Angela Li Profile picture
Spatial inequality, quant social sci @Princeton Soc, @PrincetonSPIA. Previously @GeoDaCenter @UChicagoSSD. She/her. Blue Ridge Mtns kid. #rspatial #RLadies
Aug 11, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
Kudos to @Uptake for writing what has got to be one of the best + most inclusive data scientist job descriptions I've seen out there:… Many things make it good... 1/n First, the job description *highlights* learning as a major component of the job! What, I don't have to know everything before I apply? ❌🦄 2/n
Aug 1, 2018 14 tweets 8 min read
I had the chance today to go back and look at some of the #rstats code I wrote for my econometrics thesis and holy heck I did project management well 1/n Image When I was trying to procrastinate on actually writing, I would just organize my work, including my entire thesis into separate R Markdown documents linked by a master THESIS.Rmd file 2/n Image