brand curated and calcified in the 2015 elections,… There was a time when Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari represented something deeply special – the democratic ideal that a failed government can be punished; and that an opposition party could possibly win in a country where this had never before happened.
Apr 15, 2018 38 tweets 6 min read
This week, two major Pastors were out-ed in public making statements about tithing that are very, very easily disproved by anyone who reads the Bible simply, many who have spent years reading the Bible, and millions who testify of having the Holy Spirit. The statements grieved my spirit. They grieved my spirit deeply, not least because these are people that many have good reason to respect. I even among those faithful.
Mar 25, 2018 15 tweets 4 min read
This is remarkable. And points to something @DoubleEph has been very upset about for a while. The corruption in our system actually disproportionately benefits companies (monopolies?) who know well how to master the… We always knew it. So, evidence. Young Nigerians deserve better role models, including in business. Successful gaming a system, and making it impossible for enterprise to flourish and wealth to spread is not something to aspire to, be impressed by, or in any treat with anything but (compassionate) disdain.
Sep 27, 2017 61 tweets 7 min read
On this matter of hustling. One of my fellow fellows here, is the most amazing human being yiu will meet, and from Liberia. He is same age as me 32.
Sep 27, 2017 37 tweets 4 min read
Thread coming up on how to negotiate for payment if you're a young, talented, hardworking person. Note those last four words, plix. Offered one of my mentees a contract job for a client earlier, and I asked her how much she wanted to be paid. And she panicked.
Sep 21, 2017 27 tweets 3 min read
You know, two or three years ago, I was returning to Lagos from Prayer City, after the Power Must Change Hands programme. It's one of the only times that I went alone, and I was driving. So there was space in the car.
Sep 8, 2017 53 tweets 5 min read
This is the truth we are uncomfortable often speaking about: Nigeria's political set isn't possessed of the smart or the perceptive. It used to make mad. So angry. I lived trough the 2011-15 version of this reality in anger. But I can no longer muster anger, just sadness,