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Former senior staff Senate Env. & Public Works Com. - Books: Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate & Green Fraud & The Great Reset
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Dec 1, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Get climate leadership training from Al Gore!

Al Gore comes to Europe: Become a Climate Reality leader

Seize the opportunity to become a Climate Reality Leader like me! Receive personal training from Al Gore and leading scientists and experts, completely free of charge.

📅 Next training session: March 28–30, 2025, in Paris.
Don’t miss this chance to join a global community working toward a just and sustainable future.…Image Get climate leadership training from Al Gore!

Gore's organization admits UN Paris climate pact is a failure!

"Ten years after the Paris Agreement, global emissions and temperatures are still rising, putting the world on the path to a future of devastating climate change."

A Deeper Understanding of the Climate Crisis and Solutions
Sep 30, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Energy Lockdowns Have Arrived:

Wash Post touts ‘millions of Americans giving up control of their home thermostats’ –

Laud ‘utility companies remotely shutting off’ your AC during heat waves to ‘prop up grids’ –

WaPo admits solar & wind ‘only make electricity when the wind is blowing & the sun is shining’…Image Wash Post: - September 24, 2024: Ada Garcia, a Houston homeowner, didn’t have to touch her thermostat to pitch in. Her utility company remotely shut off her air conditioner nine times that day as part of a power-saving strategy that is already propping up grids around the country as they deal with booming demand and a growing share of unpredictable wind and solar power. ...  Garcia, who was working in her home office, had no idea that Texas was teetering on the edge of an energy crisis that evening or that Octopus Energy, her power company, was waging a battle in her living room to save the grid. ...
Around the state of Texas, Octopus and other power companies raised thermostats, paused electric car chargers and tapped into home batteries in thousands more of their customers’ homes. They also paid stores, data centers and office towers to shut off lights and air conditioners and slow down their computers.

All told, Texas utilities made 2.6 gigawatts of electricity demand disappear in the critical moments when the grid was in crisis — the equivalent of a large nuclear power plant. That’s why programs like this one are called “virtual power plants.” ...

Meanwhile, supply is becoming less predictable as power companies replace polluting fossil fuel plants with wind turbines and solar panels that only make electricity when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.

Tripling the current capacity of virtual power plants by 2030 would help the U.S. grid meet rising electricity demand in a faster, cheaper, and cleaner way than just building new power plants, according to a recent report from the Energy Department. But for that to happen, millions more people would have to give companies power to fiddle with their thermostats and appliances.
Apr 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
R.F.K. Jr.’s Environmental Colleagues Urge Him to Drop Presidential Bid - Separately, a dozen other national environmental organizations have issued an open letter calling Mr. Kennedy “ a “dangerous conspiracy theorist and a science denier” who promotes “toxic beliefs” on vaccines and on climate change.… “The Bobby I knew is gone,” said Dan Reicher, a senior energy researcher at Stanford University’s Woods Institute for Environment.
Mar 30, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
YOU have no 'choice' but to submit to the climate agenda!

Watch: Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry:

‘We must accept that there is no other way forward than to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. Simply mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — is no longer a choice’ –

Vanessa is the WHO ‘Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health’…Image Vanessa Kerry: “We can and must make different decisions. We must accept that there is no other way forward than to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. Simply mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — is no longer a choice.”
Nov 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Wash Post: John Clauser won a Nobel Prize. Then he started denying climate change. - The Washington Post Image At a fiery news conference at the Four Seasons hotel here Tuesday, speakers denounced climate change as a hoax perpetrated by a “global cabal” including the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and many leaders of the Catholic Church.
Nov 14, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Watch Live at 1pm Eastern Nov 14: Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Dr. John Clauser who called climate a ‘pseudoscience’ gives his first U.S. climate speech! Plus, Morano speaks too…

Watch live from 1-3pm eastern

Oct 25, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Watch: Mark Steyn, under direct questioning by Michael E. Mann's lawyer John Williams in 2020 -

Case is just a few days away from trial in the District of Columbia Superior Court! SteynOnline… Steyn In the Dock, Part Two :: SteynOnline…
Jul 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Yeah. Just what the GOP needs!

