Clay Travis Profile picture founder, @outkick @clayandbuck radio 12-3 pm et, author, American Playbook, dad of three boys, lawyer
14 subscribers
Feb 23 5 tweets 1 min read
The most remarkable thing about people like Joy Reid, Don Lemon and Jim Acosta is they have been paid millions of dollars for years to talk on TV and yet they have developed no actual fan base. The minute they leave TV, their careers are over. Do you know how hard this to do? You are gifted an incredible opportunity to enter people’s homes and talk to them directly for YEARS EVERY NIGHT. Yet the moment you aren’t on TV, your audience vanishes. That means none of your “audience” actually likes you. It’s all just platform/network based.
Dec 18, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Alabama is begging its fans for money to pay players. Tide’s in trouble because they don’t have that many super rich boosters compared to other top SEC programs. This is why Saban retired. He saw this coming. But the current system is also untenable for college athletics. First, college teams are asking fans to buy tickets, gear, concessions, donate to the university AND PAY THE PLAYERS TOO! It’s bonkers. Imagine if you bought tickets to watch a pro team play and they passed around a hat for you to pay pro players with your money left over. It’s outrageous.
Jun 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Caitlin Clark has broken ESPN. They have no idea how to address black lesbian women hating her because she’s white and straight because it shatters identity politics so you get word salads like this: Caitlin Clark is Tiger Woods. She’s bringing an entirely new fan base to a sport. That should be something to celebrate for everyone. Instead it has broken sports media because she’s a white, straight girl from Iowa.
Jun 12, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Reminder: the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was 100% real in 2020 — they’d had it since 2019! — yet gave all social media companies briefings claiming it wasn’t real when @nypost story dropped in October of 2020. The FBI 100% rigged the 2020 election for Joe Biden. So who at the FBI ordered the rigging? They knew the laptop was 100% real. Yet they told the social media companies it might be foreign disinformation. The FBI intentionally lied! And we still don’t know who did and no one has been held accountable at all.
Feb 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Two juvenile black kids got handguns & opened fire at the Kansas City Chiefs parade, hitting over 20 people & killing one. They likely committed 20+ felonies & should be charged as adults. Their parents/guardians should be charged like in Michigan with school shooting as well. Their names have still not been released and given their race almost everyone in sports media who used this story as an opportunity to call for gun control will stop covering the story now. If a white Trump supporter had opened fire, it would still be the number one story in US.
Oct 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Experts also said they were not surprised or concerned by the findings regarding seizures among vaccinated children.” “The study also detected a small rise in the incidence of seizures and convulsions after (the covid shots) but only among children aged 2 to 5.” This is criminal Image “The analysis confirmed a previously observed risk of uncommon heart problems after (the covid shot), in children aged 12-17.” So other than giving old people and young people strokes & seizures and ruining young people’s hearts, the shots are great! Again, these are direct quotes from NYT, which shamed and bullied anyone for years who didn’t want to get these shots.
Aug 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Disney stock now trades below its price on July 14, 2014. So if you bought the stock nine years ago and simply held it, you have now lost money. Pretty incredible. Image During this same nine year period of time during which the stock price has declined, Disney CEO @RobertIger has been paid hundreds of millions of dollars by the company. So he’s personally made himself, potentially, a billionaire while making stockholders no money at all over……
Jun 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Down to the last strike at Clemson and Zane Denton just hit it out of the stadium to give Tennessee a one run lead. (This is the time of the year when I go all in on college baseball. Most underrated college sport.) Absolutely bonkers game. Headed to 11.
Mar 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Someone explain why exactly what happened at Silicon Valley Bank couldn’t happen at a ton of other banks too. It seems to me the rapid rise in interest rates puts trillions of dollars in low rate fixed payment bonds in major peril. And it sure seems like we are having an awful lot of “low probability” events happening at a much higher probability rate. Risk assessment seems way off in many of these areas. Just like in 2008.
Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I know it’s impossible for Twitter to understand this, but both the Ravens and Lamar Jackson are behaving 100% rationally. The Ravens believe they have offered Lamar Jackson more than a fair deal and Lamar Jackson doesn’t believe that’s true. So the larger market can decide. The Ravens look at the monster deal Deshaun Watson got from the Browns and believe that deal has handcuffed the Browns. Lamar sees that deal and rightly believes he deserves it too. Both are being rational. The solution? Let larger market decide.
