Cian McCarthy Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @MGHHeartHealth | Former Internal Medicine Resident @MGHMedicine | Alum: @UCC | Irish ☘️ | Sports fanatic
Feb 28 14 tweets 5 min read
The eagerly awaited 2025 ACC/AHA ACS guidelines were released yesterday! Congrats to @SVRaoMD @DrM_ODonoghue and all the co-authors

1/ Here are some of my takeways Image 2/ The guideline states it applies to individuals with Type 1 MI rather than those with SCAD, type 2 MI, and MINOCA. This is important as prior ACC/AHA NSTEMI guidelines did not explicitly state this.
Dec 9, 2021 6 tweets 7 min read
Session IV of #BacktoHeart21 covering all things cardiometabolic disease occuring now!

First up, @JJheart_doc discusses SGLTI2 for T2DM and ASCVD!

@MedscapeLIVE Next up @busediabetes discusses GLP-1 agonists in patients with T2DM and ASVCD!
Dec 9, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization now published!

Here are my top takeaways!


Link:… 2/ For stable CAD and left main stenosis, CABG is recommended (Class 1). PCI is a reasonable option if low-medium anatomic complexity and if equally suitable to PCI compared to CABG (Class IIa)
Dec 8, 2021 6 tweets 12 min read
Session 3 of #BacktoHeart21 happening now and covering #Lipids moderated by @FaRodriguezMD @PamelaBMorris & @DLBHATTMD!

First up @alanbrownmd covers COVID-19 and statin therapy! Promising observational data and many RCTs ongoing!

@MedscapeLIVE ImageImageImageImage @FaRodriguezMD @PamelaBMorris @DLBHATTMD @alanbrownmd @MedscapeLIVE Next up @PamelaBMorris discusses lipid lowering beyond statins!

More data to come for bempedoic acid, Evinacumab, and Inclisiran! Lots of options emerging for LDL lowering ImageImageImageImage
Oct 28, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
The 2021 ACC/AHA/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Chest Pain guideline was published online today!

Link to paper:…

Here are my personal takeaways!

Thread / 2/ First, huge congratulations to the chair @DrMarthaGulati, vice-chairs Drs. Levy and Mukherjee and the writing committee including @DLBHATTMD, @RonBlankstein @RBP0612 @labunne @ErikHessMD @docHj @lesleejshaw. Incredible work! Not an easy task to put this together..
Aug 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
My 15 highlights 💡from the 2020 ESC NSTE-ACS guideline:

1. Hs troponins recommeded over conventional assays 🧪
2. ESC 0'1 and 0'2 algorithms preferred over 0'3
3. TTE recommended for all patients. 4. If rule-out using ED algorithm but still have concern for ACS, a non-invasive modality is preferred to invasive coronary angio
5. Pre-treatment with P2Y12 not recommended prior to invasive coronary angiogram