Flashback: Arnold Schwarzenegger on global warming ‘deniers’: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!’…
‘The Terminator wants to terminate climate skeptics’…
Jun 15, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The World Economic Forum & Corporations Are Coming for Your Cars – WEF & VISA ‘briefing paper’ seeks 75% reduction in cars globally by 2050 | Climate Depot… Image World Economic Forum's May 2023 Global New Mobility Coalition 'briefing paper' "in collaboration with Visa" - The forward was co-written by Douglas Sabo, the Chief Sustainability Officer with Visa and the WEF's Jeff Merritt who is the "Head of Urban Transformation" at WEF. Image
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Naomi Klein in UK Guardian: ‘Beware: we ignore Robert F Kennedy Jr’s candidacy at our peril’ – ‘GOP-aide-turned-disinformation-dealer Marc Morano says RFK Jr. is ‘undergoing a genuine transformation over his views on the climate agenda’ | Climate Depot… Excerpt: RFK Jr.: “In my campaign I’m not going to be talking a lot about climate. Why is that? Because climate has become a crisis like Covid that the Davos groups and other totalitarian elements in our society have used as a pretext for clamping down totalitarian controls.”
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
‘How Climate Alarmism Killed Real Environmentalism’ – ‘Unites most powerful special interests in the world behind an agenda that will further centralize power’ | Climate Depot… Ed Ring: "Many of the environmental problems confronting the planet have nothing to do with CO2 emissions and, in many cases, are worsened by misguided steps being taken to curb CO2 emissions."
Jun 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Automaker Group Urges US EPA to 'Ease Up' on Vehicle Emissions Rules because they will benefit China (Reuters) | NADA… China will gain "a stronger foothold in America’s electric vehicle battery supply chain and eventually our automotive market."
Jun 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
German Gov’t Prepares To End Meat Consumption in 222-page report – Rations Of 2 burgers a month! Moves to roll out a ‘vegan surveillance state’ | Climate Depot… The government is advised to implement these radical nutritional measures as stealthily as possible. In the SRU document: “If it’s communicated in the future that cafeterias are required to follow the quality standards of the German Association of Nutrition
May 16, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
We're saved!

Bloomberg News: ‘South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions’ –

‘Unintentional…power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity’ | Climate Depot… Image Bloomberg: South Africa is ahead of its target for cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. ... Regular breakdowns of the coal-fired power plants that supply more than 80% of South Africa’s electricity mean that less carbon dioxide is being pumped into the atmosphere
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
We’re Saved! Utah GOP Rep. John Curtis is making conservative case for ‘climate action’ – Rejects ‘climate denial’ – Wants GOP to join ‘the club of credibility’ | Climate Depot… Morano responds: Desert News: Morano is one of the country’s best-known climate skeptics. Author of five books, including “Green Fraud” and “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” he’s also published the website since 2009...
May 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Watch: Morano on Newsmax TV: ‘We need Republican leadership to say, ‘Hell, no,’ to end this whole Net Zero climate scam once & for all’ | Climate Depot… Image Morano: "This is a movement to literally crush human freedom. And they’re collapsing energy, agriculture, and transportation and they’re doing at all rapidly at once, all by bypassing democracy. None of this is being voted on in Congress." Image
May 15, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
BBC: ‘What would a flying-free world look like?’ ‘Fresh fruits & veggies…would disappear from supermarkets in winter’ – ‘Huge adjustments’ in ‘supply chains’ –

‘It’s about when — not if’ | Climate Depot… Image BBC Future: “Posing this hypothetical question opens up the door to what we could be doing far more of to reduce aviation’s heavy impact on the climate. … How would this new world without airplanes affect people around the globe? Image
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Lord Monckton on King Charles: ‘The greatest threat to the world…is the Communism that the Climate King so disastrously espouses’ | Climate Depot… Image Christopher Monckton: "I seem to have been omitted from the list of those attending the Coronation. Can’t think why." Image
May 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Climate Activists Vandalizing Fine Art Are Being Funded by Leftists in Hollywood | Climate Depot… “Climate Emergency Fund has quickly become the ATM that radical environmental activists turn to fund their latest disruptions,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of the conservative watchdog Americans for Public Trust.
May 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears — A Climate Depot Flashback Report | Climate Depot… Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
May 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Bloomberg News: ‘No More Cheap Flights Is the New Reality for Air Travel’ – ‘As Climate Compliance Laws Get Stricter’ | Climate Depot… Image Bloomberg News: Airlines must have enough emissions allowances to cover every metric ton of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere on flights starting and ending in the European Economic Area, the UK and Switzerland.