Dr Clare Craig Profile picture
Co-Chair HART: https://t.co/8NvaTOTQuD Diagnostic pathologist, lover of data, digital pathology and AI, sceptical but optimistic. Views my own not the RCPath's.
75 subscribers
Dec 15 4 tweets 1 min read
The last 4 years has been a period of modelling based on assumptions laundered through the medical literature and called "The Science".

If you thought the "real world" evidence was more reliable think again. 🧵 @Jikkyleaks has exposed a massive fraud at the heart of the covid literature.

Instead of using the difficult, fragmented and hard to collate data from the actual real world, pharma sponsored datasets which contain modelled synthetic data were used.
Dec 9 25 tweets 8 min read
Today saw the release of minutes for the working group set up to advise MHRA on the covid vaccines.

They knew the issues but ignored them...🧵 On 27th November they briefly discussed a lack of any potential benefit for the under 50s but quickly concluded that there was a favourable risk/benefit for anyone aged over 16 years!

Dec 4 11 tweets 4 min read
I have been working on the MHRA funding model today.

It's awful.

There was no money to keep the public safe.

🧵 86% of MHRA funding comes from fees.


But MHRA do not set the fees.
MHRA cannot adapt the fees to the circumstances.
The fees are set by legislation.

legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/190/… Image
Dec 1 14 tweets 4 min read
There is a LOT in common between the lockdown policies and the assisted dying bill.

Let's start with them both centring on the fear of death and both leveraging emotional appeals to justify extreme measures.

But there's much more...🧵 Lockdowns crossed a Rubicon in terms of civil rights - overturning the social contract.

Euthanasia crosses a Rubicon in terms of moral norms - again overturning the social contract.

Support and opposition to both policies has come from across traditional party lines.
Nov 26 14 tweets 4 min read
Here's a quick thread of Bad Covid Takes by the BBC.

Some are even from BBC Verify.

Let's start with mortality risk. For a man his age the meme was right (even with all the over diagnosed death).

BBC says 1%!
🧵 Image Then we had the fear mongering about food shopping - before they admitted they were wrong.

"Use plastic bags only once." 🙄Image
Nov 22 15 tweets 5 min read
This has really upset some people.

This is not about blaming individuals.

It is just pointing out the timing of societal changes and how that has coinicided with the boomers journey through life.

Was it the boomers or was it all something darker?
🧵 The Baby Boomers are reaching the end of their lives.

But what kind of society have they left behind?

Their influence reshaped life, truth, and beauty—often with unintended consequences.
Nov 20 10 tweets 4 min read
Is the cervical cancer problem a case of HPV vaccine failing or covid vaccine adverse events?

First, let's see how successful HPV vaccine has been in reducing cervical cancer. 🧵

dailysceptic.org/2024/11/19/the… Cervical cancer is caused by HPV virus of which there are many types. HPV16 and HPV18 caused 80% of cancers. Others caused the remainder and could often cause the nastiest ones.

The vaccine was against 16 and 18.

Australia started first vaccinating 12-13 year olds from 2007.
Oct 8 10 tweets 3 min read
Maternal deaths really kicked in once 2021 was included in the 2019-2021 period.

Too many mums dead since then.

The ethnic discrepancy "has decreased largely due to an increase in the maternal mortality rate amongst White women."

What are the white women doing since 2021?
🧵Image The three year rolling period is confusing. 2018-2020 jumps because of lack of antenatal care in lockdown and covid.

The 2019-2021 jump is from vaccines.

Deaths from thrombosis have doubled compared to the preceding three year period.
Oct 7 7 tweets 2 min read
This is so disingenuous in it's use of the phrase "wiped out".

New covid variant is "wiping people out"

TV doctor explains why this new Covid variant is different to the others.

devonlive.com/news/health/ne… It starts with upping the fear...

"It seems coronavirus is back, and is sweeping the world with what is expected to be the virus' most dominant strain yet. And now, a GP has explained why this variant is different, and why it is 'wiping people out'."
Oct 5 18 tweets 5 min read
The latest Pfizer safety report shows a massive cardiovascular signal

and also shows some very odd data.

