Climate Defiance Profile picture
Brand-new, youth-led group using direct action to resist fossil fuels.
Jul 9 15 tweets 3 min read
14 reasons President Biden must immediately withdraw from the Presidential race:

1. He has no pathway to victory. His approval rating is 37%. No incumbent has ever won reelection with those numbers. 2. If he steps down now he will be remembered for passing historic climate legislation, codifying gay marriage, and defeating Trump. If he stays he will be remembered as a prideful, out-of-touch narcissist who stayed in the race to feed his own ego.
Jun 21 5 tweets 1 min read
There is no easy way to talk about this. A new report just came out today, finding that fossil fuel usage is at an all-time high. Coal consumption grew 2% over a year and oil consumption grew 1.6%. We are careening towards an apocalypse yet we floor the accelerator 🧵 We've been spoon-fed rosy drivel our whole lives. It is a sham. 2050 pledges are nothing but tools of delay. Multi-stakeholder roundtables are nothing but forums for mustard-stained men to dither. (2/5)
Jun 7 9 tweets 2 min read
Big update. We will shut down Kathy Hochul’s fundraiser. She just blocked congestion pricing. On Tuesday, car dealers will host a $5,000-per-plate benefit to thank her. We will show up. We will blockade. Save the date. Share with everyone.🧵 Hochul belongs in the Hague - not the Governor’s mansion.

She is a climate criminal and she must never know a moment of tranquility.

It is obscene that auto dealers wine and dine her as we die of asthma and cancer. (2/9)…
Jun 6 9 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: We just shut down a keynote address by Export-Import Bank Chair Reta Jo Lewis. She fled the stage, vacating her own convention as Ambassadors and Senators gasped. Murderous woman, incinerator of life, she has forked over $500,000,000 for oil drilling in Bahrain. 🧵 In the midsts of a climate emergency, Reta's reckless, cynical and greedy funding decision will directly lead to the development of 400 new oil well. (2/7)
May 27 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: today we halted graduation at Brown, blocking the trustees from reaching the ceremony. They just appointed infamous murderer Brian Moynihan as chancellor. An enemy to humanity, Moynihan has shoveled $333,000,000,000 to fossil fuels in his role as Bank of America CEO.🧵 Murderer Brian Moynihan has given $999,000,000 to Enbridge alone. Enbridge just finished work on the Line 3 pipeline, a 700,000 barrel-per-day tar sands oil pipeline through Indigenous lands. It emits as much carbon as all of Minnesota.
Apr 28 9 tweets 2 min read
This is Kaywin Feldman. She just gave highly misleading testimony in the U.S. District Court, demanding a climate activist be sentences to the maximal jail time possible. She reports directly to a Private Equity CEO whose company emits 277,000,000 metric tons of carbon. 🧵 Image Kaywin is the director of the National Gallery of Art. She went to court to demand as much punishment as possible for Joanna Smith, from Declare Emergency.

