You who love the Lord, hate evil! Ps. 97:10. And from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may STRIKE DOWN THE NATIONS. Rev. 19:15. Click 4 more
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Feb 3 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
African National Congress was not African, not national, not a congress.
In truth, it was Jewish, international, and had a Sanhedrin address.
See ##22a-b, 29 🧵👇
Andrew Klavan, Joel M. Berry, Seth Dillon, exodus_15_11, redeem_zoomer, wokal_distance, Jeremy Borering.
Marrano - is your word of the day.
Study. Learn. Get based. 2/ Let's see what this Marrano (Joel Berry) has to say about white Europeans being "naked savages."
A despicable liar from the every single time tribe that never build a civilization. But rather destroyed every host nation. Especially in Europe. Also the USA, etc.
May 31, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
1/ There, once, was a man. A man called Sulla. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. A general who won the civil war. A dictator. A savior. He understood & wielded power. Boldly.
He was a pharmacist. Sort of. He wrote eerie proscriptions. To cure the sickness of the City of Seven Swamps 2/ There, once, was a man. Some say he won the 2016 election. Others disputed it. Even called him illegitimate. He was an idle chatterer or, even worse, a misogynist about some "crooked woman." He made empty promises to "lock her up." That's about it.
That's all.
May 25, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Thread 🧵 👇
Once you realize that (in Weimerica/West) everything important is intra-Jewish (✡️ +/- ✡️) dialogue, disagreement, dissention, debate, dispute, disputation, discord, deliberation, and decision, things start making sense! 2/ You can't overcome Jewish supremacy by allying with it.
"The Russian Revolution" was neither Russian nor a revolution.
On the contrary, it was Jewish and a coup d'etat.
(From *The Series Thing They Lied You About in School.*) 2/ The Bolshevik party's leadership and the upper echelon of the regime were mostly✡️Jewish.
In 1917 Russia:
-2 out 100 people were Jews
-92 out of 100 gulag (death/labor camps) commanders were Jews
It's 4,600% overrepresentation. It's 46 times more than a normal distribution
May 23, 2024 • 20 tweets • 8 min read
1/🧵A thread 👇
Israel is not the "only" Jewish state or homeland! It's yet another big lie.
There was & still is another✡️state - Jewish Autonomous Region!
It's strategically - and cohen-cidentally - located between the USA 🇺🇸 & its enemies, Russia 🇷🇺 + China 🇨🇳! 🤔
(cont'd) 2/ The Jews planned it in 1924. The✡️Bolshevik Politburo approved it in 1928. It was established in 1934 - long before there was the state of Israel in 1948.
It's official language is יידיש Yiddish!
The welcome sign is in Yiddish & Russian. So are many street or public signs.
May 22, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1/ 🧵¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de que: 1) presidente 2) ministro de defensa 3) jefe de la oficina presid. 4) 1-er asistente del pres. de una hipotética nación cuya población judía es de 1 entre 1.000 sean TODOS judíos? ¡1:!
¡1 entre 1 billón! Cohen-cidencia... 2/ El presidente de Ucrania Zelenskyy es ✡️(Derecha) El ex ministro de Defensa Oleksii Reznikov es ✡️. (Izquierda) Reznik es un apellido de ✡️. Significa carnicero.
Los judíos ocultan sus verdaderos nombres y adoptan nombres rusos (españoles, alemanes, ingleses).
Early Church Fathers knew it. (Even Talmudic rabbis knew it.) Almost every church until 1960s taught that.
The science - biology, microbiology, genetics, intelligence, etc.- confirm it.
But 2/ Marxism/Leftism/Atheism, which hate the Lord, managed to deceive the Christians (& non-Christians).
Denying that race is a category of *reality* is absurd -biblically, scientifically, medically & in common sense.
Denying the IQ differences between races is harmful to
Apr 5, 2024 • 24 tweets • 9 min read
What are the odds that the: 1) president, 2) defense minister (past/present), 3) head of the presidential office (powerful), 4) senior presid. advisor of a hypothetical nation whose Jewish population is 1 in 1,000 are ALL Jews? 1:1,000,000,000!
1 in 1 trillion! A cohen-cidence. 2/ The former defense minister Oleksii Reznikov is ✡️.
Reznik is a ✡️ last name. It means a butcher.
Jan 5, 2024 • 61 tweets • 17 min read
1/ Thread 🧵 about Jews(!) explaining antisemitism, being better than others, being elite, having power, etc.