Let's start with the first. 🧵 NHR and PHARMO are different European databases.

The total number of cardiovascular events of any type works out at a risk of

1 in 264 for NHR
1 in 362 for PHARMO Image
Sep 25 7 tweets 2 min read
Survey of how many people in USA were sick for 6 days or more:

2019 = 11.2%
2020 = 11.9%
2021 = 15.6%
2022 = 18.2%
2023 = 15.4%

In 2021 the USA got really sick and in 2023 had not recovered. Image nchsdata.cdc.gov/DQS/#nchs-home…
Sep 12 20 tweets 7 min read
Young people in England and Wales are still dying too much.

Here is the mortality rate (per 100,000 people) for 15-44 year olds up to week 34 each year.

Dashed orange line is the 2015-2019 mean.

A higher rate than the dotted line would occur by chance once in 20 yrs.
🧵 Image First, look at 2020.

Death registrations were below average.

This age group was at no risk from the virus. Image
Jul 17 14 tweets 4 min read

We have been throwing stones at the dam for over 3 years.

We've thrown some pretty big stones.

Today we have brought TNT.

Here is the ultimate truth 💣

🧵 People given Moderna in Czechia died more than people given Pfizer.

This was true across the age ranges.

It was true across different time periods.

Moderna was three times the dose of mRNA in the same LNP as Pfizer - it makes sense.
Jul 13 14 tweets 3 min read
New paper looks at the history of quarantine.

Many of the plague deaths were policy related too.

There is nothing new under the sun.🧵
Image "During the Great Plague of London in 1665, entire families with any symptomatic person were sealed inside their houses, with watchmen posted outside. Others could move around relatively freely, including leaving London, which is what the wealthy did."
Jul 11 8 tweets 2 min read
Croatia and Bosnia is an important case study.

The two countries are geographically very close but had very different vaccination rates.

So what happened? Image First, let's look pre vaccine.

Covid attributed deaths were far worse pre vaccine in Bosnia.

There are all sorts of variables from testing to labelling by health care staff to vulnerabilities that could account for the difference. Image
May 29 15 tweets 6 min read
It has become almost impossible to die in this country without first being injected.

No longer is the priest by the bed side reading last rites, it's the vaccinator.

I will explain below. 🧵 Image The graph shows the percentage of adult deaths in England that were vaccinated

out of total deaths in England.
May 25 17 tweets 4 min read
Moderna wants to use more of their product to further train the immune system in "long covid" cases.

They've done enough damage.

Let me show you how. 🧵

politico.com/newsletters/fu… There were a lot of sick people by May 2022.

The bank of England governor said there were 320,000.

At the time the esimtate for long covid was 80,000.

May 23 6 tweets 3 min read
The first England vaccine database was made public in April 2021.

Prior to that it was too chaotic to publish.

The key problem is that people who died after vaccinatoin before April 2021 did not necessarily have their deaths recorded as vaccinated deaths.

Email from ONS: 🧵 Image For years now @profnfenton @MartinNeil9 @LawHealthTech @RealJoelSmalley @jengleruk and others have been calling out this problem of misclassification.

Feb 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's the UN strategy to manipulate what you thought:

Image It goes on... Image
Feb 24 10 tweets 4 min read
1/9 🧵

ONS aren’t the only gov agency to model expected deaths.

OHID do too.

Their method is simpler:
1. Take average from 2015-2019
2. Adjust for subsequent population growth
3. Adjust for subsequent ageing

The difference between these models is stark. Image 2/9

The ONS have not released their data for England by age only for the UK as a whole.

To compare with OHID I took the ratio of expected deaths in 2020 and 2021 and used that to scale the OHID England estimate to all of UK.

It goes off the rails in mid 2022. Image
Feb 24 8 tweets 2 min read
I have buried myself deep in the ONS data today in an attempt to redeem myself after my mistake with accidentally including Wales in my sums earlier this week.

In brief, ONS have moved from predicting deaths based on previous years to modelling them.
It look complex but... Image it is mostly justifiable.

Each zigzag sigma symbol just means "add them all up".

The modelling calculates an estimate for lots of small groups and then adds them together.