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
So @BrookingsInst labeled @clayandbuck the third biggest spreader of misinformation in radio. That “report” then was featured on the front page of the @nytimes business section with zero explanatory data. We emailed & invited the lead author — or any other rep from Brookings — to…… First, this is, of course, a total bullshit hit job that was rigged between Brookings and the NYT. That’s okay, I’m used to them by now. But if your stated goal is to “combat misinformation” how can you refuse an offer to come on the show and make your allegations with our……
Jan 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
They just announced Joe Biden illegally kept classified documents from his vice-presidency in his possession. I’m old enough to remember when the media told me this was impossible. So much for that Trump indictment. Between Hillary and now Biden, this story is over. The only possible way to ensure Joe Biden has no more illegal documents from his vice-presidency is for the FBI to raid all of his residences and seize anything they want, including his passports. Our democracy is at stake, anything less and we could all die.
Jan 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Dr. Fauci says it’s unacceptable to ask whether Damar Hamlin’s injury might be connected in any way to the covid shot. I have several thoughts on this. First, many young, healthy people are having heart issues. That’s happening. Second, every time Fauci has said something isn’t true about covid, it has often ended up being true. These Fauci statements make me want to ask more questions about the covid shot’s connection to heart issues in young people, not less.
Dec 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
This is the single most important question surrounding covid. Big tech, big government & big media censored our national debate on covid & as a result our nation got almost everything wrong. Lockdowns, school shutdowns, covid shot mandates, all of it was destructive & 100% wrong. The biggest threat to democracy, in my opinion, is when leaders who get the most important questions of their careers 100% wrong face zero consequences for those errors because people are so committed to “their side” facts don’t matter. Covid is a perfect example of this.
Dec 16, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
This is absolutely staggering to read. The @fbi had 80 agents monitoring @Twitter and was regularly demanding accounts, which were often sharing satire and jokes they didn’t like, be shut down. Twitter was effectively an agent of the FBI. When you read history & wonder how J. Edgar Hoover ever amassed the power he did, the FBI still has that power today. Arguably even more, to spy on the American public & enforce their own speech codes through collusion with big tech. This is the biggest media expose of our lives.
Dec 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Why did @twitter immediately lock down @nypost story in 2020? Per @mirandadevine it was because @FBI hosted weekly meetings with big tech companies warning them about stories like these & claiming they were Russian disinformation.… We need a full House investigation into who ordered these FBI briefings. Remember the FBI had Rudy Guiliani’s phone under surveillance so they knew he was sharing Hunter Biden laptop with journalists. FBI actively rigged the election for Biden by spreading lies to big tech.
Dec 4, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
It has now been two days since @twitter & @elonmusk posted actual emails & correspondence of internal documents relating to the Hunter Biden laptop censorship in 2020. The @nytimes has still not covered the story at all. Imagine running a media company and making an editorial decision that documented evidence of the most significant censorship of a news story by a large American corporation in any of our lives wasn’t a story worth covering.
Dec 3, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
There is not one single article about @elonmusk or the @twitter email release last night on @nytimes app this morning. The @washingtonpost, which literally has “Democracy dies in darkness” at the top of its paper: not one single article about @elonmusk or @twitter’s email release last night. How is this possible @JeffBezos? Do you own a newspaper or a propaganda rag?
Dec 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Everything @elonmusk shared tonight about @Twitter’s unconstitutional collusion with the Biden campaign only got more extreme once Biden took office. And, significantly, this wasn’t just happening at Twitter. The Biden administration did this with all big tech companies. Democrats have spent two years claiming a few hundred people on January 6th were serious “threats to democracy” while they have been engaging in an unconstitutional collusion with big tech to rig elections. We knew it was happening, but now there is smoking gun evidence of it.
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Several thoughts on election so far: 1. Ron Desantis had a monster night. He won Florida by more than any Republican has in modern history. He won Hispanics, women, independents, suburban voters. All of them. 2. Joe Biden, if he doesn’t die, will be the 2024 Democrat nominee. 3. Republicans win the House meaning Biden’s agenda is done for next two years. 4. Fetterman’s win is the only shocking result to me so far. PA chose a man who can’t do the job and can barely speak. Truly embarrassing result.
Nov 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Nike has ended its relationship with Kyrie Irving over “hate speech” but continues its partnership with the Chinese government, which is currently committing actual genocide against Muslims. Wide open billion dollar market out there for a new shoe company that just says, “I don’t give a fuck what your opinions are on anything, but our shoes are badass.” Sell them direct online. Market them as the uncancelable shoe. Hell, I may have to do it.