In her capacity as a Declare Emergency member, Joanna smudged washable finger-paint on the glass encasing a statue. (2/9)
Apr 22 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: today we share our plan with the world. We will converge on the Congressional Baseball Game. And we will blockade it. We will shut it down. We call on every good person to join us. 🧵 It is obscene that politicians play games as our planet turns to ash. 8,000,000 human beings die yearly of pollution. Our "leaders" hit balls and laugh. On June 12 we will blockade the Congressional Baseball Game. Come to DC. Join us. Signup here:…
Apr 18 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: We just shut down a gala honoring U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski is a murderer. She incinerates us to enrich her cronies. As Chevron's top lobbyist gave her an award, we stepped in and stopped the ceremony. Respect us or expect us. 🧵 Murkowski brands herself as a moderate but in truth she is an ecocidal pyromaniac. She fought tooth and nail to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to big oil.
Is nothing sacred? Is nothing sacred? (2/5) Image
Apr 15 11 tweets 2 min read
This is monumental. The most important human rights court in Europe decided this week that Switzerland is violating its citizens human rights by failing to address climate change at the speed science demands. This ruling could have major *international* ramifications (1/11) 🧵 This is a landmark, bombshell decision. It could set a major precedent and pave the way for other rulings like this (2/11).
Apr 12 13 tweets 3 min read
Big update. Big, big update. The administration just approved the Sea Port Oil Terminal. This will have four times the impact of the Keystone XL pipeline. This is hideous. This is a crime against humanity. This cannot stand. This will not stand. (1/13) 🧵 This project was just approved by the Department of Transportation, which is "led" by Polluter Pete Buttigieg. Slimy and slick, Petro Pete will sell out anyone, up to and including his own children, to please his McKinsey bros and multi-millionaire donors. (2/13) Image
Apr 8 16 tweets 3 min read
Just look up. We gaze into the heavens today and yet refuse to acknowledge - to fully internalize - that our own planet is on the precipice of collapse. The tipping point is near. The feedback loops are imminent. There will be no return. No second chance. (1/16) 🧵 Image Just Look Up. Do not blink. Do not avert your eyes. Right overhead, we spew 96,000,000 tons of carbon per day into the skies. We may end civilization in our lifetimes. We do so for soulless McMansions and $3 Walmart crop-tops. (2/16)
Apr 5 13 tweets 3 min read
No one is talking about it but Israel is eviscerating the natural ecosystems in Gaza. This could make the land uninhabitable not just for years but for generations. Up to 48% of tree cover and farmland has been torched. This is a war crime. This is ecocide. Nothing less. (1/13)🧵 Israel is burning and bulldozing tree crops at historic rates. These trees would take years to grow back - and that's without factoring in the time it would take to detoxify the soil. (2/13) Image
Feb 22 5 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: we just SHUT DOWN the "Sustainability" Summit honoring Bank of America. They've given $279,000,000,000 to the fossil fuel industry since the Paris Accord was signed. They bruised and bloodied us but we held firm. There was no choice.🧵 The event was hosted by @IFRSFoundation. The panelists didn't say 'fossil fuels' once. Their ‘SuStAiNaBiLiTy CoNfErEnCe’ staff had us shoved to the ground & assaulted. They put their hands around our necks and left one of us bleeding. Which side do you think the IFRS is on? (2/5)
Jan 28 15 tweets 3 min read
UPDATE: We just shut down Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan. We asked this top-5 fossil fuel financier a life-or-death question. He twiddled his thumbs. So we chased him off stage, then downstairs into the back office. He cowered & called the cops. Classic move, oil boy.🧵 Since the Paris Accords went into effect, Bank of America has provided a shocking $279,000,000,000 to the fossil fuel industry. This is unconscionable. This is unbearable. This is a crime against humanity. (2/13)
Jan 26 14 tweets 3 min read
This is monumental. This is utterly, utterly, monumental. On this day, January 26, 2024, President Joseph R. Biden took a big step towards banning all new gas exports. This is the most significant move any President has ever made on stopping fossil fuels. (1/13) 🧵 When you do this work, you do not often see good news. Every day stories break about wildfires and floods and tipping points and progressively more dire warnings from scientists. This is unambiguously, majorly good news. Relish it. Savor it. You'll need this to keep going. (2/13)
Jan 25 13 tweets 2 min read
Pop open the champagne. Pop open the goddam champagne. News just broke today that the President is taking big steps towards banning all new gas exports. This is monumental. This is unprecedented. Here’s what this means 🧵 (1/13) This victory did not come from Brookings. It did not come from Davos.

It came from the bold climate leaders who put their bodies on the line. Even when it was hard. Even when it was uncomfortable. Even when the Experienced Beltway Insiders urged caution and moderation (2/13)
Dec 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is huge. This is absolutely monumental. We just shut down an event honoring Exxon CEO Darren Woods. The whole room fled. We showed up & prevented this monster from uttering a word. We will resist him with all we've got. There is no choice. Woods makes $20 million/year while increasing the production of oil & gas globally. His poisonous presence just tainted COP28, where he stupidly declared that he wants to reduce the emissions of Exxon's *operations* -- as though it isn't his PRODUCT itself that's killing us.
Nov 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It is not easy to talk about this.

This weekend - for the first time ever - the world temporarily breached 2° of warming.

This is a five-alarm fire for humanity. (1/7) 🧵 Image First, the 2° warming we saw this weekend is not a long-term average. It represents solely one day. Still, this is the first time this threshold has been crossed. To breach this over the long-term would induce vast, catastrophic harms. This would likely be irreversible (2/7)
Nov 7, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
This should be in the headlines of every major newspaper.

The President is on the cusp of approving a fracked gas project with a climate impact 20 times that of Willow.

This would be a crime against the earth. This cannot stand. This will not stand. (1/9)🧵 The project is called Calcasieu Pass 2 - CP2 for short.

It would be built off of Louisiana, a state already suffering profoundly from oil spills, air pollution, and ecosystem degradation.

There's a reason vast swaths of the state are called "Cancer Ally" (2/9) Image
Oct 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Huge update. Huge, huge update.

15 days ago we confronted Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau. We called him a climate criminal in front of his peers. We chased him down multiple blocks, exposing his choice to approve Willow.

Today he resigned. Direct action works.🧵(1/7) Tommy Beaudreau wasn't just "complicit" in Willow. He is the one who personally put his name on it. He also purportedly lobbied for it.

So we shut him down five times in a single day - including on a major panel as he addressed 100s of VIPs. (2/7)…
Sep 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Fuck Mitt Romney. Literally fuck him. He is not a moderate. He is a MONSTER. His grandkids will curse him. His legacy will be dirt. He acknowledges that the world is overheating and proceeds to TORCH IT more. He has pushed us to the precipice. He has blood on his hands.🧵 As Joe Manchin held up climate legislation for over a year, Romney sat on the sidelines. He could have stepped in and provided the 50th vote at any point. As the world watched the Senate with baited breath, Romney sat silent, complicit, withholding his vote. (2/4)