Claire Rousseau Profile picture
SFF nerd, fangirl, #TeamADHD; woodworking & gardening noob, lapsed booktuber & Hugo Award Loser³. For my sins, I work for @ManyATrueNerd. She/Her
Aug 28, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
Recording/streaming/captioning all WorldCon panels is a great idea and I am 100% for it, but in practice, I believe it's doable but there are important implementation questions to be asked. I don't raise these questions to dismiss the idea but to find ways to actually do it. (1) Obviously it'd be very expensive to do (the con would have to procure a large amount of recording equipment to capture all the items happening simultaneously). Cons would have to raise additional funds for it or divert funds from elsewhere. (2)
Oct 26, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
I'm angry & upset about @Arisia's repeated, at times willful mishandling of the situation. I believe Crystal, I admire her strength & courage in sharing this story. I'm also grateful for her honesty; there are many lessons for con-runners & safety teams to learn here. Thread. Many people do not understand how consent or personal boundaries work. People who refuse to acknowledge that crossing other people's stated boundaries is a violation cannot be trusted not to do exactly that. They do not think it's A Bad Thing, so they don't choose not to do it.